Corbyn-Depression (requested)

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Depression. One of the most overly used word out there. Many people do suffer from it unfortunately and one of those people,is named Corbyn. He always had this 'other' side to him that he rarely let out. His sad side. He can't truly even remember where it's from. Was it from when his parents got divorced? Being bullied? Hate? Or maybe it was all the small things that added up. Nobody really knows about his depression except well,himself. He had to learn how to cope with it in some ways one of the ways was with a log in his phone. Everyday he would write about his depression and hoped it would help him but not all plans go as expected.


Corbyn POV:

I'm sitting here. On the cold tile floor bawling my eyes out as I thought about today. I started to write in my log.

•May 10 2019•

Today was ruff. It was horrible. I'm homesick and useless and fat and then I'm too skinny. WHATS HAPPENING! I wish.... I wish none of this would happen. Why am I getting so much hate? Why do I screw everything up? I miss my mom. I just wanna go home, but I can't. If I tell the boys then their going to hate me and think I'm doing this for attention. I just... don't wanna be here.


I put my phone down and closed my eyes taking deep breaths. I finally managed to calm myself down just in time as I heard a knock on the door.

"Corbyn dinners here." Jack said knocking on the bathroom door. "I'll be down in a minute." I replied while standing up. I took a look at myself in the mirror and fixed myself up a bit before opening up the door and walking down the stairs meeting the boys sitting by the table ready to eat.

"Can we eat now Jonah." Zach whined. Jonah rolled his eyes "yes,thanks for waiting so patiently." He said sarcastically. We all ate in quiet while looking at our phones until Daniel broke the silence. "When are we announcing tour?" Daniel questioned. Those were not good words in the WDW house right now,none of us could agree on a date and management gave us 3 choices. Yes we are an odd amount of people and can easily vote for one but whenever we try to settle it someone ends up in tears,another ends up storming out of the room,and than there's always one of us sitting down on the couch quietly while the other 2 just stand there saying Crap about the other people.

Jonah's voting for May 15. Zach's voting for May 27,on his birthday. Jack and Daniel are voting for May 20. And of course I'm the one always sitting on the couch quietly and can't decide on one. I'm just causing all the issues. It's me.

Jonah's face went from happy to annoyed in seconds after hearing those words. He got up and motioned all of us to the couch. We all sat down very far apart from one another as we explained why our idea was better. I'm just sitting on the couch quietly trying not to screw everything up.

"May 15 guys,com'n it's the closest date and then we could just get it over with what's so bad about it?!" Jonah said trying to convince us. The rest of the boys just stared into space again as Jonah kept going on and on.

Zach got up and literally just said. "Please guys,it's my birthday!" With pleading hands. "Zach don't be such a baby it's not that important." Jack said while laughing. "But we dropped the Only The Beginning ep on on corbyn's birthday." Zach said while starting to cry. Why am I always the one to make things worst. Zach started crying,like bawling. Jonah got really mad at the other boys for doing that and stood up and went to his room to slam the door. He also took Zach with him to comfort. While Daniel and Jack stat there talking complete crap about them. Déjà vu? I think much!

This is all my fault maybe if I just picked a side nothing would have happened. I got up and ran to my room and into the bathroom and just slammed the door. I got out my phone and began typing.

•May 10 2019•

Yes,I'm writing in here AGAIN today. Nothings going right. Its so hard,I'm causing so many issues. It's my fault Zach's in his room crying and Jonah's mad and Daniel and jack are saying mean things about them. Why me? It would just be easier if I wasn't here.


I put my phone down and began crying it wasn't helping. I took out a sharp blade from the bathroom sink and rolled up my sleeve. I promised myself I would never cut, I did it once and I had to go to the hospital and lie saying I fell. As more tears rolled down my face I cut.

One cut for being useless.

One cut for being homesick.

One cut for being to fat.

One cut for being too skinny.

Before I could cut more I looked down. My arm was drenched in blood. I took a washcloth and and wrapped my arm with it and then bandaged them.

I cried and cried until I fell asleep.

Jonah POV:

I was comforting Zach until he fell asleep. I put him into bed and went out to the living room to see Daniel and Jack on their phones. "I'm sorry." I said out of nowhere. "Don't be bro,it's our faults we teamed up and that's really not fear. We both decided to do May 27 might as well let Zach do it on his birthday." Jack told Jonah apologizing. "Yeah,and now we don't have to get him presents." Daniel joked,we all started laughing.

"Hey,where's corbyn? I hope he's not mad or anything." I asked. "I think he went to his room he looked really out of it." Jack answered me.

I went to his bedroom but he wasn't in there. I went over to the bathroom door and knocked but got no response. I opened it and surprisedly it wasn't locked.

"Cor-." I got cut off by what I saw. Blood,everywhere. He was laying against the wall holding his arm with a washcloth. My eyes began to fill up with tears. I immediately call for the other boys. I looked around corbyn to make sure everything was okay. I looked at his cuts,they weren't so deep that he had to go to the hospital,they weren't even bleeding anymore.

I than saw his phone opened and if looked like he was writing something in it. I picked up the phone but was interrupted by Daniel and Jack. "OH MY GOD!" Jack almost yelled quickly covering his mouth. I picked up the phone as Daniel and jack crowded around me to also look. We started reading. We were shocked,how did we not realize any of this?! We read and read until we hit the last one. It hurt every time I swiped to see another paragraph appear on the screen.

The boys and I decided to just wait around in the bathroom until corbyn woke up. That didn't take very long after a couple more minutes corbyn's eyes fluttered open. He started crying when seeing the surroundings and state he was in.

"Shhh,it's okay don't cry please." I Said putting an arm around him while he cried into my chest. Daniel and jack just sat right next to us saying things like "corbyn we love you." "Everything is going to be okay." "Just calm down." Soon corbyn was more calm.

Corbyn POV:

I couldn't believe what just happened I cut myself and now they know. They probably hate me now. Once I was more calm Jonah asked me "Corbyn I know this will be hard but please,tell me why your doing this." I hesitated,should I tell him? Would the boys hate me?

I opened my mouth and told them EVERYTHING I never poured out so much. The whole time I could tell they just wanted to cry too but were keeping a straight face for ME.
".....A-and I t-thought y-you w-would hate m-me." I finally finished speaking. I was crying uncontrollably taking deep,heavy breaths. Jonah,jack and Daniel just hugged me so tight. "We love you,and are here for you never forget that."


Wow. Crappy ending I know😬

Hope you enjoyed.😁

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