Boyband VS Girlband | AU | Part 11

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A cub in your hand was the only thing that was cooling you down at the moment, the cold Apple Cider sending streams of coldness through your hand as you almost clutched to it, the streaming sun above you killing every single person on the free field with heat like a warm sauna. You and the girls weren’t in the back, but not in total front of the big crowd of camp students, the ones closest at the stage standing up and the ones further behind having blankets to sit on to watch and listen to the camp bands that was playing for the competition. You guys were actually the ones to start out the whole competition with a smash of a hit so you could just relax now. At times, when a band from your own camp was up, you guys would stand up and cheer, but otherwise you just usually sat down and chit chatted. “I swear that dude from before behind the drums was a total hunk!” Leah exclaimed after the band had jumped down from the stage, drool almost falling down from her mouth. “We can tell.” Amia joked, giving out Leah a tissue. “Save it for Y/N, 5 Seconds of Summer is up next.” Magenda joked towards you, giving your shoulder a push as you rolled your eyes at her. At this point of the camp you had to tell every single detail that had happened between you and Luke. Both when you guys were at the isolation cabin and afterwards. And after admitting everything they seemed to be pleased and understanding. They definitely accepted the things as it was. And it couldn’t make you any happier. When Luke and the boys approached the stage, you couldn’t prevent the holler that came from your lips even though they were from the other camp, putting your hands flat against your mouth to increase more noise. “Hello everyone, nice to see that you’re surviving the heat here.” Luke started out as he came close enough to the microphone. “We’re 5 Seconds of Summer and we’re going to play a song we’ve written by ourselves, it’s more like a quiet song, it’s called Disconnected.” Luke moved back from the microphone when he finished speaking, the boys starting playing and rocking out on stage. “I never thought he was that good at singing.” Amia commented, referring to Luke and you could only nod your head, amazed by his performance. “Y/N probably knew that as well. He probably sang lullabies to make her fall asleep.” “Okay that’s enough.” You laughed, standing up when the boys were done performing. “Where you’re going?” They asked inn unison, yet probably already knowing. “I’m just going to greet a friend.” You shrugged, sending them a smile as they started to holler, sending air kisses towards you. Walking between blankets and people, you found out where Luke and the boys was with their blanket, yet to your luck, Luke was the only one being there, just about to fully empty his water bottle and throwing it back to the basket on the blanket. “Hey Rockstar.” Luke turned around fast by the familiar nickname from you, forming out a big smile when he noticed your small form behind him, drying off some of the sweat that was forming on his forehead with his shirt, pulling you in for a hug. “Did we do well?” He asked, looking down at you hopefully as he pulled way. “You guys did great. I’m very surprised.” You admitted, smiling even more when he started to blush by the compliment. “You guys were hella rad as well.” He commented making you nod your head. Everything seemed to be pleasant when Luke noticed behind your back how Calum and the other boys was about to approach you guys. “Dear god.” He mumbled to himself and rolling his eyes. “Hello.” Calum greeted, the other boys nodding their heads towards you guys. He eyed you up and down fast before giving Luke a judgmental glare, Luke just rolling his eyes by Calum’s attitude.


“The next up is… Devilish Angels! Give them a great cheer.” Mrs. Walden said into the microphone, clapping her hands together and disappearing from the stage. You and the girls approached the scene, the crowd going crazy as Hero said hi and introduced you guys into the microphone. You all started playing, your hands working up and down the neck of the bass, rocking around to the beat of the music you guys was creating. “Wait.. Oh god..” Michael mumbled, holding his beer in front of his mouth the muffle the laughter that was about to spill out from his lips. “What?” Calum asked dazed, looking over at the colorful haired boy. “I just.. How did you never realize she was the bassist of the band? You know.. Back then where she asked you to teach her some chords and stuff. She already knew everything.” Calum’s mouth felt open when he realized it, looking back up at the stage, you rocking out to the tunes of The Romantics “What I Like About You”. “It gives more sense now then.” Calum started to laugh, almost smacking himself in the head because of his stupidity. You and the girls bowed down as you had just finished the song, giving out a wave to the crowd and walking down from the stage. Walking back to you guys’ blanket, you noticed how the boys were quite smirking at you for some odd reason. How in the world you guys had managed to place your blankets next to each other wondered you. “Liar liar pants on fire.” Michael yelled towards you guys when you guys arrived back and sat down on the blanket, sharing out a few beers to each other. At first you were confused of what they were referring to, but you realized it when Michael shook his head towards the scene. “I actually thought Calum was smarter than that back then.” You chuckled, sending him a small smile which he returned with a smaller blush on his cheeks. With this being the last day of the camp, you thought it would be a better idea not to play any form of enemies. Which resulted in letting Calum flirt with you as much as he could. Michael slapped Calum’s arm lightly in tease, the black haired boy just giving him a threatening glare. “Shh you idiots, Mrs. Walden is about to announce the winners!!” Jenna snapped towards them yet with a smile which made Calum and Michael stick their tongues out at her, her sticking her out as well in tease before the sound of Mrs. Walden coughing up on stage, catching everyone’s attention. ”May I have your attention fellow camp students.” She said, everyone now looking fully up at her. ”Before I announce the winners of this year’s camp, I have to remind you of the following rules that come along with cleaning up your cabins.” ”Not again.” Luke moaned, his hands falling into his face. ”How about we make a deal?” Ashton smirked, looking over at you. ”If you guys win, we’ll clean both ours and yours cabin. If we win, it will be reversed.” You girls looked at each other in thoughts before forming out smirks. ”That’s a deal mates.” Emma announced, all of you sneaking your hands out for the boys to shake them. When Calum and yours met, they for some reason never let go of each other. And to Calum’s surprise you didn’t even pulled away again. You all looked back at Mrs. Walden in nervousness and curiousness, ready to see whose payoff was most value in this camp this year. The boys or the girls?

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