Baby Series | Diaper Changing

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Luke fumbled with his fingers, not really saying anything but just biting his lip and looking down at the plate in front of him. The seat next to him was empty and he was starting to grow anxious about what was going on. "Is there anything wrong?" Liz asked confused, noticing Luke's sudden weird state and she stopped mid track with putting potatoes on her plate. "Yeah, I'm just wondering where Y/N is.." Luke mumbled with a shrug and looked back at the empty chair, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to find an explanation for why you all of the sudden rose from the chair and headed out of the living room. Luke's grandparents had been ranting endlessly about wanting to finish the dinner that never actually occurred on the day you got into labor, and they had waited patiently until the day you and Luke actually had the surplus to do it, and today was that day. Everything had been fine, William had been sleeping in his baby carriage most of the time and the dinner had started nice and well. You had been acting normal, checking on William a few times to see if he was sleeping well, as you guys had placed him inside Luke's old bedroom where there was still a bed and a desk, but with a few boxes of Liz's old clothes that couldn't fit in her own dresser. But now that you were gone, Luke had started to grow confused and now he had to stand up because it was overwhelming him. "I'll go check on Y/N." He said politely and placed his napkin next to his plate before hurrying towards his own bedroom and opened the door carefully. "Everything alright?" Luke asked worried when he popped his head inside and you looked up at him with a soft smile. "Yeah.. William just pooped.. Everywhere he could." You said with a sigh and Luke shut the door and walked forward so he could stand next to you. "Literally." Luke commented and saw the hot mess, poop everywhere on William's clothes and diaper. "Literally." You repeated in confirm and threw yet another tissue in the bin next to you. "I have no idea what exploded inside of him but it was making me anxious. He wouldn't stop making noises in the baby monitor and I'm so happy that I checked on him." You explained and Luke nodded his head in confirm, helping you along to get a fresh diaper on William when you had finally cleaned him and got him into some new clothes. You stood up with William in your embrace and Luke grabbed the dirty clothes, ready to turn around to wash it but Liz came inside. "Is there something wrong?" She asked with a raised eyebrow but her mouth turned into an o when she saw the mess Luke had in his hands. "Here, let me help." She smiled at you and headed towards you to take the dirty clothes. "Thanks mom." Luke said generously and you nodded your head agreeing. "You did the exact same thing when you were his age." Liz commented and it made Luke's cheeks blush while you held a hand in front of your mouth to prevent the giggle escaping your lips.


Calum smiled softly to himself as he was leaning his back against the wall with his body, his hands filled with bass wires and his eyes glued to the scene in front of him. The studio was filled with giggles, happiness and looked quite like a mess with you, Ashton, Alexander and Michael sprawled on the floor. Today was Alexander's first visit at the studio, mainly because this was Calum's first work day since the birth but he couldn't get himself to leave you guys at home. After 20 minutes of convincing, he finally managed to make you say yes to go to the studio with him, but it also meant that the working process took longer because Michael and Ashton got so distracted by Alexander all the time. But being here for quite a long time meant that at some point Alex would need to get his diaper changed, and that was now. With the help of Ashton and Michael, the three of you teamed up to change his diaper and Calum was surprised to see how into it the boys were. Normally you would connect diaper changing with something gross that was unnecessary to anticipate in but the boys found it hilarious to do, and Michael had total control of doing it to both yours, Ashton's and Calum's surprise. "If you're gonna pee on me Alex, we won't be friends after this." Michael exclaimed and you couldn't prevent the giggles as you stared at him changing the diaper while Ashton threw the dirty one into the bin behind him. "He almost did it to Calum once. We just changed his diaper and put on a new one when he started to pee again." You commented and grabbed his feet afterwards, Alex's eyes looking around confused by the two enormous boys staring down at him with big smiles. A poke appeared on Calum's shoulder and he turned his head away from you guys to look at Luke who was standing with a skeptical expression and had his guitar plectrum between his lips. "What's wrong?" Calum asked and stopped pulling the wires from each other so he could focus on Luke and it made him remove the plectrum between his lips. "Have you told her?" Luke asked and crossed his arms, leaning his body against wall just like Calum. "No.." He responded and looked back at you guys, a guilty feeling running down his spine. "Don't you think you should do it? You knew it would happen." Luke commented and Calum nodded his head with a sigh. He had told himself at least 5 times a day that he should mention it to you but every time you would look at him with Alex wrapped up in your embrace he couldn't get himself to do it. "I just think it's too hard to believe." He mumbled and fiddled with the wire. "As long as you don't tell her the day before." Luke said and Calum nodded his head agreeing, his eyes adverting back to you guys on the floor and a sigh escaped his lips with a very small smile on his lips.

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