Zach-Airsick (requested)

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This is a request from 5TripForever hope you like it🙃

Zach never really never got car sick or motion sickness,well yet again he still is pretty young. He's only 15 years old so he never went on such long flights or car rides but this time was a bit different...

Zach POV:
We were all getting into the car on our way to the airport. We have just announced about 2 weeks ago that we'll be going to Europe for the first time! I have never really been on such a long flight though this on is about 10 hours! I didn't really think about it to much because all I and the boys could think about was the great new sights and food and new people that we will see there. While I was daydreaming about all of this corbyn tapped me on my shoulder.
"Zach we're almost there so get your stuff ready." Corbyn said warning me. "Zach if you want I could take some of your bags?" Jonah said kindly. Oh god I forgot to mention that there boys BABY ME just because I'm 15! I really just don't get it. "No it's alright I can take my own bags jo." "Alright suit yourself but let me know if you need help." He winked at me with a smirk on his face.

3rd person POV:
The 5 boys got out of the car and took their luggage out of the trunk and started Wheeling it aside them. They checked in their suitcases, and went through security and straight to their gate.

They waited about 45 minutes for their flight to be called and when it did they tried to get on as fast as possible. When the boys got on the plane they found their seats and started to get comfortable.

Zach POV:
We just got on the plane and WOW it's small! Especially for 10 WHOLE HOURS!!! I went to my seat I was sitting between Jonah and corbyn.Of course the two oldest of the band so they can baby me I just rolled my eyes and ignored it even though they kept asking me how I was doing and if I needed anything.
"I'm fine guys! I don't need you guys to baby me!" I said with a angry whisper. "Gees okay you didn't have to scream at us."corbyn said rolling his eyes but smiling at the same time.
"I'm sorry but I can handle myself okay?"
They nodded and said they were sorry.

It was time for takeoff and let me tell you it's SCARY! I winced as the plane sped down the run way and half up into the air. Jonah saw the state I was in and gave me a reassuring squeeze. And the same with corbyn
"Thanks guys." "Anytime bud." Corbyn laughed back.

We were now in the air and it wasn't to bad. There was a window right next to us that made it a little more spacious.  

3 hours later

Well, now I'm sitting here sweating and shaking, I DON'T FEEL SO GOOD, AT ALL. I didn't tell the boys though because I knew they would just baby me and make a whole fuss about it.

Yet,at the same time I just couldn't take it anymore. I was so nauseous and a little dizzy and I was sweating and shaking,it's like I've been on this plane for 7 hours even though it's only been 3! My head was also hurting from the dizziness,I felt like a whole cow fell on me and I was suffocating to get out.

"Hey Z,are you okay?" Asked Jonah with a concerned look. I knew I couldn't lie to the older 18 year old boy,so I just gave in.
"No,not at all I feel nauseous,hot,shaky and dizzy." I said just making me 10 times more nauseous than I already am. Jonah put his hand on my head. "Your not warm,From a scale from 1-10 how nauseous are?" Jonah said while looking down at his phone, probably texting the rest of the boys what's happening.
"8" I said regretting it right away when a MASSIVE wave of nausea passed through.
Corbyn was now concerned and looked in the front pocket in the seat. He looked in their for about 15 seconds until he found what he was looking for. "Here bub take this Incase you feel like your going to throw up." He said handing me the now unfolded bag. I just nodded in response and leaned on Jonah's shoulder so I can try to sleep off the next 7 hours...

20 minutes later

I shot up and looked around frantically,I WAS GOING TO BE SICK! Jonah felt the weight of me lift off of him as he gave me a confused look but than realized what was going on. Corbyn already knew and was combing his fingers through my hair to comfort me,but that's not what I needed, I need a bag. NOW!

As Jonah was unfolding the bag for me,I started to gag 1 time than 2 times then 3 and the liquid in my stomach started to travel up into my throat as I tried to fight it down. Jonah placed the bag under my chin as I took hold of it and let the liquid fall into it. I hated it. Every second of it. I was embarrassed,sick and angry at myself as I just kept on throwing up. Jonah was rubbing my back while whispering thinks like          

"it's okay just get it all out."

"Your doing so good bub."

"Tell me when your done."

I was throwing for just 5 minutes and I managed to fill the bag up. Corbyn was getting a new one ready seeing that I wasn't NEAR done yet. I finally managed to get a break and cried into both their chests. I just wanted to be  with my mom and dad so they could make me feel better. Jonah face timed them but it was horrible connection since we were like 1000s of feat in the air.

Before I got a chance to say goodbye ANOTHER wave of nausea hits me and I instantly throw up on myself. Corbyn quickly Stuck a bag under my chin while rubbing my back while Jonah was getting of the phone with my parents.

It was warm and gross as some of the throw up was laying on me. It was all over my pants and shirt,luckily Jonah had some napkins in his backpack so he took them out slowly trying to clean me up. By now Daniel was up and talking to corbyn while Jonah let me lay on his shoulder again.

3rd person POV:
"Is he okay?" Daniel asked with raised eyebrows. "Yeah, I think he's just airsick because he doesn't have a fever  and after he threw up he stopped shaking." Corbyn answered sounding very assured. Daniel nodded and walked away. "Let me know if you guys need help." He looked back and winked.

Zach bolted up again with no warning and grabbed the bag and vomited into it. Hot tears started to fall down his face letting out quiet sobs. The flight attendant was passing by and asked if the boys needed anything. "Oh yeah if it's possible can you please get us some napkins and more bags?" Jonah asked kindly. "Of course I'll be back in a minute." She went off and came back with the bags and napkins.

2 hours later
Their was about another 4 1/2 hours left and Zach has thrown up about SIX more times! 5 out of the six times was made into the bag but the 6th time he threw up all over himself! They were now in the bathroom helping him get cleaned up. "I-I'm sor-ry." Zach said with tears dripping down his face leaving marks. "Hey.bub you don't have to be,everyone gets a little bit sick on a plane or a car every once in a while." Corbyn said while cleaning the tears off of the 15 year old boys face.

They were now sitting in their seats while Zach slept he was warn out and exhausted from the previous events. He didn't have anything in him to even throw up again.

4 hours later
The plane was landing in about 10 minutes and Zach has woken up right before and threw up,he just couldn't wait to get off of the plane.

As the boys left the plane and took a deep breath of fresh air Zach ran straight to the garbage to throw up again,it was just stomach acid but it burned his throat. The boys walk over to him and didn't say anything to him as he looks up at them he motioned that he was done. The 5 boys walked out of the airport ready to enjoy Europe even though the way there was a living hell. They just weren't looking forward to the flight back.

1507 words damn.
Haha well sorry if this sucked I'm still pretty new to this sooooo yeah😂


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