Zach-Depression (requested)

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Not half of the feelings Zach has been feeling,how was he supposed to express it? Would people call him an attention seeker? Would the boys make fun of him? He doesn't know, but he can't hide it for much longer.


Zach's POV:

I'm sitting on the corner of my bed,the place I've been for hours,crying. I'm worthless, I'm unwanted.

If your asking, when did all this happen? Well,the truth is, I don't know. It just kinda sorta happened. Not overnight but more like slowly over time. It's not easy, I haven't really told the boys how I felt yet. What if they don't take it seriously and tell me to just man up. Or think I'm an attention seeker. What if I'm the reason the band will break up?

I'm dumb,I'm stupid,I don't deserve to be alive.  No one needs me,no one wants me. I should just leave,for good.

I get snapped out of my thoughts with a knock on the door. "Come in." I say. Why does someone want to come in,to talk to me? It's Jonah.

"Zach,dinners in-hey were you crying?" He asks realizing my tear stained cheeks. "W-What? I'm not crying." I answer unconvincing.

"Yes you are. What's wrong? You could tell me,Zach I love you and I want to make sure your okay." He tells me. He's lying,straight to my face. Why would he love me? Why would any of the boys love me? They probably wish I would leave the band already.

Jonah comes closer and sits down right next to me. He pulls me into a big hug and rocks us back and forth while leaving soft kisses on my forehead. It was fake. How could he actually care about me? Why was he doing this?

"Zach,come on,tell me." He begs. I stay quiet and let some more tears fall from my eyes. "Come on you can say. I know something's bothering you, just get it out. You'll feel better." He pleads. At this point, tears were flowing. I was a sobbing mess.

"I-I wanna l-leave jo." I sob out. I continue to cry so loud that I can barely hear what Jonah's telling me. "Shhhh. Zach please calm down." I hear him say. I just stop. I couldn't even cry anymore. I was too exhausted. "Zach,what do you mean,leave?" He asks confused and a little concerned.

"I-I w-wanna d-die jo! I-I'm worthless,n-no one wants m-me!" I sob out. Here I was pouring it all out. When I think there's no more tears,a whole new river flows out. It felt horrible. My eyes were red. My heart was hurt. My body was exhausted. All I wanted to do was go to sleep and not wake up.

Jonah's POV:

I was sitting here rocking a crying Zach back and forth. I couldn't believe what I just heard. How could he not tell the boys and I about this? My heart broke out for every sob that escaped his mouth. I didn't know how to react. I just kept repeating "Zach I love you,don't worry." And leaving light kisses on his forehead. Eventually the crying stops and I look down to see him asleep. Poor boy cried himself to sleep.

I lay him down and cover him up with the blanket. I look at him one last time before kissing his forehead. I slowly walk out of his room making sure not to make to much noise. I  quietly close the door behind me.

I hear the boys talking downstairs, waiting to eat dinner. I walk into the kitchen,still dazed after what Zach had told me. I take my seat and it was silent,until Jack breaks it. "Where's Zach?" He asks. Do I say something? Do I tell them what just happened? Should I discuss it with Zach first?

"I,um actually, Zach just told me he wanted to die." I finally confess. It went silent. Not a movement or sound. The quietest it's ever been.

"W-What?" Daniel asks in disbelief. I nod,not knowing what else to do. Jack looked like he wanted to cry,Corbyn looked angry,Daniel looked confused. Worst of all we all felt guilty. How could we let Zach suffer? Why couldn't we have caught it earlier?

We just sat there. No one ate,no one talked,no one dare moved. We didn't even realize what time it was until,Zach came down. He looked tired,exhausted,less energetic. Was this how he always was? Were we just too oblivious?

Zach's POV:

I walk down the stairs,nothing has changed. I'm still depressed. I walk down and see all the boys faces. They looked sad,guilty,sympathetic. It felt weird,out of place, different.

All the boys get up and run to give me a hug. Even though I cried my eyes out for hours, tears were still able to fall. But I wasn't the only one,it was all of us. Just standing there huddled together,crying.

It was silent,just our sniffles and some occasional sobs. Other than that,nothing. It was quiet. Until someone broke it. I can't remember who but those words stuck.

"We'll get through this,together,always and forever,we're brothers."


Hope you liked.☺️

Sorry it was a bit short but I knew if I didn't get a chapter out I would be to lazy to write later.😂

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