The Hunger Games AU

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Hunting in the woods was never a pleasant idea, and never when you were alone. This was your first time ever without your brother by your side and it was terrifying to say at least. Of course you knew at some point it would happen but you had expected it to be you who was going to die and not him. But here you were, walking around mindlessly and paranoid of what was going to happen, hiding down in bushes every third minute in fright. Of course, you had trained up to this since you were like born, being a Career Tribute had its benefits for you but it also meant that everyone would go after you at first considering you were one of the strongest, most agile, and most flexible players now. But being alone also meant that all the pressure was on you now. So many years of studying at the special combat academy should definitely not go wasted whether you would have to make it by yourself.  The sound of someone walking on the dirt with crunching sounds made you sprint over to the nearest bush, hiding yourself in it and eyeing whoever was approaching you slowly. When the sound stopped you let out a breath of relief, ready to stand up again when someone interrupted you. “Y/N?” Your head moved around by the sound of your name being said, your eyes going wide as you noticed Luke Hemmings, a guy from District 4 – Career Tribute as well and just as dangerous as yourself if not worse standing a little further away from you with a curious look on his face as he stared down at you. Your first instinct was to take an arrow out from your bag, and making yourself ready with your bow. “I need to speak with you. Without fight or anything.” He looked serious as he spoke, his hands up in surrender but it didn’t seem to affect you, just letting you pull your bow back and placing the arrow into it. ”I would suggest you put down that arrow of yours right now otherwise things would get pretty ugly.” Your eyebrows furrowed by Luke’s cockiness, just putting pulling further away with the bow, squeezing one eye shot as your goal was right in between his chest. “Y/N are you madly insane, put down the fucking arrow!” Luke yelled with force, your eyes opening as you let go of the arrow, letting it fly towards Luke’s direction, his mind lost for words and almost throwing himself to the ground in fear, your mouth going into a straight line in failure. “Holy fuck.” Luke breathed as you stood up from the bush, grabbing a new arrow from your bag behind you hanging on your shoulder, ready to fire another one off. “Just listen to me seriously!” He exclaimed, holding his hands up in surrender. “You killed my brother!” Luke knew the guilt that was running up his spine by the mention, but it was his only choice. “Y/N it was either him or me. This game is fucking about self-defense. If I hadn’t killed him, it would have been me instead!” “Yes Luke, this game is about self-defense. And that’s the reason why I’m doing this.” You fired off another arrow towards his direction, but his fast moves came to his benefits, moving away fast and the arrow hitting a tree. You stared down at Luke, wondering whether it was a useless idea to fire off another arrow when the sounds of bushes moving appeared making your eyes go wide. “Bow down!” His words was loud with trust which made you at somehow bow down by his request as he pushed himself into you to get you away, your eyes going wide as he somersaulted down on the ground to avoid the flying axe that was thrown towards your direction. When Luke was on his knees again, he threw the long machete towards the man who had thrown the axe, firing the stick right through his stomach. The man collapsed down afterwards, making Luke grab your arm and pull you up from the ground with force. “You saw what I just did?! You know none of us would win without each other. So I don’t think you have any other suggestions than to befriend me and kill the rest of this shit place.” Your mouth went into a straight line as you glared at Luke, his eyes showing plead, and of course he was right. He was definitely one of the strongest left and you were tired of all of this killing. “Fine Hemmings, but if you go behind my back, I will make sure that you’ll regret it.” “As you wish.” He said in delight, the two of you following each other further into the woods in a search of the rest of the tributes.

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