Daniel- anxiety attack

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If felt like a normal day,but was it?

Daniel woke up,It felt weird. He didn't know how to explain it.

The atmosphere around him felt different,like there was a dimmer light in the room. The world felt boring. It scared him.

Daniel was always a fun,outgoing personality. He always had a good positive mindset on the way he saw stuff.

It was never "I'm not in the mood." "I'll do it later."

It was always "lets go out." "It'll be fun!"

But today felt like "I'm tired." "I feel drained."

He felt anxious.


"Hey Dani want some pancakes?" Jonah smiled at Daniel as he took a seat at the kitchen counter.

"Hey..? DANIEL!" Jonah said a little louder after Daniel continued to stare into space.

"Oh,what,ummm no I'm fine." Daniel truthfully didn't even hear Jonah's question.

"Okay. Are you okay though? You seem a little off." Jonah looked at Daniel in concern.

"Me? Off? Nah I'm just tir-"

"HEYYYY! Good morning people!" Zach interrupted as he came into the kitchen full of energy.

"Is it just me or did Daniel and Zach switch morning personalities?" Jonah joked making everyone laugh,besides Daniel.

"Well today I'm finding out if I'll be spending Christmas is Bali." Zach smiled pouring himself a glass of water.

"Really? Your family is planning on going there for our Christmas break?" Jack piped into the conversation.

"My parents are still discussing it but they said they'll call later and tell me. Figures crossed!" He explained.

"I don't think any of us were in Bali yet so you gotta send pics!" Corbyn took a big bite of his pancakes.

"Well hopefully I'll be going." Zach smiled.

"Oh I didn't even realize the time! We gotta get going in 20 minutes for our acoustic performance." Jonah said looking down at his watch.

Daniels POV:

"Can we get all of you for a quick picture?" One of the radio guys asked as we sat down on the stools before our performance.

We all huddled around each other and smiled as the guy snapped a few pictures. "Daniel big smiles." Jon, our manager said from behind,making sure we all looked our best.

I didn't even realize that I wasn't smiling. But after we were done taking pictures I saw that in the first couple I looked scared about something. Which was weird.

Soon they started letting fans in which for some reason made my stomach drop. My hands began to shake and I could feel sweat dripping down my forehead. Just nerves. I thought and began tuning my guitar making sure it sounded perfect.

"Alright ladies,everyone take a seat so we can begin." The host of the event,who's name was Kevin-I'm pretty sure-started to quiet down the crowd of what looked like 20 girls so we could start the performance.

"...and now I present to you the guys of Why Don't We who will be singing What am I!" Kevin finished up his small speech.

I started to strum my guitar but it didn't come as easy going as it usually does. Normally I'm much more comfortable with it but for some reason my hands can't stop shaking which makes my breath uneasy hoping nobody would realize.

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