Zach-dyslexia (requested)

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Everybody always has made fun of Zach for 'dropping out' of school even though he does do online school as much as he can. It's been better for him in many ways but one of the main reasons is that he's dyslexic, He was always slower than everyone else. It wasn't to hard to hide it from the boys,he would just learn the lyrics the night before recording so he doesn't have to read it and why would he have to read in his performing career for any other reason?


3rd POV:

The boys had a big day today. They didn't have any performances or meet and greets but they had A LOT of interviews. Like 4 or 5 each one was booked for about 1-2 hours. Then they hoped to get some recording time in.

Zach was really tired he had stayed up really late last night to learn the lyrics to a new song. He got frustrated with himself when it had already been 20 minutes and he couldn't even get down the first 2 verses. He managed to finish the song though,after a solid 2 hours of memorizing it and reading the lyrics.

"Boys get down the Uber's here." Jonah yelled while opening the front door. All the boys came storming down the stairs in an almost perfect single file line.

"Let's go,we're going to be late!" He said while rushing everyone out the door and locking it behind him.

"Shotgun!" Corbyn yelled opening the passenger door. Jonah rolled his eyes knowing the rest of the boys would make him sit in the back squished.

The boys hopped out of the car in front of a big building with a bunch of glass windows. They saw there manager,Tyler waiting by the big glass double doors in the front.

"Quick boys,the first interview starts in 10 minutes." He said motioning them to come in. The boys went to the front seat to ask which room the interview will be held. "It's on the 5th floor,room 506." The young brunette lady said. "Thank you." All the boys said while running to the elevator.

"I'll take the stairs." Zach told them with a worried look. "C'mon zach there's no time,it's not going to break." Corbyn told the younger boy. "Fine." Zach answered back while walking into the 'death trap'.

The boys heard a ding and the 2 doors opened up. Zach let out a big breath of relief he didn't know he was holding in.

"Let's go this way." Tyler instructed. The boys filed behind him walking into a room that was fully set up with lights and cameras. "Hello guys,I'm Lila I'll be directing the video." The tall women with strawberry blond hair told them.

All the boys shook her hand and gave her a smile. "Can have all of you sit on this couch right here in front of camera A please." She asked politely. All the boys took their seat and waited for further instructions.

"In this video we're going to have all of you read a piece of paper with questions on it from fans on Twitter." She explained to the boys.

Zach's POV:

I felt a lump in my throat after I heard her say the word 'read', sure I have read in interviews before but they would usually warn us on what we would be doing in advance so I would practice my reading before hand.

"Ready 3,2,1 action." Lila told all of us. All of us started to do our normal introductions.
"Hey I'm Jonah."
"I'm Daniel."
"I'm jack."
"I'm corbyn."
"I'm Zach."
"And we're WHY DON'T WE."

I started to feel more hot at every moment knowing it was almost time to start the questions. Lila handed a jar of papers to us to start reading.

"I guess I'll go first." Jonah said. He pulled out a piece of paper. "What is your favorite song right now?" He easily read off the paper. How could he do that so fast? I thought to myself.

"Probably cold in LA." He answered. "Yeah same." Corbyn said looking straight at the camera. All of also nodded in response.

Jonah handed the jar to jack who was sitting right next to him. "What's your favorite drink?" He read so smoothly. Why can't I Do that? "Oh for sure apple juice. I like my apple juice, my apple juice." He started to sing. We all laughed and started to sing along.

Daniel then passed the jar to jack who made a weird face when it was his turned. We all laughed again at the jokester of the group. "What is your worst memory from a music video." He read in a funny deep voice. I wish I could do that. "Oh probably the time I fell out of a car." He said 'glaring' at Daniel. We all started to laugh as he said the whole long story.

When he was done he passed the jar over to corbyn. My palms were so sweaty. knowing I was going to have to read next. I was so nervous I completely forgot we were still in an interview and totally blocked out what corbyn and the boys were saying. I felt someone nudge my arm and quickly snapped back. "W-What?" I said confused of what had just happened.

"It's your turn." They all said laughing at my confused expression. I took the jar from corbyn and shakily took out a piece of paper. "Who," got that word done fast. "W-would." I said with a small stutter but it was okay.                 "S-u-urvive." That was a little too close. "a" that was easy. "Zombie." Wow that was good. "A-A-." Wow that's a big word. "Acopalypse." Wow that was really good. I thought but then heard laughing? I turned to see all the boys historically laughing so hard they couldn't even breathe.

I immediately got up and ran out of the room from embarrassment. I felt my eyes starting to tear and my cheeks turning 10 times more red than they already are. I hear the laughing fade as I lean against the wall my knees up to my chest and my head down. Why couldn't I just read? Why do I have to be dyslexic? Why can't I be normal? I thought to myself as bigger streams of tears fall down my face.

I felt a hand on my back. Not one,but four. "Zach,are you okay?" I hear a sweat subtle voice whisper in my ear. It was jacks. "What happened?" Another voice that sounded like Jonah. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Corbyns voice chimed in. I nodded. "B-but in private." I said with a shaky voice trying to hold back more tears.

The boys lead me to the bathroom and sat me down in a chair that was against the wall. "Alright Z,do you wanna tell us what happened?" Jonah asked me putting his hand on my shoulder. I nodded. I took a deep breath ready to tell the boys the truth, but nothing came out but tears. "Shhhh,it's okay,you could tell us when your ready." Jonah said while pulling me into a tight hug. I soon felt another 3 boys grab onto us and join the warm embrace.

I finally felt relaxed and calm. "I have dyslexia, I try to hide it from you guys by always learning lyrics in advance or something and usually I could practice my reading a night before an interview Incase but there was no warning and and I -I-." I couldn't even finish my sentence before I bursted into tears AGAIN.

"It's okay,calm down, why wouldn't you tell us about this bud?" Corbyn asked while giving me another hug. "B-because y-you would h-have thought I-I was d-d-dumb." I Said barely able to get the words out.

"We would have never have thought that,we would have helped you. We would never think of you any less." Daniel said combing his fingers through my hair.

"How about we go back in there and redo the interview? Does that sound good?" Jack asked me, holding my hands. I nodded. We walked back in there and finished the interview,this time I felt a lot more confident in myself knowing the boys will always be here to help.


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