Zach- Altitude Sickness

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The skies were grey and dark and the winds were blowing making an icy chill throughout the city.

It was winter.

Yes the boys do live in LA but for them 40°F is enough to make them wanna stay inside with some hot chocolate.

But they were also extremely excited because the winter meant that they had their annual snowboarding trip together which they were beyond excited for.

Sadly the year before Daniel couldn't make it due to his surgery and Zach's family already planned a trip last year before the boys even had an idea to go snowboarding.

But this year would be different,at least they all hoped.


The flight to Colorado was a short 2 hours,especially compared to what they were use to on tour.

They were finally in Colorado,in vail to be exact.
They booked a house to stay in at the resort which was 9,000 feet in the air with a gorgeous view which Jonah couldn't wait to drink his morning coffee with.

"Wow this is gonna be the best trip ever!" Jonah said with excitement after opening up the door and putting all his luggage down.

"If we hurry up and get to bed by 9 we can get a good nights of rest and hit the mountain at 8 if we're lucky." Corbyn already planned out every second if you couldn't tell by now.

All the boys agreed and went into their bedrooms ready for a good nights of rest.


3:00 am

Zach was tossing and turning for what felt like hours,because it was. For some reason he just couldn't close his eyes which was causing a massive headache to grow.

Maybe some water would help,Zach thought after 5 more minutes.

He slowly got out of bed and quietly made his way down the stairs in hopes to not wake the others.

"Zach? Why are you up?" Zach jumped at the sudden voice which was Jack.

"I can't sleep,you?" Zach asked just as curiously after catching his breath from the scare.

"I got thirsty so I came to get some water." Jack answered showing his glass.

"That's what I was gonna do. I was hoping it will help me sleep." Zach opened up the cabinet to get out another glass then went to fridge to pour water into it.

"Anything bothering you? I mean I woke up because I accidentally had an alarm set. So your telling me you never went to sleep?" Jack asked shocked.

Zach nodded his head taking a sip of his water,which wasn't satisfying him."I have a small headache and I'm actually getting pretty nauseous but that could just be because I didn't sleep."

"Do you want some Advil or stomach relaxers?" Jack offered obviously concerned.

"No I'm fine,I'll hopefully fall asleep soon. Don't worry about me." Zach said goodnight to Jack before walking back up the stairs praying to get some sort of sleep.


4:30 am

Zach's POV:

I felt my forehead filling up with sweat and my stomach having an unsettling feeling as my head pounded like boulders were falling on it.

I felt a warm liquid feeling suddenly trying to come up my throat. I made a run for it and barley made it to the bathroom then a loud gag existed my mouth followed by a large nauseating splash.

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