Drunk best friends

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“Why are we even in here?” You laughed clumsy gesturing to the small bathroom you, Calum and Luke were pressed in, the light off so the dark was surrounding you. “The living room was quite filled.” Cal shrugged and you just nodded your head, rocking your head afterwards to the beat of the music. “ So, how’s it going with the two of you?” Calum asked and instead of the usual groaning and rolling with the eyes, you and Luke just laughed at Calum’s question. “We’re just besties.” Luke slurred before slinging an arm around your waist pulling you into his side. Calum gave the both of you an unapprovingly look knowing how the alcohol had not only boosted your confidence but also effected your logic. “Well okay then besties, I’ll just leave the two of you alone here.” He winked his eyes before opening the door, grabbing the key to the lock before shutting the door, locking it afterwards. “Are you kidding me?” You slurred, looking around for any other exit. “Well why don’t we just use the time on something more productive?” Luke winked, turning the board to the toilet down so he could sit on it. “What do you mean goofy?” You laughed but did as he was hinting to, placing yourself in his lap, legs on either side of him. “Wanna make out?” He winked and you gave him a funny smirk before nodding. Luke started to run his hands up and down your sides as he kissed you hungrily making you grasp the back of his hair in your fist, the other one holding his cheek. The kiss turned fast into a full on make out session and as a small groan came from Luke’s throat you pulled away from him. “Easy there tiger.” You laughed and he just gave you a ridiculous smirk before leaning in again for yet another kiss. Leaning your foreheads together you looked between his eyes and his lips. “ I THINK THEY’RE DOING IT GUYS.” The sound of Calum’s voice was clear from the other side of the door, making Luke groan instantly now knowing that you were caught. “ Cal go away I’m busy.” Luke yelled and Calum just laughed. “ Don’t tell me it wasn’t my fault that you’re getting something tonight Hemmings.” “Whatever.” Luke said rolling his eyes before giving you yet another wink.


Bragging into one of Ashtons rooms in his house you were faced with a half asleep Calum on the couch. “Cal?” You laughed seeing the blink his eyes a few times at your voice. “What’s up Y/N? Feeling better?” He asked as he sat up on the couch he before was laying down at stretching his arms. “Much better.” You laughed sitting in front of him on the coffee table. Ashton’s party was awesome to say at least, so many people being there with light music and not to mention – alcohol. It wasn’t far after your 4th shot that you had started to develop pain in your stomach because of the lack of food, key word never ever drink without food in your stomach. “Ashton gave me some chips.” You smiled widely your eyes dazing in every possible direction, still affected about the among of alcohol that was still in your blood. “Oh my god a guitar.” You exclaimed seeing the neck of it standing next to the couch Calum was sitting at. “Wanna here me play?” You winked at him before stretching your arm, reaching for the guitar. Grabbing it you placed it in your lap before placing your fingers in a random position. “Y/N you can’t-“ “I can play!” You interrupted and strummed it with your fingers. In your head the sound of Try Hard started and that was when you started to rock with your head letting your fingers slide over the strings whilst you started the verse. After coming to the chorus you sang louder and louder whilst letting your hands glide over the guitar Calum’s expression going from an amused one to an absent mind blowing one. After you had finished the chorus you looked at him with a big smile. “What…” He mumbled with squeezed eyes not really realizing what just happened. “I knew you would love it.” You laughed before placing the guitar back on its place. “Wanna cuddle?” You actually asked but didn’t really go for a respond as you almost threw yourself into Calum’s arms you almost cradling him like a bear. “Jeez girl you’re drunk. Remind me that we’re keeping the vodka away from you next time.” He joked as he shook your head at you.


Luke had wanted to host a party for so long now since he moved in in his new house. Now that he finally had time, the party had went great – you having the time of your life whilst having a sober Michael after you like a lost puppy. The party had now died down, the only persons in the house you and the boys. Luke and Calum had went to bed half an hour ago but Michael had been fighting against your will, wanting nothing else than just go to bed but you wouldn’t have any of it in your drunken state. ”Are you ready to sleep?” Michael sighed, as he saw you come out of the bathroom door, smiling widely. “Yeah.” You cheered, making Michael “shh” on you. “What?” You whispered, letting out a giggle afterwards. “Ashton’s sleeping on the couch.” Mikey pointed towards a pretty much dead Ashton, filling the couch, a small among of drool falling down from his parted lips. “Ohh.” You said in a hushed voice and Michael just nodded his head at you with his mouth in a straight mind. “As you were walking around in the basement of Luke’s house where Ashton had crashed on the couch, the entire basement transformed into a music studio. Michael turned his back to you trying to find a t shirt for you to sleep in as a sight of a piano caught your eyes. Walking over to the piano you let your fingers slide over the piano’s claves before stopping at the bass end pressing your fingers down so the deep sound from the piano came out. “For god sake Y/N what did I just told you.” Michael whisper-yelled sprinting over to you before you could make any more noise. “Sorry.” You mumbled and Michael just rolled his eyes at you. “Come on drunkie, where going to bed now.” He sighed but you shook your head and as you did he didn’t hesitate to bow in front of you before lifting you over his shoulder. “What a nice view.” You commented and took a grab on Michael’s ass making him gasp almost losing his grip on you. “Y/N stop touching my butt, private area.” He hissed but he couldn’t prevent the giggle that escaped his lips. “We’re going to bed now there’s no but.” He said sternly but with a smile. “Fine.” You mumbled crossing your arms as he walked out of the music studio before heading towards one of the other bedrooms for you to crash.


“For how long have we been sitting here?” Ashton asked you as him and you were sitting in Calum’s bathroom, him on the board of the toilet and you on the edge of the bath tub. It was not like the party was boring, you and Ashton wasn’t just much for sharing your alcohol. So why not having a little drinking game just the two of you instead? “We barely have anything left.” You laughed followed by a hiccup as you filled your class with the last piece of tequila you had brought. “We’ll go steal something in the living room then.” Ashton goofed almost twice as drunk as you. “But first I have to pee.” He mumbled looking confused around. “I’m not gonna leave.” You laughed and he just shrugged his shoulders. “Won’t care.” He winked and started to undue his pants. “For god sake Ash.” You laughed before standing up walking over to the mirror now looking in your own reflection as Ashton did his business – still sitting down as he was too drunk to stand up. “God we’re weird.” You laughed as you stuck your tongue out at yourself. “That’s why we’re best friends. No secrets.” “Yea.” You mumbled winking to your reflection. “Are you done?” You asked turning your head but in a fast mode turned it back as you forgot what he was doing. “Hey don’t look!” He snickered afterwards with a giggle and you started to laugh as well. “My bad.” You shrugged before giving your reflection one last wink as Ashton flushed the toilet, approaching you because he was heading to the sink. Turning up the water Ashton started to wash his hands as you were staring at his reflection in the mirror. “You know Ash a little bit of bronzer would make a hella shit out of your cheekbones.” You commented and he looked at you before giving you a slight push with his hip. “ I would love to see you without it though.” He mumbled looking at your reflection seeing the now scattered makeup because of the heat of the party all around your face. “ I only look like this when I’m at parties. You know that silly.” You said bumping your hip into his. “ I know. I just think you’re prettier without it.” “You’re such a cutie when you’re drunk Ash.” You said in adore before ruffling his curls. 

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