chapter 42

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They had taken her to an eye doctor for a more detailed examination, and had received bad news

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They had taken her to an eye doctor for a more detailed examination, and had received bad news.

The day Ah ro was supposed to go back to school was spent inside four walls; they ran tests and did examinations only to conclude that her eyesight was in fact deteriorating. And Ah ro only had one thing to ask before she would lose it all:

"Take me to the beach, I want to see the sunset."

Taeyong rented a huge bus, going all out for what could possibly be Ah ro's last trip before her world would go black, although all the boys would rather get revenge on SVN right away, Ah ro's recovery seemed more important to them all.

The bus was filled with chatter. Everyone was either talking or on their phones, but Ah ro's eyes were trained out the window.

The seventeen year old girl, watched as the colors of the trees and sky all merged into one creating a beautiful collage of colors in her head. She felt pity for herself. She never appreciated being able to see, and now everything looked like a blob of colors. Resting her head against the cool glass, she let out a sigh. Sure she was excited to go to the beach, but she doubted they'd let her near the water. And the sunset would just be a yellow hue to her.

'Be thankful.' She reminded herself.

Jisung was sitting a couple seats behind Ah ro with Chenle. They were both playing video games on their phones, but every now and then Jisung would glance up at Ah ro. He lost for the tenth consecutive time, but his focus was mostly on his soulmate. He could tell she was upset, but he wasn't sure how to make her feel better. Standing up he pushed Chenle and stretched in the aisle.

"Bro one more round." Chenle begged knowing his friend was going to go sit with Ah ro. Jisung ignored him and walked up. He waited for her to notice him so he could ask to sit, but she didn't.

He sighed and sat down beside her.

"Why're you so sad?" It was almost as if it pained Jisung to be nice because he quickly threw in, "You look uglier."

"I am just tired." She mumbled. After a month of sleeping beside Jisung, it was safe to say the two had gotten more comfortable with each other. Ah ro moved her hand onto the arm rest and felt around for Jisung's hand. When she found it she intertwined their fingers and rested her head on his shoulder. Jisung held his breath. Sure it wasn't unusual or rare anymore, but it still made his heart flutter every time.

He looked down at her to see she had already closed her eyes. Tightening his grip on her hand, he too rested his head on top of hers.

Ah ro soon fell asleep, the talking in the background, turning to white notice as the soft rocking of the bus flew her further into dreamland. Her breathing evened out, her chest rising and falling rhythmically.

"I'm sorry Ah ro. This wouldn't have happened if I was there to protect you." Jisung whispered out. His lips brushing gently against her temple where he placed a small kiss. "I don't deserve you."

They arrived at the beach a few hours later

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They arrived at the beach a few hours later. Ah ro could feel the tension. She could tell that everyone was reluctant to have fun with her around and it made her feel worse. She hated that they saw her differently now.

"You know you guys can go have fun right? This is fun for me." Ah ro said trying to sound as happy as she could. Her fake smile convincing everyone.

Sitting in the chair, she watched the girls go into the water with their soulmates and a few of the other boys, while the rest went to play beach volleyball.

Ah ro's leg had healed and the cast was taken off, but she wasn't allowed in the water because of her concussion and eyesight. She felt a presence beside her. She squinted at the boy beside her. Thinking it would be Jisung, she was surprised it wasn't.

"Ten oppa! Why aren't you playing?" She tried her hardest to fake enthusiasm.

Ten sighed glancing at the younger girl, before turning his attention to the crashing waves.

"You don't have to fake it with me Ah ro. I guess I can say I know how it feels." Ten spoke. His usual harsh tone was much softer and more comforting.

"My soulmate-" His voice cracked.

"I heard what happened when I got kidnapped. You're really strong oppa." Ah ro said softly. "And I know you still blame yourself, but it wasn't your fault."

"She died after getting tortured by SVN. I could have saved her. I could have." Ten couldn't help the tears rolling down his face. "I should have."

Ah ro felt around for his hand and placed hers on top of his giving it a tight squeeze.

"It was not your fault." Ah ro repeated. "What was her name oppa? Tell me about her."

"Seulgi. Yoon Seulgi." Ten harshly wiped his tears, sitting up straighter as he forced himself to finally think about her.

The boy never got proper closure. It was his soulmate who died, but Ten's soul had died with her. Five years had passed, but he repressed all memories of her; today he was finally opening up.

"She was probably as tall as you. She was a pre school teacher, loved kids." He scoffed as a smile smile made its way to his lips. He continued to empty his emotions. His smile growing more and more.

"I wish I had known her."

"She would have loved you." Ten admitted smiling at the girl. "I'm sorry Ah ro. I came over here to comfort you, but here I am. And I'm sorry for being a dick bag before too." He said chuckling.

Ah ro laughed. "Hey, no harsh feelings here."

"What I wanted to say to you was that, I'll be here for you Ah ro. Like a brother I guess. Because I know Seulgi would want me to." Ten blushed at his emotional words, it felt foreign to him, but it also felt right.

"I'm glad. You can't stop living because you lost her, you should live for the both of you now." Ah ro said cheekily giving Ten a huge smile. The older boy ruffled her hair smiling back at her.

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