⋆𝒷𝒶𝒹 𝒷𝑜𝓎⋆

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Y/N sighed softly as she finished the rest of her ice cream, listening to Derek's story only made her feel more embarrassed.

"So you saw me naked too?.." Y/N mumbled, not really wanting anyone else in the parlor to hear her. Derek nodded and rubbed her arm reassuringly.

"Yeah.. I did. But I didn't jack off to them like Jake did." Derek joked and smiled, trying his best to cheer her up. It didn't really work, but she appreciated him trying. She gave him a small smile before looking back at her empty bowl of ice cream.

"I can't believe he'd do that.. it's just so creepy. The thought of him doing.. that while looking at photos of me just makes me feel weird.." Y/N told him as she pushed the bowl to the side and rested her head in her hands.

"Yeah I know, I was pretty freaked out when I realised. It's just Jake, though, he's weird like that. But uh.. I mean, I know it's not the first time he's thought about you in that way." Derek admitted and looked at her, trying to think of a way to word it without making her feel uncomfortable. He didn't want to make her feel any more embarrassed than she already was.

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked him. She felt like this was a tea-spilling session, which it was. As much as it was making her feel uncomfortable, she also liked being able to talk to someone who knew this side of Jacob. She only hoped Derek didn't have any other things on Jacob, she didn't think she could hear another thing.

"You sure you want me to tell you?" Derek asked, scratching the back of his head. He didn't want to tell her more than she could handle but he knew she deserved to hear about it. Y/N nodded in response and looked at him.


Derek was in his room, video games blaring though the room as he sat cross-legged on the floor. Jacob was sleeping over his house and they'd been playing games for hours. Jacob scrunched his face up in frustration as he played, "Come on, come on!" He threw the controller down as Derek beat him. Derek whooped and through his hand up in the air.

"Once again, I win." Derek boasted as he leaned forward to turn off the games console, figuring they'd been playing for long enough. Derek moved over to his bed and flopped onto it as he got out his phone and flicked through instagram. Y/N had just posted.

It wasn't anything bad, just a selfie. Derek liked it before looking over at Jacob, he was looking at the post too. But he didn't just like and scroll last like Derek had. Jake was staring intensely at the photo, zooming in on it. Looking at every detail. Derek coughed a bit "You gonna like it or what?" He joked and sat up a bit.

Jake continued to look at his phone, "The things I'd let her do to me.. dude you have no idea." Derek looked away awkwardly before looking back at him and giving a nervous chuckle.

"Uh, isn't she like- your best friend?" Derek asked, but it wasn't so much of a question- he was really just trying to remind him.

Jacob nodded as he zoomed back out of the photo and clicking on her account and looking at the photos of her that he'd seen so many times before. "Mhm, exactly. I think it increases my chances of her letting me tie her up and fuck her senseless, right?"

Derek furrowed his brows, was he really saying all of this? "I don't think it increases the chances at all, besides, I don't think she'd like that. You know all that stuff you see on that website doesn't actually.. feel good."

Jacob shrugs, "Doesn't matter, looks fun. I'm sure she'd do it if I asked. She lets Ben do anything he wants to her. She'd totally let me slip inside her."

"Dude-", Derek opened his mouth to tell him off, to stand up for Y/N and tell Jake to stop talking about her like that but Jacob just turned his phone off and turned around, smiling.

He wasn't being all weird and dark anymore.. and it was just Jake again. So he closed his mouth and helped Jake choose a movie.


Y/N sighed listening to the story, feeling her stomach start to turn. "Shit.. he really said that?" Y/N looked at Derek and frowned. Derek reluctantly nodded.

"Yeah.. he did."

"Oh.." Y/N whimpered a little, she couldn't believe it. Well, she wanted to not be able to believe it. But after finding out about the pictures of her, it didn't seem too far of a stretch. Derek rubbed her back gently as she sniffled. "I just.. I never.." Y/N swallowed and tried to get her sentence right, "I never thought he'd do that. We've always just been cute best friends, we've hardly ever talked about that stuff. And that's saying something, we've been friends since we were 3 years old!" Y/N let out a choked sob as she buried her face into her hands, "He really does think I'm a slut, doesn't he?"

Derek sighed and tried to comfort her, "I'm sure he doesn't.."

"Well he seems to think I let Ben do whatever he wanted to. And he seems to think I'd let him fuck me if he asked.." Y/N sniffled. In all honesty, had he asked her before he was arrested, before she found out about the photos and before she heard about this- she may have considered it. Only because she'd feel bad if she said no, he'd make her feel bad.

Derek sighed and looked away briefly, not knowing how to respond, "Look.. I'm here for you, okay? I'm sorry he's done this to you. You can call or text me if you need anything." Derek reassured her as he smiled softly at her.


Y/N walked into the Barber's house again and she kicked off her shoes, feeling out of place. Andy looked over at her from where he was standing, by the fridge.

"Hey, kiddo." Andy smiled at her, not quite his usual cheerful self, "How are you feeling?"

Y/N shrugged and sighed softly, "Not too great. Where's Jake, did you talk to him?"

Andy nodded, "Yeah I talked to him, I told him he was wrong to do that. He had some stuff to say in his defense, but I think we all know it's bull." Andy grabbed a cola from the fridge, "He's upstairs in his room. Why? Did you want to talk to him?"

Y/N thought about it for a moment before shaking her head. "No, I don't want to see him. Can I sleep on the couch tonight?" Y/N asked him. He nodded and walked past her, playfully nudging her arm as he did.

Sooooo more tea, Jake's a creep. Do you think Y/N should talk to him? Should she ever forgive him?

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