Jonah-Broken Arm (requested)

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Have you ever broken a bone? Do you remember the pain that coursed through your body making you wanna cry or scream out in pain? Well,imagine hiding it. That's exactly what Jonah Marais did while on tour and let's just say it didn't look so good.


Jonah POV:

It was another day on tour. Waking up early,getting some breakfast, going to a radio show and some interviews,lunch,soundcheck and then the show. While meeting all of the beautiful faces that supported us throughout all of it. I could never let them down.

But today was different. How? Well it started in the morning when Tyler,our road manager woke us up.

"BOYS! IT'S TIME TO GET UP!" Tyler screamed so loud it could have woken up the people outside the bus.

"NOOOO." We all heard a voice coming from the youngest members bunk. We all just chuckled at his comment that he makes practically every morning.

"I wanna see you all out in the front of the bus in 45 minutes please." He commanded us nicely then left closing the automatic sliding doors behind him for more privacy.

"Dips on the bathroom!" Daniel yelled jumping to the tiny bathroom on the bus.
"I need it next!" Corbyn yelled from the far back of the bus picking out his clothes.

"I think we should let Zach go first just so he doesn't fall back asleep and make us all late again." I suggested knowing if Zach doesn't start getting ready now we won't have a chance of being on time.

All the boys nodded or yelled back in agreement besides the young boy who's curtains HAPPEN to be closed.

"Come on Zach it's time to get up." I say pulling the curtains away while shaking the sleepy brunette boy.

"Mmmm. Go away!" He said in his morning tired voice. He then kicked me so hard I fell back and it made a big thud sound.

Ow. That hurt so bad! My arm.

"Jonah are you alright." I open my eyes I didn't even realize I closed them. I see jack start to bend down and I then notice the rest of the boys start to crowd around me.

Here's one thing I know,my arm hurt like hell. Yet I'm not telling the boys because I know for a fact that we have a busy day and no room for errors so I man up and start to stand up.

"Yeah,I'm fine zach just kicked me really hard." I say regretting it instantly forgetting how sensitive Zach could be.

"I-I'm really sorry jo, I really am let me do something to make up for it! W-what c-can I do?" I see Zach starting to get choked up.

I put my arms around him and embrace him in a big hug telling him that I'm okay and it wasn't his fault because he was just tired.

I started to rub his back but flinched at the movement in my arm forgetting what had just happened. "A-Are you okay? I KNEW IT WAS MY FAULT!" Zach started to sob.

"No,no I think I just saw a spider bud calm-."

"SPIDER!" Jack shrieked like a little girl instantly climbing onto corbyn's back.

"I mean, I THOUGHT I saw one." Emphasizing the word 'Thought' so he can understand.

Damn. The things I do for these boys.

"Okay guys it's time to really start getting ready." I say trying to get everyone moving.

"5 MINUTES BOYS!" Everyone heard Tyler scream from the front.

At last I finally get the bathroom after all the chaos and action from this morning. I run into the bathroom and start doing my hair which takes about 2 minutes since I already blow dried my hair I was just doing some touch ups.

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