The Silent Treatment

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A/N: Reeeequested by an anonnnnn


An irritated sigh escaped your lips as you rolled your eyes and looked behind you from sitting in front of the counter on a barstool in your kitchen, watching as Luke leaned his chin against the back cushion of the sofa he was resting on, a smirk plastered around his beautiful face features. "What do you want?" You asked, pressing your pencil into your chin and looking at him tired. Your mood wasn't the best right now, you have used more than three hours on working on some kind of assignment for University, but could not get it finished at all since Luke came to interrupt with whatever news he had in mind, whether it had something to do what had happened in the studio or just on his way home from work today. "Your attention." He smiled cheekily, sticking his tongue out at you. "Please, just stop Luke." You mumbled, shaking your head at him and trying to focus back on your assignment, but it seemed to get interrupted again. "Y/N you literally have to hear what Michael did in the studio today it was the funniest thing eve-" "Please, Luke, can't you tell me all of this after dinner, I'm trying to focus and you're ruining it." You said frustrated, looking back at him irritated. Not wanting to deal with him anymore you shut your mouth closed and focused on your assignment, blocking the world out. "Are you ignoring me now?" He asked, sitting on his knees on the couch, and when there was no answer, he made a fake gobsmocked expression. "Are you giving me the silent treatment?" He warned in question, standing up from the couch and being ignored completely from you. "You think you can just ignore me like that and get away with it?" Luke chuckled from behind you, yet you didn't move in your seat, just keeping on looking at the notepad in front of you and just focusing on the letters in front of you, wanting to finish it as fast as possible. Even though you didn't turn around, you could literally see Luke in your mind standing with his arms crossed and his teeth bighting onto his bottom lip as he smirked over at you, and you could hear his footsteps as he started to walk closer towards you, stopping just as he was a few centimeters behind you. "Baby if I tell you that I'm really really sorry, will you forgive me." He mumbled into your hairline, his cologne thick in the air and almost at the point of seducing you and making your mind dizzy. "Because I am." He said, starting to kiss the skin of your shoulder. You were about to open your mouth and speak up, telling him to literally just fuck off because even though he was apologizing for interrupting you from making your homework before, he was clearly doing it again and preventing you from finishing it. Luke let out a huff as his seducing methods clearly didn't affect you at all which made him take a step back in thought, scratching his stubby chin, his eyes going wide as he thought of something. "Y/N if you won't speak, I'll use dirty tricks for this." Your eyes went wide by Luke's sudden threat clearly knowing what he was going to do. Without further ado, Luke's hands came up to your waist, starting to tickle as much as he could around your sides and as he predicted you started to spit out giggles by his sudden movements, shaking around in the chair to pry off his hands from your body. "You're an idiot." You exclaimed loudly with giggles, hitting in in the stomach with your elbow. "I just don't like when you won't talk to me." He pouted, stopping and leaning his head on your shoulder. "I just need to finish this okay? It won't take long but you keep on interrupting." You explained, pressing your pencil into his pouty lips. "Fine, I won't interrupt from now on, I promise." He whined with a smile afterwards, pressing one final kiss to your shoulder before standing up and heading back to couch, continuing on watching How I Met Your Mother.


For some odd and unbelievable reason, Calum had been grumpy all day. Whether it had been the cause of too much work at the studio or just some old grumpy reasons you had no idea but one thing was for sure and that was that Calum was mad as hell and taking it all over you for no good reasons. "Is something bothering you?" You asked as you were resting on the bed in your bedroom, having Calum sit on a chair next to it with his feet on the mattress and his laptop resting in his lap. Calum looked up at you irritated, letting out a small grumble before mumbling out a no. "There is. I can tell." You said more stern, moving around from resting on your back to rest on your stomach. "Nothing is wrong, okay Y/N, I'm just not in a mood for anything!" Calum's harsh tone made your eyes go wide and your jaw hanging open, just staring at him as he gave you a small glare before staying silent from now, clearly too occupied with his laptop. "Calum put that fucking stick out of your ass, you have been grumpy all day and nothing seems to change your mood at all!" You exclaimed, throwing your phone onto the mattress to sit up straight on it, eyeing him but he didn't move. "Oh so now you're so mature and start to ignore me?" Calum didn't even flick one muscle by your words, just keeping on looking in front of him on the screen and typing whatever onto his keyboard. "You're such a freaking ass for giving me the silent treatment without any reasons at all!" You said in a huff and moving around so you could stand up from the mattress, starting to march towards the door. "Calum I'm gonna give you the last chance to say something to me otherwise I will get really mad." You warned and usually at this point, Calum would always react and start to speak to you again but this time, he didn't even flick his eyes up towards you just kept on typing. "You're an idiot seriously." You grumbled to yourself, starting to head towards the door but a thought crossed your mind which made you stop in track, and looking over at him before cocking your head. "Fine. If you wanna do it that way mister then I'm on." Calum's eyes didn't remove from the screen as you spoke but you could see on him that he was clearly listening and probably guessing that you would be so insulted now and walking out of the room to crash on the couch. But to his surprise, you did the exact opposite, turning off the TV behind you and starting to take pieces of article of clothes off. Calum's eyes couldn't resist leaving his computer screen to look up at what you were doing occasionally even though he tried desperately to focus on the screen in front of him. Your smirk only grew bigger because you knew that he was still totally wrapped around your finger and it wouldn't take long for him to break.  His breath started to hitch in his throat as you had now taking off your pants, leaving you in your panties and bra now. Your hand came up to wrap the elastic band out of your bun, your hair now falling down wild and curly around your shoulders. Calum took a last glance to watching you before grumbling, almost throwing his MacBook on the mattress next to him, marching towards you in two large steps before he wrapped his arms around your waist pressing you up against wall. "What a fucking tease you are." "It's literally the only way to get your attention." You giggled, letting him wrap his lips around your earlobe and sucking. "Maybe I should give you the silent treatment more often if this happens each time." Cal joked, placing his warm hand on your cheek before pressing his plump lips against yours in a wet heated kiss.

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