chapter 52

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Tighty grasping the bloodied picture in her small hands, she held her breath in hopes that the burning sensation in her chest would wake her up

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Tighty grasping the bloodied picture in her small hands, she held her breath in hopes that the burning sensation in her chest would wake her up. Somewhere in the back of her head she hoped it was a hoax. Stepping off the bed, her feet softly pressed against the floor, she slipped out of the door. Her movements were light, yet she felt so heavy.

"Dahyun-ah, I'm so sorry." What was wrong with a high school girl getting infatuated with a boy? Sure Ah ro didn't exactly like her- hence the fight- but that didn't mean that she wanted her dead. She didn't want anyone dead. Not even Seungcheol or that bitch Mina. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest, but the feeling of hurt was more painful than that of her battering heart.

Was he that much of an animal that he couldn't control his anger? Was he that tainted of a human that he couldn't offer a second chance? And you gave him the right to decide that someone's mistake was punishable by death. Dahyun was just a kid. A girl who would grow out of her bullying ways and maybe change into a wonderful adult. Regardless, her life sentence wasn't up to Jisung to decide.

Ah ro felt worse knowing that she was partially to blame. If she had handled the situation like an adult, then they wouldn't have fought. Jisung wouldn't have killed Dahyun for hurting her either. It wasn't partially her fault, it was all her fault. The sudden realization caused her to freeze. Choking down a sob, she wondered who to turn to. She suddenly felt alone again.

Heavy breathing filled the hallway, the sound of muffled cries waking the young boy. Cursing softly under his breath, he turned to find a new position that was more comfortable to drift back to sleep, but the sounds from the hallway were so distracting. Pushing himself off the bed, he sat for a while feeling disoriented.

He walked to his door, his eyes still shut. Walking out he looked around and stopped when he saw her.

"Ah ro?" She looked up at the boy and cried harder. "What happened? What's wrong?" He questioned worriedly. The sleepy edge in his voice prominent.

"I'm scared."

"What? Is Jisung not back yet?" Running his hands down his face he sighed. "Don't worry. He is probably fine. The boy is nocturnal." He comforted.

"He killed-- He killed someone."

"What?" Suddenly he wasn't sleepy anymore. "What did you say?"

"He killed someone Chenle." This time she was crying. She said it robotically. Her eyes glazing over as the guilt ate her up.

Chenle looked around and made sure no one was around before walking towards Ah ro and grabbing her hand.

"Come with me." Taking her into his room, he shut his door.

"So did he have a mission?" Chenle was confused. Jisung was his best friend; he was always assigned to the same missions as Jisung. If it was just a mission kill, then Ah ro had nothing to worry about. Mission kills were always bad people anyway.

"No. NO it wasn't a stupid mission." She explained pacing. Handing him the picture. "That's the girl that I fought with, and he killed her." Vocalizing it more and more made it seem more like a nightmare.

Chenle stared at the picture in disbelief. "Did he lose control again?" Chenle whispered, but Ah ro heard it.

"Again? What do you mean?" Chenle looked down at his feet. The image of feral Jisung from when they were kids stuck in his mind. Shaking his head. "No, it can't be. He was just protecting her." He mumbled. "He was just protecting you."

Stepping closer to Ah ro he wiped her tears. The girl was unfortunately starting to grow on him.

"Ah ro no matter what he can't know that you know. I know you have questions. I can't give you the answers to them yet. Just please act like everything is okay."

"Chenle, please what's going on? I'm scared." He shook his head.

"Please?" There was silence in the room before Ah ro nodded. She didn't understand why, but Chenle seemed worried.

"Okay, you can sleep in here, I'll go to the couch. Just act normal tomorrow okay?" He left feeling conflicted. Were the episodes starting up again? It had been years since it happened last.

Chenle laid on the couch, but didn't get much sleep. His mind was plagued with his thoughts.


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