Boyband VS Girlband | AU | Part 3

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When Mr. Walden said that there would be a storm you did not expect this – far from that. A storm would be an understatement to name this. The wind was crazy and powerful, the woods around the cabins lighten up because of lightning, the trees so close to fall from its roots. “This is crazy.” You said sitting up in your bed, eyeing the weather from your bed. Luke looked up from his guitar and outside as well, shrugging his shoulders. “As long as we’re inside it can’t hurt us.” He reassured before giving the guitar a last strum and placing it on the floor, ready to go to bed. Luke eyed you as you pulled the duvet up towards your chin, your eyes saying more than 100 words. “You okay?” He questioned with knitted eyebrows. “Yeah?” You said hesitating as in a question, your body was lightly shaking but you tried to brush it off and cover it with the duvet. “Okay.” He answered unsure, flicking off his lamp, the room complete dark now expect from when lighting stroke in and illuminated the room.

His P.O.V:

I could see it on her shaking form that even though she denied what she said, she lied. She was terrified to say at least, but showing off a macho attitude probably not to make me think she was weak. But I felt genially sorry for her and even though I know I shouldn’t do it, all of the sudden my body was away from my warm covers, heading towards her bed before giving her back a light push for me to join. I was actually expecting her to narrow her eyes at me and tell me I was pathetic, but she didn’t and only removed herself closer to the wall, letting me join her on the bed. She didn’t even protest when I wrapped my arm around her waist, she just moved closer leaving no space between us. It wasn’t far after that her shaking body faded away and she started to relax, her breathing becoming deeper and so did mine. I didn’t even realize that I had fallen asleep before I heard the sound of my alarm starting to make a sudden noise making me instantly groan and Y/N to stir, waking up both her and me. I nuzzled my nose into her hair but stopped in action as I realized what I did. It wasn’t planned that I was going to sleep in her bed, but she hadn’t been complaining herself, she looked pleased when she woke up with her head on my chest. We both shared a glare that said shit before I removed myself from her and her bed, heading towards my nightstand to turn off my alarm. No words were spoken as we both got dressed and making us ready for breakfast in the shared canteen and the day’s activities. We both headed towards the door and on the same time our hands touched as we reached out for the doorknob, her instantly removing her hand from mine as if she had been stung by an ant or something. Our gaze met again but she removed her eyes instantly, grabbing the doorknob fast before heading out of the door. This couldn’t be more awkward.  


“Ey you showed up.” Calum said making you your head towards his voice, breaking out into a small. “I thought you might have been joking.” He said cocking his head at you. “I didn’t.” You laughed and he let out a small chuckle as well. “Nobody followed after you right?” He asked more seriously, letting his tone go quieter. You shook your head no, knowing that if you would say something he would probably feel the sound of your voice letting out a lie. He nodded his head and started to walk over to the cabin, waiting for you to walk you through the door he held for you. “Gentleman.” You commented looking back at you to see him shrug his shoulders with a smirk. You took a look around the room, the smell of cologne and teenage boy thick in the air. “My bed’s over there.” Calum pointed towards the bed standing in the back of the room against the window. You nodded your head before walking over to the bed and taking a seat. Calum grabbed his bass from where it stood in the corner along with other guitars before he headed towards you, placing it in your lap. “Just place your fi-“Before he could finish you had already placed your fingers where they should be on the bass, strumming lightly. “Oh.” Was the only thing he said. “So you already know that, cool.”

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