⋆𝒷𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓎...⋆

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A few weeks had passed and Laurie's trial was well underway, she'd been let out of the hospital a couple of days after she'd been told about the charges. She was staying at a nearby hotel, she refused to stay in the house with Andy- which was understandable. But Y/N could tell that it was taking a toll on him.

It wasn't too great at home with Andy, he'd been pretty distant and Y/N could tell that he felt bad about his wife going to jail. But Y/N knew that Andy knew he was doing the right thing. After all, Jacob was his son and Laurie had tried to kill him.

But Y/N was trying not to think about the stress of the trial and the mess Andy was- she was too busy focusing on the fact that Jacob was getting out of hospital that day. Finally.

His leg was still pretty broken and he was walking around on crutches for the time being and sometimes he felt faint if he was walking around for too long-- but he was well enough to go home, and that was all that mattered to Y/N.

He'd been practicing walking on his crutches for a few days, Y/N had gone on walks with him around the hospital while they talked about anything other than Laurie's trial. From movies they'd watched to trying to figure which celebrities some doctors and patients looked like. Jacob had never agreed with any suggestions Y/N had made, but he laughed at them anyway. She could tell that he just enjoyed walking around with her and being out of his hospital room.

Y/N had picked up a change of clothes for Jacob so he could change out of his hospital gown and then she stood by the front door- waiting for Andy to come downstairs and drive her to the hospital.

And then he walked downstairs, looking slightly more dressed up and happy than he had in a while. Y/N guessed that he was pretty happy about his son getting out of hospital. He smiled a bit at her and then opened the door, gesturing for her to walk out first. "Come on, kiddo, let's go and get Jake."


Maybe an hour or so later, they were back at the house. Andy walked ahead of them to open the front door as Y/N walked along side Jacob to make sure than he wouldn't slip on the steps as he walked up them. But he didn't slip, which was lucky- seeing as it had been raining.

Y/N watched Jacob's face screw up in concentration with every awkward little hop that he took- it was cute- not the fact that he was unable to walk but.. she couldn't describe it, it was just cute in her opinion.

Once they'd gotten back inside, into the warm, Andy had immediately perked up and he put Jacob's bag down on the counter before turning to look at Y/N and Jacob. "Do you guys want to order pizza? A 'welcome-home' treat?" He asked and smiled.

Jacob gave a small nod as he headed over to the stairs before looking at the steps and the awkward turns- sighing. "Fuck me.." He muttered under his breath as he looked at the steps in defeat.

Y/N glanced at Andy who looked at his son sympathetically before he smiled a little. "Well, you may be almost as tall as me now- but I reckon I could still carry you." He chuckled softly as Jacob looked over his shoulder and shook his head.

"Absolutely not, no, dad-" Jacob argued as Andy approached him and picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder. Jacob looked at Y/N, red with embarrassment as she laughed hysterically. Andy carried Jacob up the stairs as Jacob howled at him to put him down.

Y/N laughed and picked up Jacob's crutches that he'd left on the ground before following them back up stairs. She giggled at the sight of Jacob hitting his dad's back in objection.


Later that evening, Jacob was sitting on his bed with his broken leg propped up on some pillows while Y/N sat next to him. A movie was playing on the TV screen and Jacob had his head leaning against hers. Y/N smiled softly and thought about how badly she wanted to move away and just live somewhere nice and quiet- somewhere where nobody knew about Jacob and the trial.

"Y/N?.." Jacob asked quietly as he kept his gaze on the movie.

"Yeah?" She asked him, him suddenly talking interuptting her trail of thought.

"How long do you think mom will be put away for?" He asked her nervously.

"Long enough for us to get away from here and change our names so she can't find us." She joked and looked at him, his eyes shining in the light from the TV screen. He smiled softly at her and took her hand into his.

"You could change your name to Y/N Barber, she'd never find you then." He smiled at her, laughing a little.

"Well if Andy adopted me then we wouldn't be able to, you know.." Y/N trailed off, trying to figure out how to end the sentence.

Jacob chuckled and shook his head, "You know, there's another way you could become a Barber." He suggested and Y/N looked at him and laughed, nudging his arm gently as she giggled.

"Oh shush." She told him and leaned her head against his shoulder, smiling softly. He smiled too and leaned her head on top of hers. In his mind he pictured a big house with a huge garden, out in somewhere sunny.

Somewhere with a good school, so he could catch up on all of his work and somewhere with some good cafés- he always loved dragging Y/N down the street with him in the evening to grab some doughnuts.

And yes, as much as he hated it, he'd always have that darkness in him. He'd always be a few moments away from giving into it, letting it take over and give him the confidence to do terrible, terrible things..

And over the past year, he'd learnt just how easy it was to give into it and what, exactly, it could give him the urges to do.

Of course, he'd never admit what he'd done to anyone.. he'd let them keep on believing he was just simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the way he saw it.. it was just one less asshole in the world- he'd done them all a favour.

He smirked as he looked down at the girl sitting next to him. And then his thoughts changed.. he'd done a bad thing- the darkness in him didn't give him confidence, it was ruining him. And he'd have to learn to control it..

Because who knew who else might be hurt.

*deep breath, deep breath*
That's the end of the story-


I don't know what to say, I'll probably edit this like a million times but wow.

I never thought I'd actually finish this story but reading all of your comments just motivated me to keep on updating. And I'm sorry I ended the story like this but I wanted to end it on a dark note because it was a dark story (:

Okay I should probably just wrap this little thing up before I cry. I've loved writing this story, it's honestly been so great to wake up to so many comments everyday and I've loved seeing how excited you guys are when I update awww <33

I'm not sure how great my next story will do but I hope you guys will like it as much as you liked this one! Feel free to follow me so you can get notified when I publish it!

I love you all so so much, I'm so thankful to each and every one of you (:

My instagram is schnappx.aep incase any of you wanted to message me <333

ɢᴜɪʟᴛʏ ᴀꜱ ᴄʜᴀʀɢᴇᴅ ➸ Jacob BarberWhere stories live. Discover now