He Gets In A Fight Because Of You

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Luke’s temper was boiling as he was listening to the two guys he was standing next to at the bar, the two of them had been discussing about you for the past 15 minutes, and let me tell ya, it wasn’t innocent things. Walking away with a drink in his hand and a straight face, he went over to the other guys, seeing you heading towards the bathroom. “I’m serious if those minions say one last thing about Y/N, I’ll lose my shit.” Luke said as he approached them. “What are they saying?” Michael asked, looking at the guys looking barely 1-2 years younger than them. “Disgusting things. They’ve been talking about Y/N for too long.” He mumbled, eyeing the guys as they were checking your butt out as you were walking back towards them. “Michael, get Y/N away.” Luke mumbled not wanting you to see the ugly things that were going to happen. “No Luke don’t.” Ashton said, trying to grab the tall blond-haired Aussie’s upper arm, Calum doing the same thing, trying to stop the boy in progress. “I swear to god I’ll break their fucking heads off.” Luke mumbled through gritted teeth marching towards the guys with Calum and Ashton in his heels. “I think you’ve seen enough.” Luke announced as he approached the boys, and they gave him a weird look. “The girl over there?” He pointed towards you and Michael talking, “She’s taken. And by who? Me. So I suggest that you find another cake in the bakery because this one is fucking sold out.” Luke spat but one of the guys didn’t seem to bug by Luke’s tall frame. “Make me blondie.” “Try saying that again with a fist in your mouth.” Luke mumbled hitting the boy hard in the jaw with his fist, the boy instantly flying his fist towards Luke’s face. The guys continued their little match as Luke hit the guy harder than what he thought, knocking the guy down to his knees. At the exact point, you had turned around, letting out a gasp as you saw the blood dripping down from Luke’s knuckles and from his lip ring. It was like reality hit Luke as the guys pulled him away from the scene, all of them walking out of the club, you and Michael following suit after. As everyone was out, Calum was already working on getting the blood away from Luke with his T shirt. None of you said a thing, but Luke took action, pulling you into his chest. “Man I never thought you’d have the balls to do that mate.” Michael said shaking his head at him, the other guys nodding. A small blush appeared on Luke’s cheeks, the original social awkward guy coming back. “You’re crazy.” You mumbled into his chest. “And you’re the cause.” Luke snickered, giving Calum his hand as he started to clean his knuckles. “And it was hella hot.” You admitted, the other guys starting to holler as the redness in his cheeks didn’t disappear but only increased by your words.


“So how did this happen?” The nurse asked as she was removing the bandage that was placed around Calum’s right hand, him sitting in a hospital bed with you by the side sitting on a chair. Calum was about to answer but you cut him off, “He felt outside on the curb where some idiot had thrown some broken glass.” You lied making Calum’s otherwise open mouth to shut. “Teenage boys nowadays.” She mumbled whilst shaking her head, peeling the rest of the bandage off before throwing it in a trash can. She took a look at Calum’s hand, studying the small cuts around it, scribbling something down on her notepad before she placed his hand on a towel. “It has sprained too much so we can’t use glue. I’ll go get another nurse so we can sew it together.” She announced standing up from the chair she was sitting at. “I’ll see you soon.” She said before walking out of the door. Calum looked to his side, tiredness clear in his eyes as the clock was about to hit 3:30AM. You weren’t feeling better yourself, the alcohol boost from the club still in your blood, your mind dazing around as everything was spinning and tears had started to well in your eyes. “Hey..” He mumbled trying to get a reaction from you, making you lift your head towards his gaze, his eyes giving you a concerted glare. You looked down in your lap again, a small tear falling down from the corner of your eye. “Come here.” Calum almost demanded but in a soft voice, and you grabbed your chair, pushing it further towards the bed Calum was half sitting half lying in. They’re not gonna touch you again okay?” He reassured as he grabbed your hand with his free one, letting you lay your head on his chest, him giving you a soft peck on the forehead.  What the actual cause of Calum’s sprained bloody hand was actually from broken glass, but not accidently. You were at a club when two guys had pulled you outside in the back of the room against your protests. With the blood full of alcohol and your mind fuzzy you barely had a word said when one of the guys had grabbed you from the bar. But to your luck, Ashton had spotted you before it was too late. But what you didn’t expect was for Ashton to throw a fist towards the guy who had his arm around your waist but his friend didn’t gave a shit either but when he was about to hit Ashton with his bottle of beer, Calum came in between so the bottle hit his hand as they connected. Luckily nothing happened afterwards. “You know I’ll always protect you right.” Calum mumbled in your hair and you nodded your head by his words. “You can sleep if you want. It’s late and I can see it in your eyes that you could pass out any minute.” He said and you nodded yet again, letting sleep taking over your mind as the last thing you felt were Calum’s lips brushing over your hairline.

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