He Apologizes After A Fight

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Heavy sighs escaped his lips while he was leaning his back against the doorframe to your bedroom. A plate was resting in his hand along with cutlery in the other but even with the smell of food you didn't seem to notice, neither move. "You didn't come down when I called for dinner." He headed towards your side of the bed and placed the food on top of it. "I don't want any." You mumbled tiredly, pulling the sheets up to your chin. Even if your stomach was screaming for food you didn't allow yourself to give in. Luke sighed once again and took a seat down on your bed. "Y/N." His voice was soft and cooing, his hand rubbing over the sheets where your thigh was. "Are you really gonna stay mad at me for the rest of the night?" Moving around so you wouldn't have to face him you focused on the wall in front of you, your back now facing him. Placing the cutlery next to the plate he moved his legs up on the bed and wrapped his arm around you – even with your rejection. "I'm sorry sweety. Sometimes when I don't know how to control my wordings I say stupid things and today was one of those. I guess I'm stressed. But of course I shouldn't take it over you." Turning around so you were facing him you cuddled your face into his chest and he smiled brightly. "Seems like that means I've been forgiven."


Calum's gaze switched between looking at the TV and your form next to him, your blanket pulled all the way up to your chin while your legs were pressed against your chest. The silence was torture to him, almost worse than when you were giving him the silent treatment. He had been trying to pressure himself to say the words knowing that you wouldn't give in even though you were just as much as a fool like he was. "Babe." He cooed quietly after gaining confidence. "I'm sorry about before. We both know it was a silly fight." He furrowed his eyebrows when you didn't flick a single muscle, your eyes still gazed on the TV and your lips pursed. He parted his lips irritated by your reaction and quivered an eyebrow. Not wanting to deal with your grumpy state he grabbed your foot with ease and started to tickle you under it. Your eyes widened by his sudden action and even if you didn't want to dare to look at him you couldn't avoid it. "Fuck off." You exclaimed softly, trying your best not to smile. "Accept my apology." He argued and moved over so his face was resting in your lap, looking up at you with his golden brown deer eyes. "No." You mumbled and tried to focus back on the TV but it was difficult with your annoying boyfriend on your lap though knew the second a smile embraced on your face that he was forgiven.


With his blanket pressed against his bare chest and his eyes tired he slumped down the hallway and back into your bedroom. The lights were off in the room yet he could tell from your movements that you were just as awake as he was. "I- I didn't want to sleep on the couch." He croaked silently and pointed backwards. You fluttered your eyes open to look at him and shrugged your shoulders, not even wanting to deal with him in the middle of the night. It was enough you had been going on in an almost endless fight earlier. He placed the blanket on the floor by his nightstand and slid his body under the covers, smiling slightly when you didn't move away from him. He leaned his head against his pillow so your faces were inches away from each other, his hand coming up to caress yours. "I'm sorry princess. I hope you know it. It wasn't my intention to make you so sad. It never is and it kills me when it happens." His other hand moved up to caress your hair, removing strands away from your tired face. "You think you can forgive me? I assume the bed must have been awfully cold without me." Your eyes met for a short second, your teeth digging into your bottom lip while you felt the warmness of his hands against yours. Nodding your head slightly a huge smile embraced his tired features, his lips founding yours seconds later before he wrapped you up in his arms finally ready to fall asleep.


His lips parted slightly the second the words left his lips, words that his brain barely registered before they left his mouth. He wasn't supposed to say it but with the circumstances and the anger lingering in his veins he couldn't control his wordings. He never had a problem with that but today was different. Guilt crept up his spine the second silence fell upon the kitchen, the only sound now being the clock ticking against the wall. "Y/N I-" He started but you turned around instantly and forced yourself towards the front entrance to your house. But the second you hand reached out for the doorknob Ashton grabbed it lightly and pressed you against the wall. "Please don't leave I didn't mean it okay?" He breathed, the anger washing away from his face the second he noticed your hurt expression. "I didn't mean any of it okay I'm a fool sometimes and you know that but please don't leave. Stay with me." You didn't want to look at him but his gentle fingers forced you to it, his hazel eyes showing clear regret. "I'm sorry Y/N. I am so deeply sorry. Please let me proof that." He removed his fingers from your chin gently to press his lips against yours briefly, the feeling of yours working against his making him smile. He moved down to grab you by the thighs easily before he headed direction towards your bedroom, the fight now soon forgotten. 

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