Morning Routines

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Traditions and routines were some things that you and Luke stayed in and didn't change even though it might have been more appealing to you. Luke would always be the first one to groan out loud by his alarm clock next to him almost at the point of ruining his eardrums, the first one to groggily get out of the bed after placing a soft kiss to your bare shoulder, and the first one to jump into the shower to take a bath. It always irritated you that he was the first one to take a shower, yet he always made you forget about it because his soothing (At times) singing voice would fill your ears faint from the bathroom door with a mixed sound of water splashing. It was one of the nicest things to wake up to but it always changed when Luke would come out, dress himself up, place a last kiss to your lips before disappearing downstairs because that meant that it would be your turn to get out of the bed to shower. And it was always the same, ALWAYS, where Luke would be the messy young man he is and mess the whole bathroom with water and not dry it off afterwards. It was killing you inside at times but it was something you had grown with now, staying with him for so long now. So it was a habit for Luke now to just leave his mess behind for you to clean it up and nothing was going to change that because he would always make it up to you after you had finished the shower. Because when you had dressed up and done your makeup and hair, there would always wait some kind of breakfast for you downstairs, whether it was just a small bowl of cereal or if Luke had gone all in and went down to the bakery to get you a warm bagel or a muffin. Sometimes it was a surprise and he would just have this smug smile on his face while watching you see what kind of breakfast he had brought you this time. You guys never failed to get out the best of each other in the mornings and it always made sure that the day would get ten times better just by the small gestures.


Morning routines between you and Cal would always involve a larger amount of cuddles. Calum would always be the one to have to wake up at first with his busy schedule since he wanted things to be coordinated so he would have time with you at night and not use his whole evening at the studio. That meant that every morning at 6am, Calum would mess around in your shared bed groggily trying to find his phone so he could turn off his annoying alarm clock. When he would finally turn it off, a large sigh would come from his lips before he would bury his face into his pillow, and only pulling you closer instead of getting out of the bed to shower. Even if he did get out of the bed, he would hurry into the shower, grab a warm towel and dry him off before sprinting out of the bathroom again and towards your bed with the towel around his waist so he could just cuddle you again, because the feeling of your warm skin against his and just the touch of yours was one of the best feelings in the world. He never wanted to leave you in the mornings even though it wouldn't take long for you guys to see each other again later in the day. Sometimes Cal felt very sneaky and called the studio telling that he was either late or sick for the day just so he could be with you. Mostly it would be that he was just late because you had either jobs or classes to take in the morning but they would usually start around 9am. At times like that when Calum actually would be late by purpose, he would always make sure to wake you up with breakfast to make your day top dollar. It would always make you giggle when you woke up to the curtains being removed and the sun streaming in because you knew you had caught Cal guilty in lying to his employees but he would always respond to your curious looks with a typical Calum smirk and shrugging it off. "They can wait a few more hours." His response would always be afterwards when he shared breakfast with you in bed and you would always shake your head at him, yet it always warmed your heart.


Michael would always stay true in the name of being the laziest bandmember of 5 Seconds of Summer. He would always be either late, forget about his alarm or just snooze it until there would be less than 7 minutes until he would have to be at the studio. And all of this did not change after you guys moved in together. He would still be that kid that wouldn't get out of bed even if you sat on him; on the contrary, he loved when you did that because that made him sure that you wouldn't get out of the bed as well, making him wrap his arms around you in a securing way so you wouldn't slip away. And there would be laughter from you because Michael would try to sleep again with this goofy smirk on his lips with his eyes closed as he tried to bury his face into his pillow. But he knew he always had to let go because you had classes that was quite more important than staying in bed with him so at least after 15 minutes of morning cuddles, he would let go of you to either shower if you hadn't done it last night, or dress up before walking out and starting out by making some morning coffee. It would encourage Michael to wake up as well because there wouldn't be any other cuddle partner than his duvet, but he would always stay a little longer in bed just to admire you from the bed because you always let the bedroom door open so he could see you in the kitchen a little bit further away. It made Michael smile like a little girl at times just to watch you walk around in your own thoughts, at times maybe singing in a quiet voice along to the faint radio that was playing songs in kitchen while you walked around making sure that breakfast and lunch were later for now and later. Michael wouldn't get out of bed before the last minute of where the breakfast would be ready before he would grab a dirty shirt on the floor, put it on and grab his spray deodorant to cover the smell before approaching you in the kitchen and sharing a lovely breakfast.


Play fights in the morning could never be avoid between you and Ash. Somehow you guys would always find some things to tease each other with whether it was stealing the warm water from the shower, stealing one other's hairbrushes and elastic bands or just being a tease in general. It all could start out in the morning just as soon as the alarm clock would go off. You and Ashton would literally sprint out of bed to be the first one to get into the shower, and at times you would win, at times Ash would and at times, the both of you agreed that you would shower together, you know to save water and that. But if Ashton would be the one doing it at first, he would always be the annoying one to throw your clean towels on the floor so when it would be your turn, they would be wet and clammy on the floor and Ashton would just give you a smirk before slapping your butt and walking out of the bathroom. He would always be this immature kid no matter how much age he grew. And of course there would always be some kind of revenge. The boy's hair was growing so fast that he would always be fucked if he didn't have any elastic bands to cover up his hair, and he always knew that you would take them and hide them from him. It always revolved in you guys running around your bedroom and kitchen, Ashton chasing you for him to return his – correction your elastic bands until he would catch you and make you return him by tickling you. It made you guys fresh for the day's activities and Ashton always made sure to apologize in the end and telling you that he loved you with a big kiss on the lips because, at times he could be an annoying tease, but he only did it out of luck because he loved seeing those reactions from you when he did so. He always loved getting your attention no matter what time of the day it was. And of course you knew that he was always messing around with you because you would at times be even worse at him with these pranks. It made your relationship more daring to be in and you enjoyed every second of it with him.

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