chapter 5

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Minghao POV

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Minghao POV

I felt my heartbeat quicken as Seventeen's headquarters came into view. Although I wasn't the youngest, I was deemed the most useless. The members were nice and all, but I know that everyone thinks I'm only in the gang because of my dad not because I actually have skill to offer.

But today that was going to change. I have insight. I know something that no one else knows. I know Park Jisung's soulmate.

Wait what was her name again?
Hani? Hana?
No that's the friend.
Ah? Ahro? Ahra? No no.
It is Ahro!

I crashed straight into my best-friend in the gang as I raced along with my mind.
"Minghao?" Vernon's voice came out concerned. I mean I did just run into him when he was clearly in my line of sight.
"Follow me!" I didn't wait for a reply before I took off running in the direction of the main room.

There was a meeting going on inside, but I couldn't wait. I felt myself reach for the door even though I know that I'm getting in trouble for disrupting.

Everyone's heads snapped towards me when I threw the doors open.
"Erm... I have news."
"Can it wait?" Seungcheol sounded annoyed.

"No, no it can't."

"This better be good." My father's voice came from the back of the room. I cringed wishing I knew he was in here before i interrupted. Well now or never right?

"Park Jisung got his Soulmate today. But he doesn't know who she is, but I do. And she has rejected him."

Everyone in the room visibly leaned forward.
"Well who is she?" Hoshi asked.
"Uh her name is Ahro."
"Last name?"
"I don't know... Sorry." My head began turning downwards. Even in my success they find flaws.

"No that's okay. Even the first name is good enough." Seungcheol reassured.

He gestured for the door. Asking me to now leave. I was confused. They weren't even gonna let me be a part of this? The information that I brought to them? I turned leaving, slamming the door behind me.

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