chapter 40

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Before we get into the story please take time to read this:

Dedicating this chapter to the #blacklivesmatter movement <3. I know this dedication isn't significant, nor will it make a difference. But I want to do my part in spreading awareness on the matter. What's happening in the United States is heartbreaking and frightening. I hope we can all do our part in making the world a brighter place even in the smallest of ways.

I'm praying for George Floyd and all those who have lost their lives unfairly due to the color of their skin and the partiality in our justice system.

Stay strong guys <3

"Oh they aren't just boyfriend and girlfriend?" The doctor asked at the new found information

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"Oh they aren't just boyfriend and girlfriend?" The doctor asked at the new found information. "Soulmate you say?"

The nurse nodded in confirmation as she followed the doctor. The man opened the door to Ah ro's room which was now filled with way too many people than allowed, but the doctor was in too much of a rush to address it.

"Which one of you is the girl's soulmate?" Dr. Choi asked, pushing his glasses further up his nose as he scanned the room. Jisung raised his hand and stepped forward.

"Do you know if you have a healing bond?" Jisung nodded at the doctor.

"Well that's just great for us. A soulmate bond's healing power is much stronger than that of medical technology. Of course she won't just magically be walking because of it, but it can ease the pain and take care of internal damages. Maybe, depending on the strength, help her broken bones heal faster." He explained. Soulmates had become rare in society, and healing bond even rarer, but its power was something that couldn't be mistaken or forgotten.

"That's great news." Sola spoke up smiling towards Ah ro who had fallen back asleep a while ago.

"Nurse Kim bring another bed in here for the soulmate." The doctor instructed before turning back towards Jisung.
"You can hold her hand while you sleep. The closer you two are the better, granted you can't be too close now with all the casts and bandaids, but after a little healing you can."

The doctor checked Ah ro's vitals and updated her charts before leaving the room. A bed was brought in and soon the boys started to leave.

"Do you want me to stay?" Sola asked Jisung.

"It's fine you can come in the morning." Jisung replied. Sola was hesitant to leave, but she agreed in the end.

Secretly everyone was blaming themselves for what happened. Everyone was hurting, but they were all trying to be strong for each other. Maybe that was the benefit of having family. They hold you up when you can't even stand.

Jisung felt fortunate to have all the support even though at first he found it annoying. Climbing onto the bed he laid down and wiggles around trying to become comfortable in the small bed. His legs hanging off the end. He reached down and grabbed Ah ro's hand. He squeezed it softly and then reached for the button behind him to turn off the lights.

"Goodnight." He whispered into the room only to be greeted with the sound of the machinery and Ah ro's soft breathing. Jisung turned onto his side now facing her. He didn't let go of her small hand as he looked at her slightly parted lips. With his other hand he reached over and gently brushed his thumb over them.

Ah ro's eyes fluttered open as the bright morning rays fell onto her face

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Ah ro's eyes fluttered open as the bright morning rays fell onto her face. She scrunched up her nose, fully opening onto one eye. Groaning she tried to move, but was reminded of her condition when pain shot through her. Feeling weight on her hand she looked over and found her finger interlocked with none other than Jisung.

The boy was laying shirtless after taking his shirt off before he went to sleep. His mouth slightly ajar, soft snores leaving his mouth. His chest moved up and down slowly. Ah ro blushed at the sight of the half naked boy and turned her head. The memory of them almost kissing made her cringe.

'Gosh Ah ro good going asking him to kiss you like that.' She reprimanded herself in her head not noticing that her soulmate was beginning to wake up.

Jisung sat up when we realized he was waking up in an unfamiliar place. Tensed, but relaxed when he saw Ah ro.

"Oh." He mumbled. "How are you feeling now?"

"Doesn't hurts as much, only when I move." Ah ro explained. "You should record that reply and play it back to everyone who asks me that today." She joked. Jisung smiling reaching to ruffle her hair, but froze when his eyes caught the white wrap around her head. He sighed and sat up all the way.

"Get used to it." Their conversation was cut short when the door was knocked. A nurse entered and checked Ah ro's blood pressure and temperature. Asking if the young girl was feeling okay.

"I am going to give you a sponge bath now. Want me to send your boyfriend outside?"

"Uh we're not-" Cut off, Ah ro looked at Jisung who began to speak.

"I want to stay and make sure she's okay." He looked at Ah ro who was giving him an 'are you crazy' look. "I won't look." He shrugged, walking to the couch and facing away.

"Okay sweetie, let me know if anything hurts."

She began by untying Ah ro's hospital gown after helping her sit up. Ah ro wasn't completely naked underneath. Her torso was dressed in bandages. The nurse dipped the sponge into the water and began wiping Ah ro's legs where her skin wasn't covered by casts. She repeated the same up to her arms. Accident pushing to hard on her sprained arm, Ah ro winced in pain.

Jisung couldn't help but look over when he heard her sounds of pain.

"What's wrong are you okay?" He said walking up to her. He was unfazed by her lack of clothing. His eyes never leaving her eyes, but Ah ro was beyond embarrassed. Her face turning bright red as she screamed at him to turn around. It sent her into a fit of coughing which made her hurt even more. Jisung stepped in front of the nurse and cupped the girl's face in an attempt to calm her down.

"Shhh. It's okay. I don't care." Jisung spoke softly. His mouth then curved into a slight smirk, "I would have seen you sooner or later." Ah ro's eyes widened even more.

She wasn't even fully named her chest was covered with a bandeau after the nurse had removed the bandaids to put on a new layer of dressing and she had underwear on, but to Ah ro she was fully vulnerable.

After Ah ro had calmed down, Jisung went back to the couch and turned his back. Even though he didn't care, he wanted to respect Ah ro.

"Okay honey. You're all set. I'm going to give you your painkiller shot and then I'll check up on you in a couple hours okay?"

"Sh-Shot?" Ah ro's voice wavered.

"It won't hurt I promise." The nurse pulled out a huge syringe filled with clear liquid. Ah ro gulped, it wasn't like she could move away or anything. Ah ro squeezed her eyes shut, but opened them again when she felt something warm hold her hand. Jisung was back by her side, holding her hand.

"Scaredy cat." He teased sticking his tongue out. 

I hope you enjoyed :)))


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