Pregnancy Series | Finding Out About The Pregnancy | Part 1

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So woooh I’m starting out a pregnancy series! I remember the first time I ever read a 5sos preference and it was actually one where you gave birth and I nearly had a heart attack and stopped reading since I just couldnt read something like that with Luke when he was only 16 and I was 15 lol good times. To spice up some things I’ve made Luke’s a little more daring so its not just the tipical marriage thing. You can see the differnet types of relationships next to the boys’ names x

Luke (Best Friends):

”Nice place to crash.” One of the managers commented making Liz knit her eyebrows in confusion before he waved his head towards your sleeping form on the couch. Liz turned her head towards where you were sprawled, the sound of “Heartbreak Girl” being played in the background and illuminating the filled backstage room. “She’s not feeling well.” Liz yelled over the loud music. “Impressive that she can sleep through this. Must be something bad.” The manager formed a small pout as he watched you skeptically turning around on the sofa, your back now facing them. “I think she might have caught flu or something such as that.” Liz explained walking closer to the couch, letting her hand rub over your shoulder. The chords to She Looks So Perfect were now played indicating that the show was at its finish. When the boys had performed the song they went down totally buzzed and sweaty returning their earbuds and guitars to the crew. Luke had a massive smile on his face but it faded away as he met his mom’s worried eyes. “What happened?” He asked seriously. Liz didn’t say a thing, just pointing behind her back for Luke to see, noticing you on the couch as well. “Period cramps?” He asked curiously but Liz only shook her head. Luke kneeled down in front of you before placing a hand to your shoulder. “Y/N, how about we go back to the hotel before we figure out what’s wrong.” He suggested making you nod your head slowly and with the help of him, sitting up straight on the couch standing up. His hand was never leaving your back as you headed back towards the hotel; Luke giving you small glares repeatedly in a check of if you were okay. When you arrived at the hotel and came to your room the first thing Luke did was to place you on the bed before kneeling in front of you. “What’s wrong?” He questioned making you look up at him with dazed eyes. “Tired. Feeling unusually fatigue. Nausea. Headache. I could continue.” You mumbled, Luke looking up at his mom for help. Liz stood with a puzzled look for a second before her eyes widen in surprise, her mouth opening slightly. “Y/N, I know this might be inappropriate asking but when was the last time you were uh… Had intercourse with the other gender?” Her questioned lingered in the ear as your mouth opened agape by her question, Luke tensing in his spot. An awkward silence filled the air. “I’ll go buy a test.” She concluded from your silent answer before heading out of the door. “It doesn’t necessary have to be that.” Michael tried to reassure, taking a seat next to you swinging an arm over your shoulder. “What if it is.” You almost whispered fiddling uncomfortably in your position. “Have you been with someone recently?” Calum pushed on, crossing his arms as he cocked his head looking at you. “I have.” You confessed nodding your head as you looked up at Calum. “With who?” Ashton pushed on wanting to know answers. “With me.” Luke answered quietly looking down at the ground as the 3 boys’ eyes started to wide, looking at the two of you questionably.

Calum (Fiance/Fiancee):

“Mom has gotten you a wedding dress appointment.” Calum announced as he walked in through the door to the living room, a box under his arm and his phone to his ear with the other, placing the box next to you as he hung up on the phone, sticking it in his pocket before he took a seat next to you on the floor, his eyes exploding the papers scattered around everywhere, one in your hand as well and a scissor in the other. “Hello to you too.” You smiled looking at him as he leaned in for a kiss. As he pulled back, he went back to eye you as you cut through the paper you were holding. “When is it?” You asked, looking at him as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Friday.” He answered kissing the bare skin showing off on your shoulder. “Let’s hope I’m not bloated at that time then.” You mumbled looking concentrated at the paper. “Bloated?” Calum questioned leaning away from your shoulder to get a fuller look of you. “Why are you bloated?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “I guess I’m close to my period. Otherwise than that it could possibly be because of my consumption of soda.“ Calum didn’t seem convinced, looking down at your stomach. “I don’t see any.” He eyed it, his hand tracing over it lightly. “It’s not much. Worse in the mornings than night.” You placed the paper next to the others, before looking up at him. “I hope you don’t bleed on the wedding dresses then.” He joked making you form a disgusted look, eyeing as he tried to muffle his giggles. “Should we get some breakfast?” He asked standing up from the floor. “Yeah.” You mumbled standing up as well. He headed towards the kitchen yet you stood frozen in your spot as a sudden painful feeling approached your stomach. “Ow.” You mumbled shrugging it off as you walked over to him, yet he heard. “What’s wrong?” He asked, looking at you slightly as he opened the fridge. “It’s nothing.” You mumbled, feeling the pain slightly again. “Just weird cramps. I had them when we woke up as well.” Calum nodded his head at your words before he started to take out a few stuff, his stomach slightly rumbling by the sigh. “Hungry?” You laughed, walking next to him to open one of the bags. But when the smell of this specific food blew your nose you grimaced, placing the thing back on the counter before taking a step back. Calum stopped his movements to look at you. “You don’t want anything?” You shook your head, nausea taking over you whole body. “But you just said-““I don’t want any now.” You shook your head. “Babe you’re kind of scaring me.” He mumbled, eyeing you as your eyes squeezed slightly in pain, worry filling his veins. “Promise me that if this gets worse we’ll go to a doctor.” You thought for a minute about the suggestion but Calum’s worried eyes said anything, making you nod your head.

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