Boyband VS Girlband | AU | Part 10

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Luke looked out at the window of the cabin, a tired dazed smile on his lips as the early sunrise was showing off from the distance in the woods, he chewed on his bottom and fumbling with the guitar pick between his fingers. Outside the window he had noticed how you and the girls was heading towards the canteen cabin, wanting to stop by early to get lunch before practice. “Luke?” He looked around him, dazed and confuse by the sudden voice, getting eye contact with Calum who was standing with a confused gaze on his beautiful features, his bass in his grip and trying to connect the speakers to it. “What?” He mumbled, placing the guitar pick between his lips. Michael and Ashton looked at each other confused as well by Luke’s sudden lack of concentration, Michael walking over to the window to see what the blond haired boy had been staring at. “Y/N Y/L/N..” He said with a small laugh as in sarcasm, looking over at Luke with a sarcastic smirk. “What?!” Cal said a little bit too loudly, startling Luke. Calum walked over to Michael to stand next to him, watching you and the girls disappear into the canteen cabin. He looked back at Luke with a big question sign forming on his forehead, crossing his arms over his bass that was resting secure over his shoulder. “What is actually going on with you and her?” He mumbled, walking over the stand beside Ashton’s drum kid where the curly boy was sitting behind, watching curiously as well. “”Nothing, I tell ya.” Luke stated, shaking his head in disbelief and almost laughing, but the boys weren’t in a mood of any humoristic jokes now. ”You do actually like her don’t you?” Luke rolled his eyes by Calum’s endlessly same on and on question. He had been listening to this for the past weeks; he could barely be himself anymore with the boys judging him much more. He didn’t say a thing, just glared at Calum shortly, making the dark haired Kiwi to almost lose his temper, rolling his eyes by Luke’s stubborn attitude. “Luke, we’ve been best friends since year 6, you don’t think I know you too well now? I suggest you start being serious and honest now.” Calum stated. ”Fine! Fine, fine fine!” He kept on repeating; almost putting his guitar too harshly on the table he was sitting at, standing up straight and turning around to look at the boys fully. “Yes.” He answered flat and coldly, with no other explanations in his sentence. “Yes?” Michael quoted, crossing his arms and standing next to Calum. “Yes, yes to your question. I like her. I am fucking madly in love with one of my worst enemies, who also turned out to be one of my biggest what I could possibly point at as my soulmate! There you go, I said it Cal, you happy now?” Silence felt over the room as the boys realized what Luke had just admitted, himself starting to form a small blush on his defined cheekbones in embarrassment. “Holy shit.” Ashton mumbled more to himself, his eyes going wide as he stared behind Luke. The other boys noticed it as well, their eyes going wider than before, Luke turning around in confuse to see you and the other girls standing in the door frame with guitar cases and such in your hands. Luke’s jaw felt down to his chin, no words coming out from his lips. “So you were the ones that had to practice after us.” Ashton mumbled awkwardly, you just nodding your head as you stared at Luke in amaze, but not getting any contact since he was staring down at the floor.


Calum and the boys wandered down the small trails in the woods towards the practice cabin they was scheduled at, Michael opening the door and the 4 boys heading inside the cabin, but was stopped and falling into each other as Michael in front stopped in confuse, watching as you and the girls was about to make yourself ready to play some music. ”What are you doing in here?” Emma glared the boys up and down, removing the guitar from her hands. ”Well, we’re here to practice. So get out.” Michael responded, nodding his head towards the exit. ”How about you get out yourself Clifford.” ”We’re supposed to be here now, Y/N. Get lost.” “Wait but we should be here!” Hero exclaimed, knitting her eyebrows. “Uh, it clearly says that we should be in this cabin right now.” Ashton fake laughed, crossing his arms and cocking his head. “Uh- No it doesn’t.” Hero responded, taking the schedule of practices from her pocket printed on a paper, folding it out and taking a look at it. “See?” She pointed out, showing Ashton and the boys it. “Well.” Calum chuckled taking out a note as well, “We have one too. With our name on this period!” “Okay, someone must have clearly made a mistake.” You admitted, raising your hands in the air in surrender. “Yeah. Let’s go sort this shit out.” Michael nodded his head, the 8 of you walking out of the cabin and heading towards the header cabin of the two camps. Mr. Leander looked rather confused when 8 teenagers bragged into his office in almost rage, making him push out his chair ready to stand up and handle the situation. ”What’s going on?” He asked confused, looking between you and Calum who was standing front, afterwards being surrounded by the others. ”You have fucked up our schedules!” Hero exclaimed, her and Michael throwing their schedule papers on his desk. He took a look down at it, silence falling over the room making Calum take it as a queue to intertwine your fingers to your protest, you looking up at him confused, but all he did was stare at Mr. Leander like nothing had happened. ”I’m really sorry, we all make mistakes at times.” He kept on apologizing, opening up a browser on his computer to fix his problem. He typed things in before printing out a new schedule for you guys. ”Boys, you will be in Cabin 44, and girls, you will go back to where you were before. Every nodded their heads in satisfaction, ready to leave. ”Since when did you guys start dating?” Everyone started to look at each other in confuse by the sudden question, everyone’s eyes landing on you and Calum, him only tightening the grip around your hand in case of you trying to move it away. ”We never did.” You stated, looking up at Calum annoyed but all he could do was smirk. ”Why are you guys holding hands then?” Willow smirked as well, the other boys started to grow cocky ass smiles on their lips too. You didn’t say much more to Calum’s satisfaction, just rolling your eyes and trying to get out of his grip. ”Admit it, you guys like each other.” Ashton stated, crossing his arms and looking at you. ”No. There is no romance from my perspective.” You grumbled, finally getting the chance to get out of Calum’s grip. ”And now have me excused, but I have a bass that’s waiting for me to play on it.” Without another word said, you and the girls headed out of the room to finish off your song, leaving Calum and the boys behind. ”Man, that is some shitty friendzone.” Michael laughed; Luke trying to hold in a muffle as well by Calum’s lost expression. That had hurt him a little bit more than what he had realized.

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