Jack-Sick, accidents (requested)

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It was a rainy day today. All the Why Don't We boys were off and relaxing at home,until someone had to get sick. Jack.


Jacks POV:

My head was killing me all morning so I decided to take a nap. When I woke up I felt even worse. "Jonah!" I called out. I winced as the pain just got worse. My head and throat hurt,even my legs felt weak.

"What is it?" Jonah asked walking in. "Why is it so warm in here?" He asks. "I don't feel good." I whine stretching out the word 'good'.
"Aww,yeah you got a fever bud." He says after putting his hand on my forehead. "What's exactly bothering you?" He asks.

"My head,throat and I feel nauseous. My stomachs also bothering me a little and I feel like I can't move my body." I tell him. He gives me a sympathetic look and tells me he'll be back in one minute.

He returned with a cold wet cloth for my fever. Tylenol for my headache,fever and throat. Some sprite for my stomach and a bucket in case I throw up. Wow, I truly have the best friends.

"Goodnight bud,if you need anything call me,Okay?" He says before shutting my lights and door. The last thing I saw before I drift off to sleep.

I shoot up,my body drenched in sweat. My head pounding like a brick was thrown at it. My bed felt wet...wet? My face begins to fall as I realize, I just wet the bed. What should I do? Tell Jonah? No way,that's way too embarrassing. On the other hand though I really wasn't feeling good,at all. There's no way I'm gonna go back to sleep in a wet bed and I'm to weak to change it myself. I open up my phone and call Jonah,thankfully he answers fast and told me he'll be here in one second.

My door opens and I start to get nervous. How do I tell Jonah I wet the bed? Will he think I'm a baby?

"Hey, Bud. What's hurting you?" He asks. I swallow hard before speaking. "Um Jonah I-I w-wet the bed." I say hesitantly. I see his face get soft,softer than it already was which I thought was impossible. I begin to tear up and before I know it I had full on tears dripping down my face.

"No,don't cry bud. This happens to the best of us. Your also pretty sick so your body isn't working as well." He comforts me. He takes me into a big hug. "You feel really hot,let's go get a cold bath." He says. I nod and get off the bed. It felt weird to walk and I got really cold. Jonah turned on a cold bath and went to strip the bedding while I get into the bath. It was insanely cold but I knew it was good for me.

"Okay Jack, I put new bedding on and the old ones are in the wash.You could come out now." Jonah walks in and tells me. I get out and wrap myself in a towel. I go back to my bed and sit down while Jonah picks out some comfy clothes for me to wear. "Here some grey sweats and your grey Champion hoodie." He hands over to me. I change and Jonah tucks me back into bed.

"Hope you feel better soon bud." He says before closing my door. Truth was that I really didn't want to go back to sleep. I'm scared that I might have another accident. I know I'm probably a baby for thinking that,but I'm anyway a baby for having one in the first place. Before I can get any deeper into my thoughts,sleep takes over my body.

Next morning...

"Wake up Jack." I hear Jonah before I open up my eyes.  "How you feeling?" Jonah asks. "Mmm" I mumble. I still felt absolutely horrible. My head still pounded,my throat was still scratchy and I was shivering like crazy,probably from my high fever.

"You wanna come lay on the couch downstairs? It's a lot more comfortable than this stuffy room." Jonah offers. I nod my head and sit up,my stomach drops. "What?" Jonah asks obviously confused from my sudden change of mood. I cannot believe I wet the bed,AGAIN! Am I actually two years old or something?

"It's okay bud,you can tell me. Did you wet the bed again?" He asks with a sympathetic face.

I don't know why but I break down. Bawling my eyes out. Like seriously?! It's enough I wet the bed,now I'm crying?

"No jack please don't cry." Jonah comforts me. I still continue to cry. Like how embarrassing is this? "Don't be embarrassed Jack,remember when this happened to Zach?" He tries to comfort me again.

"What happened to me?" Just as in cue Zach walks in and asks. "Umm nothing Z, just give us some privacy now okay?" Jonah tries to get Zach out.

"Wait! Why is jacking crying?" He asks. Really? Is this gonna turn into a whole group thing? Soon Jonah is able to get Zach out and he comes over to give me a hug. "Jack you still have a high fever. Let's go get you into a cold bath while I do the bedding like last night,Okay?" He says. I nod my head as Jonah helps me out of the bed and into the bath.

I wash myself then Jonah comes in to help me out. "Come on Jack,I think your fever went down but I just want to check." He says. We get back into my bedroom and Jonah helps me get into sweatpants and a hoodie. He goes into the bathroom and takes out the thermometer. "Open up please." I open my mouth and he sticks the thermometer into my mouth. A little while later it beeps and he takes it out. ‏
"99.8°F, well at least it's going down." I shrug and start playing with my hands.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jonah asks noticing that I look sad. I am sad. I'm embarrassed. Like why did I have to do that? Why am I such a baby? I shrug again and this time some tears manage to fall.

"Shh,it's okay jack." He pulls me into a hug. "I-I'm such a baby. Why do I have to wet the bed." I cry. Jonah pats and rubs continuously on my back until I calm down a little.

"Jack your not a baby. You don't need to be embarrassed about this type of stuff,I'm here for you. This will be our little secret." He says as he takes me into his arms again. I love my best friends.


Hope you enjoyed!😀

Sorry about the bad ending😕

Please comment and vote!🥰

Also just wanted to say...

Your an absolutely amazing role model,boyfriend to Gabbie,Brother,son,best friend and an incredible dad to lavender! Hope you had an amazing birthday!💜

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