chapter 18

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The last thing that Ah ro remembered was being in the back of her kidnapper's car, but even that memory seemed hazy

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The last thing that Ah ro remembered was being in the back of her kidnapper's car, but even that memory seemed hazy. Ah ro attempted to become aware of her surroundings without opening her eyes. If she was in the possession of her kidnappers and it wasn't a nightmare then if they were aware that she was awake she could be putting herself in danger that her unconscious state protected her from.

Her fingers felt the material under her. Ah ro figured that she was on a bed. Her head resting on a soft pillow. At first it didn't occur to her what a bed could mean but then it dawned on her. Eyes fluttering open, she looked down at herself. The sudden brightness began the forming of a migraine, but she ignored it tearing the blanket off of herself.

Ah ro found herself in just a long black t-shirt. Maybe it was her vivid imagination or her avid interest in crime that led her to conclude the worst: her kidnappers took advantage of her.

Repeating to herself not to cry and show weakness didn't seem to work because her eyes had already welled up with tears that soon began Niagara falling down her face.

The room was probably double the size of her room. The bed against the wall in the middle of the room. On either side of the bed, there were two large windows, then across the bed was a desk with a bunch of computers. The room suddenly seemed colder.

The door to the room opened revealing a tall man who looked rather frightening. He remained expressionless as he looked at her. His shirt was only buttoned up half way and his hair was wet.
"You're up? Good now we can get to the fun stuff." His voice was slightly raspy. "Let me help you up." He stepped further into the room walking closer to her.

Ah ro shuffled back in fear. Her heart rapidly beating, as she pulled her knees up to her chest. She tucked her head in and began sobbing. She was only 17 and this was the most frightening and traumatic thing to happen to her in her life so far.

She felt the man touch her shoulder which made her jolt away. She screamed out pushing herself off the bed. Her mind was blank. Harshly crashing in the wall she crumbled down against it. Screaming in hopes that someone would hear her and save her from this man who wanted to ruin her life.

Jisung was in the kitchen with the rest of the boys when he heard Ah ro scream. It was so shrill and filled with terror that Jisung thought someone was hurting her. He pushed his chair back, sending it crashing down onto the floor. Without much of a thought, he ran out of the kitchen and raced to the living room where the staircase was located. Looking over his shoulder he found Taeyong running up behind him as well. They both turned the corner and threw open the door to find Johnny standing near a crouching Ah ro who was no longer screaming but shaking like a wet dog. Johnny's face was stricken with panic.

"I didn't do anything." He said softly as he walked closer to them.

Jisung felt panicked and helpless. What was he supposed to do? He just stared at her in hopes that she'd stop shivering and crying. He looked over at his hyungs for help, but Johnny shrugged and stepped back in surrender. Jisung looked back over at her feeling lost. He felt someone nudge him and looked over at Taeyong who was mouthing that she should go to her.

"What do I even do?" He whispered, incredulously.

"Hug her." With that Taeyong pushed his youngest member forward. Jisung awkwardly stumbled forward. Clearing his throat, he walked up to the frightened girl. He looked back up at his hyungs for help only to receive cold glares from them both.

Sighing Jisung crouched down beside her. He wasn't used to being gentle, nor did he ever have to be before, so roughly he grabbed her hands and pulled them off her face.

Ah ro's breath hitched at the sight of her soulmate. Feeling both confused and relieved she blinked wondering if her mind was playing tricks on her.

After she was certain that the brown hair boy in front of her was in fact her soulmate she leapt forward tackling him in a hug. Jisung froze not used to affection like this.

Ah ro threw her arms around his neck causing him to lose his balance and fall backwards. Ah ro seemed to just melt into the frozen boy, with her face tucked into his neck. She took in his scent. Jisung awkwardly hoovered his arms above before slowly placing them on her back. With that Ah ro tightened her arms around his neck.

"Jisung-ah I thought," swallowing the lump in her throat she continued. "I-- you saved me." Jisung awkwardly laughed trying to now pull her off but her iron grip didn't loosen.

"Yeah I know." He mumbled feeling the back of his neck get warm. The warmth crawling up to his ears and face.

"Ah ro I know you're uh happy to see me, but can you get off of me now?" It was Ah ro's turn to feel embarrassed. She pushed herself off and sat up. Jisung copied her actions and looked to where his hyungs were standing. They were no longer there.

"What happened? The last thing I remember I was in someone's car."

"Yeah and then me and my hyung came and saved you." Jisung widened his chest trying to show off to Ah ro although the rescue itself was rather anticlimactic.

"So where are we?"

"NCT's gang house." Ah ro nodded looking over at him. She couldn't explain why she felt so safe with him around when minutes ago she thought that the man was going to - well- rape her. Not knowing how else to show her gratitude, she leaned forward and awkwardly pressed her lips to his cheek.

"Thank you." she whispered.

WHOA a KISS? It is moving too fast? Should we slow things down?

What do you guys want to see happen between them? Should Jisung warm up to her more or should he go back to hating her guts?

Anywho; stay safe, stay positive, and I love you all!

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