Little Me | High School AU | Part 6

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“Well even though I really love this position, I think we should go back to the theater before the whole show will start without its main roles.” Luke announced as the silence had fell over both of you for a couple of minutes, yourself loosing into his presence. “When is the show starting?” You mumbled, turning your body 180 degrees to face him. Luke pulled his phone out of his pocket, and as he saw the time on the screen, his eyes widen in shock. “2 minutes.” He almost shouted, taking your hand in his, pulling you towards the school, almost tearing your arm off. As you both came into the changing room behind the stage, Canre didn’t even get the chance to yell at you, just shush you onto the stage. When you stepped on the stage, the audience cheering, your hands started to shake and you slowly walked to the middle of it. Even though the strong light from the lamps burned into your skin, you could still see the audience fully. You heard the music play and you knew it was now or never. Taking a deep breath you looked to your left to see Luke standing behind the carpet giving you a smile with thumbs up. Looking out at the audience again, you opened your mouth as your solo started, letting your voice harmonize with the music. When your song was done and the other actors came on stage, you relaxed in your muscles, letting yourself flow into the acting. Far from that, the play went well. Everyone cheered on Luke for being the handsome Romeo and the audience went wild when you both shared kisses. Now the whole play was done and Chanre was announcing the actors on stage, pulling them up in couples, letting the audience cheer at each actor. “And now let me present – The one and only – Romeo and Juliet.” Chanre announced, her arm rising up in victory, pointing towards the two of you, who appeared on the stage again, holding hands. Waving towards the audience you both laughed, before walking over next to the characters who played your parents, all of you holding hands ready to bow. After three bows and a lot of cheers from the audience you went back into the changing rooms everyone happy and full of energy. “Okay everyone I just wanna have a little speech.” Chanre said, making every student gather around her, you being pulled into Luke’s chest, him giving you a kiss on the top of the head. “I’m really proud of you. This play was so fantastic I think it was one of the best on the school! Michael you’re obviously on the light team again next year. I didn’t know that a boy like you did have some technical skills.” She winked making Michael laugh, Luke giving him an high-five. “Girls the make-up and stage setup was perfect. And last but not least. Luke. You’ve got an amazing voice. I’m looking forward to the band you were talking about the other day.” She finished, making the students cheer again. “Oh I forgot something.” She interrupted, all the students staying quiet again. “Y/N you’re a great actor, I’m flattered to work with you.” She smiled looking over at you, Luke giving your waist a light squeeze. “Thank you.” You smiled as well, looking up at Luke to see his proud smirk. “I knew you could do it.” He whispered in your ear before giving you a much needed kiss.


”You don’t want me to carry you?” Calum asked as you went through the rows to see the game that was set the afternoon. “Yeah sure.” You mumbled, letting him carry you over to some empty seats, setting you down carefully before himself taking a seat next to you. After about 50 minutes of the game, you were a groaning mess, letting your hand fall to your forehead, seeing Maranda score another goal to her team. “I can’t watch this.” You whined, leaning back in your seat. The fact that Maranda was grinning her head off after that goal sat fire in your veins. “Cal I’ll be right back.” You announced, standing up in your seat, already heading towards the stairs. “Okay..?” He trailed off, more as a question, seeing you stumble down the row, clutching on your crutches. Walking down the stairs, you took one last glance at the field, before heading towards the changing rooms, earning a strange glare from Coach Hanson. As you came in through the door to the girls changing room, you threw your crutches in anger, before humping towards the bathroom. Taking a massive role of toilet paper, you rolled it repeatedly around your injured foot, the veins in your neck showing in frustration. As the brownish toilet roll came in view, you peeled the last off, before taking your sock on again. Sure the doctor had informed that you had to take care of it for 3-4 weeks, but it’d been 2 and the pain already started to fade away.  Walking back to the changing room you grabbed your football t-shirt from the locker, dressing yourself into your football outfit. As you were fully dressed you pulled your football shoes on, not caring a slightest about the pain, before winching as you stood up, now walking towards the field again. Running outside you sprinted outside on the field, making every student watching the game’s eyes’ go wide, Calum standing up urgently, running down the stairs towards Coach Hanson. “What is going on?!” He asked in fear, seeing you sprint around on the field, playing like it depended life. “I don’t know.” Hanson mumbled in shock, but a smile crept on his face as he watched you play. But his smile faded as he realized the time and took a look on the game scoring. “There’s 6 minutes back, and we’re even. We’re never gonna make it.” Hanson said in frustration, pulling onto his hair slightly. Maranda got the ball, sprinting down from her goal towards yours, but you wouldn’t have any of it, so you sprinted towards her, making the same tackling as you did weeks ago, making both you and her fall, before you pulled yourself up, sprinting towards the goal with the ball between your feet, hearing coach Hanson and Calum yelling in unison “Get it Y/N!” before kicking the ball with your injured foot, letting it fly towards the goal through the goalkeeper, letting every student stand up in unison, everyone cheering as the game completed, Calum and Hanson dancing around with arms around each other. When the bell had whistled, your foot gave in, making your whole body collapse to the grass, before your teammates ran over to you, pulling you up, everyone hugging you. “We won.” You all yelled in unison, smiling like idiots. Hanson and Calum ran over to your little group, making everyone stand out for them to join the circle. “Y/N that was incredible “Hanson yelled, giving your shoulder a light pat, before letting Calum wrap his arms around you, lifting you up before swinging you around. “I can’t feel my foot.” You whispered in his ear as he placed you down on the ground. Looking at each other, that was when the schools janitor started the fireworks, making both you and Calum look at each other. Letting you both lean your head towards each other, he grabbed your lower lip capturing it between his, kissing you passionately as the rest of the fireworks went off, students and Hanson hollering around you.  

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