chapter 39

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"She's asleep now so only one person at a time can go

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"She's asleep now so only one person at a time can go." The doctor informed. It was the next morning and over night Ah ro has become more and more responsive. The was off the ventilator which was a huge relief. The hallway was once again filled with the members as they all waited for the good news.

"Go ahead Jisung." Taeyong prompted the boy to enter the room He had only gone in there once for 5 minutes last night.

He let out a shaky breath as he took in her appearance. Her eyes were of course closed and she looked peaceful. Jisung pulled the chair closer to her and put his hand over hers.

The right side of her face was bruised from where Mina had punched. Her right arm was broken and her left arm was bruised. Her right leg was broken and her knee had gotten crushed. When she gained consciousness, she would have to go through reconstructive surgery. Her left leg was cut up and bandaged just like her head. Her ribs were broken and bruised. Her sternum bruised. She had a concussion. They don't know how it affected her eyes yet and they doubt she'll be able to walk normally again. But covered in this blanket, Jisung could pretend she was alright. He could overlook the bandages on her head and pretend it was a crown. He could pretend she had fallen asleep and that he was waiting to annoy her after she woke up.

He was exhausted and rested his head on his arm. Slowly drifting into sleep. Feeling at peace with her close by.

Ah ro slowly started becoming aware of the pain

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Ah ro slowly started becoming aware of the pain. It was coming from every where. She felt like she was laying on pins. She wasn't sure where she was or what happened, but the pain was for sure. She tried to escape her vegetative state, but was stuck. Like she was tied up and couldn't move even through she knew that she could. Slowly wiggling her fingers she fought to open her eyes. Her eyes fluttered open and at first all she was darkness.

Jisung woke up when he felt movement. The hand he was holding, Ah ro's fingers had wrapped around his. Pushing his chair back he sent it crashing into the ground. Reaching over he pressed the call button and hovered over Ah ro.

With one arm he stroked her head and with the other he held her hand.

"Ah ro." He called softly. It was foreign to him, but this feeling and what he was doing felt right.

Ah ro opened her eyes but all she could see was black spots and she wasn't able to move. The door to her room burst open and Jisung was pushed aside as the doctors began examining her. It took almost an hour. Everytime the girl blinked her vision got a little better. Her breathing began to stabilize and she was finally starting to hear things more clearly.

"Hi Ah ro, I'm Dr. Choi. I'm going to ask you a few questions okay? I need you to move your fingers if it's a yes"

The man spoke as he shined a flashlight into her eyes looking to make sure he couldn't see any damage.

"Can you hear me clearly." Ah ro tried to nod but found herself stuck so she complied and moved her index finger ever so slightly.

"Can you see?" Ah ro moved her finger.

"Can you see clearly?" Once again she moved her finger.

"Are you able to breathe freely?" The girl twitched we ginger again.

"Do you know who you are?" Jisung held his breath waiting for he answer and only released when she answered yes.

"Do you remember what happened to you?" Ah ro hadn't tried to think about what put her in this position, but the memories came rushing back to her. Closing her eyes tightly she felt warm tears flow down the sides of her face.

"Yes." She spoke for the first time. Her voice was barely a whisper and if the room wasn't dead quiet, they wouldn't have even heard her. It was hoarse and sounded painful.

"Thank you Ms. Ah ro." He turned to Jisung with a smile. "I'll discuss everything with the guardians outside and give you two some time together." The doctor patted Jisung's back before leaving.

Jisung stepped forward slowly. He grabbed her hand and stared at her. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to say.

"H-Hana?" Her pained voice whispered out. Jisung sighed even in her half alive state she wondered about her friend.

"Hana's okay." Jisung smiled at her squeezing her hand.

"How about you Ah ro? Are you okay?" Ah ro tired to smile but she couldn't. She just closed her eyes hoping the pain meds would kick in soon.
"I was really worried about you. I mean everyone was worried."

"Sorry." She whispered. She knew that if she had taken a second to think it through. And decided to tell Jisung that all of this would have been different. She would be okay and so would Hana. Worst of all, if she had been smarter or stronger, Minghao would be alive.

Jisung looked into her mournful eyes and leaned down towards her. He pressed his lips against her forehead.

"I'm glad you're alive Ah ro." He backed away and wiped her tears. "I will never let you get hurt again. I promise you." Ah ro's lip quivered. She was so emotional. Before this she hated seeing Jisung, but right now she was so happy to see him despite all her other feelings.

"Jisung, kiss me." Her voice was too quiet and hoarse for Jisung to hear.


Ah ro fought the pain she felt in her throat and chest as she spoke. "I want you to kiss me." She whispered as loud as she could.

Jisung smiled softly and leaned down yet again.

His lips brushed against Ah ro's lips.

"AH RO!" The door burst open revealing Hana, Sola, and Jihyo.


But Wattpad's most delayed kiss is getting even more delayed hehhe.

But the bitch is awake YASSS!


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