Baby Series | Walks In The Park

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"Can't sleep?" You opened your eyes by the sound of Luke's words and were met by his face right in front of yours and a sighed escaped from your lips. "Is it that obvious?" You mumbled and rubbed your tired eyes, sitting up straight in the bed and turned on the lamp on your nightstand. "You've been moving around like crazy the past hour." "I'm sorry for waking you up." You mumbled and he ran his fingers up and down your bare arms with a soft smile. "It's alright. I wasn't that sleepy anyway." He responded and you rested your head against his shoulder, the two of you staring out in the air, not saying anything. "You know I've got an idea." He announced after minutes of thinking and removed the covers from your bodies. "What about we take a small walk? Just to get some fresh air and clean our minds. It always works for me." Your eyes widened by his suggestion and they glanced over at William who was sleeping peacefully next to you in his crib. "I know it's late, we'll just bring him with us in the baby carriage, alright?" A cold breeze hit your face just as soon as you and Luke walked outside, him driving the baby carriage with William sleeping peacefully in it and you turned to the left on the street, heading towards the beach and walked on the street right separating the sand from the beach and the promenade. "Let's go sit there." He pointed towards one of the many benches surrounding the beach and you nodded your head agreeing, taking a seat down when you came to it leaned your body against Luke's' who wrapped his arm around you while rocking the baby carriage back and forth. Silence overwhelmed the two of you as you watched the waves splash into the sand, the only thing being aloud besides the few palms moving by the wind. "How did we end up here?" He asked all of the sudden and you looked up at him curious and saw the small hint of smirk he tried to prevent, knowing how cheesy he sounded. "I mean, I've always wanted this moment to come. To sit late at night in front of the beach with the love of my life and our child." Your cheeks blushed by his words and you looked up at him with a smile. "I remember back in high school. I always wished for the two of us to be a couple one day and I dreamed about this exact moment. I just can't believe that it actually came true." He felt even cheesier than before and he planted a kiss to your forehead. "It's weird to think about. Two summers ago, you were stung by a jellyfish over there and I still remember today how much you screamed like a girl." Luke looked down at you with wide eyes and towards the place where you pointed at and he laughed quietly, remembering the scenario. "Let's hope William won't get that scream of yours." You said with a chuckle and he looked down the baby carriage to see William's eyes being wide, and he smiled softly at him and caressed him with his fingers. "If he does, he'll get bullied in school that's for sure." Luke stated and took William up from the baby carriage along with his duvet, taking a seat down with him in his arms while you rested your head against his shoulder, a smile creeping onto your lips while you stared out in the beautiful night sky, your stomach bobbling up with butterflies.


"I swear Calum I don't think this is a great idea." You mumbled under your breath while holding onto his upper arm close, and he looked down at you with a scoff and made sure to look to his left and his right before walking over the street with you, heading towards the park in sight. "It's 7AM Y/N. Do you think there would be any paparazzi at this point?" He asked and looked down at you with a smirk and it made you shrug your shoulders and take a look around the park, not a single person in sight but you were still paranoid. "You never know Cal. Maybe one of the dog walkers who are over the 60's is secretly a paparazzi as part-time work." Calum laughed by your words and looked down at you with a smile and his face pretty much told how ridiculous you sounded right now. "You're crazy you know that right?" He asked and you hit him in the arm with your fist which made him fake groan. "I'm not crazy, I'm just a mother." "And I'm a father. Don't worry there won't happen anything and if there do, they'll take pictures of us distantly." He promised and you guys stopped by the lake that was in the middle of the whole park, and Calum moved down to the baby bag to grab out some bread. "I brought this for the ducks. I know how much you used to love that when you were a kid." You looked up at him with shinny eyes and hurried towards the reeds in the lake, making sure that you weren't that far down so you would fall in. "You aren't doing it with me?" You asked and looked at him over your shoulder and he smiled in respond and shook his head, rocking the baby carriage back and forth. "I'm just gonna stay here with Alex. Go have fun." He said and giggled when you started to throw pieces of bread towards the ducks, more and more ducks appearing by the sudden feed, even a few swans came to visit and you were more excited than ever. Calum smiled in delight by your activity but the faint sound of leaves crunching made him turn his head towards the noise and he noticed a male figure standing by the tree and a camera hanging loosely around his neck. His eyebrows furrowed instantly and he was ready to yell after him but when the paparazzi moved his hands up in surrender Calum stopped in track and eyed him closely. "I'll take distance. I promise." He mouthed and Calum broke into a smile by his respecting words and nodded his head with a thumbs up. "Distance." He mouthed back to make sure that the paparazzi understood and he nodded his head agreeing, starting to take a few shots of the two of you. You heard the faint sound of camera flashing and when you were done with the bread you turned around to only see Calum standing with the same grin he wore before and you walked away from the reeds to approach him he kisses you loving on the lips when you did. "Was that a pap before?" You asked confused to the odd sound and Calum hesitated before nodding his head. "But he kept distance. I promised to take care of you guys on tour and I keep that. Besides, we should get some baby pictures to the media, the fans are craving for pictures of the three of us." You rolled your eyes by Calum's words and placed your arm around his waiting one, the two of you walking back to your hotel in peace and quiet, probably wanting to get home to get a small nap before Calum would head to soundcheck.

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