Pregnancy Series | You Give Birth | Part 2

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2/3 part of the birth is here! Michael's version of birth is actually something that happened when I was born! Enjoy as always! Warning: Might contain some proper feels


Luke’s hand never left yours as your midwife drove you down to the maternity ward in a rather normal pace, everything seemed to be calm and quiet at the moment, no rush or anything. The midwife turned to the left with your bed after pressing a button so the door could open, two other nurses waiting for your arrival.

She drove you over next to a nightstand before making everything ready for what was going to happen while Luke took his phone out from his pocket, ”Who are you texting?” Luke looked up from his phone with a smile before shrugging his shoulders. ”Just informing mum that it’s happening now.” He said with a smile before placing the phone in his back pocket, clapping his hands together before joining you next to the bed.

”Luke if you grab Y/N’s leg to make sure that it doesn’t slip out or anything, it will help much to get the aby out.” Your midwife instructed which made Luke nod his head before wrapping his warm arm around your bare thigh, the other hand grabbing your hand to let you clench it as much needed to get out with the pain.

”Now, by the next contraction Y/N, I’ll need to have you to push much as possible okay? If you’re nausea at any point, there’s a bag to do that in right next to your bed and if the pain is too much, just clench Luke’s hand even more.” She said, winking over at Luke who only smiled at her before rolling his eyes, looking down at you nervous.

”Are you ready for this?” He asked, letting go of your hand to place a strand of hair in front of your eyes, behind your ear. ”No but I’ll have to do it anyways.” You shrugged with a smile, feeling the sweat start to form on your forehead as the contraction started, reaching out for Luke’s hand and letting them connect before you started to clench, and pushing as much as your body could strength.

”Come on Y/N, you’re doing so great.” Your midwife said in concentration, Luke nodding his head along. ”I know you can do this.” He mumbled against your hairline, feeling how the pain in his hand started to fade away in seconds. You let out a gasp of breath as the contraction was over, trying to catch your breath as much as you could, ”Remember to gasp Y/N to get the best oxygen as possible.” Your midwife said, trying to breath normally with you. ”The head is almost visible, on the next contraction I expect you to push it all the way out, remember this is the hardest part, after this everything will go smoothly.” You nodded your head understanding before looking up at Luke who seemed to be overwhelmed with feelings, and even taking a small peek what was going on down under.

”I can feel it again.” You mumbled, ”Push then.” Your midwife instructed and as she finished her words, you started to push again, using all of your strength to get this mess of a head out, feeling hot and clammy but Luke didn’t seemed to care, just kept on holding around you to help as much as possible.

Your whole body twitched which pretty much indicated that the head was out which could help the midwife to pull the rest of the baby out, a loud sound of water splashing out from your placenta before a small faint cry of a newborn infant was invisible in her arms, showing it off to you guys.

”Welcome to the world little baby boy.” She smiled, standing up from kneeling down and placing him in the arms of yours right on your warm chest. One of the nurses grabbed the instrument to get some of the water from the placenta out of the child’s mouth so it could breathe normally, another coming towards you guys with towels. The nurse gave Luke one towel and she holding another one as she started to dry off the baby.

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