Pregnancy Series | Cravings

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”Where have you been?” Michael asked with a raised eyebrow as Luke arrived into the dressing room, a McDonald’s bag being placed in the grip of his hand. ”Brought food.” He showed the brown back before walking towards you who was sitting on the opposite couch of Michael and Calum, your eyes going from being absence to almost cry by the vision. ”I luv you.” You smiled as you looked up at him, a pinkish blush running over his defined cheekbones as he gave you the brown bag, your mouth almost watering by just the smell. Your hand found the content of the bag faster than what you realized yourself, removing the cover of the McFlurry before throwing it on the table, taking your bag of Chilly Cheese Tops and dipping it into your ice, sooner throwing it into your mouth and a satisfied smile came upon your lips. Calum made a face of disgust as he watched you, looking up at Luke but the blond boy could only shrug his shoulders. ”That looks fucking disgusting Y/N, what the fucking even.” He commented making you roll your eyes by his statement. ”It tastes fucking terrific, shut up Cal.” You mumbled with mouth full, a mixture of cheese and soft ice spreading around the corner of your mouth. ”Let me try.” Michael mumbled and raised himself from the couch, plumping next to you and grabbing a chilly cheese top. ”It doesn’t taste that bad actually.” He said in surprise, you nodding your head at him with a pleasant smirk. ”You two are the grossest people ever, god.” Calum placed his hands in front of his head as he spoke, almost having to walk away from the room in a fear of puking if he stayed there, watching you any longer. ”How can you even give it to her.” He mumbled, removing his hands from his head to look at Luke. ”He’s just whipped Cal, isn’t it obvious.” Michael mumbled, dipping more soft ice on his CCT. Another blush of red came to Luke’s cheeks by the mention and the reception of a wiggle from Michael afterwards, you only sending him a warm smile. ”He’s just going to be a good dad, shut up.” You defended, taking the last Chilly Cheese Tops and throwing the brown back towards the coffee table in front of you, you and Michael sharing the last bit of soft ice on the small deep-fried fast food.


Calum’s hand were almost going numb by the grip from your own hand, your body being almost 1,5 meters in front of him even though you were dragging him in a tight grip, Calum’s legs trying to keep up with your fast pace as you dragged him away from the cleaning products towards the dairy products and other chilled food. How you had managed to drag him towards the grocery shop 10 minutes before closing time still amazed him. Your mouth was literally drooling when you managed to glimpse the small silver packages of marinated anchovies, walking faster to Calum’s shock. “Please no.” He said in a groan as he noticed the silver package as well, his mouth already showing disgust by just thinking of having anchovies in his mouth. You let go of Calum’s hand to place at least 5-6 cans packages in your arms, Calum’s eyes going wide. “You need help?” He asked with a raised eyebrow, you didn’t respond, just placed all of the objects in his arms before taking 3 more. “Dear god.” He mumbled to himself as you walked towards the check out, you trying to open one of the packages already. “Y/N what are you doing?” He hissed, looking down at you wide eyed. “I just really want one.” You said looking down at the package with wide eyes. Calum looked into your eyes for a moment, his eyebrow increasing, “Are you about to cry?” “I just really want one.” You mumbled, trying to blink the tears away. Your cravings were going all crazy at this point, when you wanted something so much, and with the hormones affecting it could leave you to tears. “You can open it when we have paid.” He reassured, throwing the packages onto the running board, you doing the same against your will. When Calum had paid for the anchovies he barely had the chance to give you one before you had ripped a package open, filling your mouth with anchovies. “This is so gross Y/N.” He moaned as you headed towards the car, you rolling your eyes by his statement. “Your child want’s them Hood. I’m just accomplishing its commands.” A small chuckle left past Calum’s lips as you sat inside the parking lot, backing out and onto the road again. “The child just has to accept that I won’t be kissing you for the next 30 minutes.” He said making you roll your eyes by him, “As long as I’ll get the chance to eat these.”


Your feet were trying to fast up the same pace as Michael’s were, a suitcase in your hand as your eyes fought the domination to keep your eyes open in track with Michael’s fast movements. ”What’s that smell?” Your nostrils turned bigger as a delight smell of corn and warm sausages filled them, your eyes adverting around the airport to try to find the source of magnificent smell. ”I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Michael mumbled, one of his hand holding yours as the other was having a grip on papers and his suitcase, trying to find the right place to return your suitcases. ”We need to find out where they are.” You said in search determined to get what your body was now 100% craving for. ”My nerves are telling me that we might be in another terminal.” Michael mumbled, more to himself than you, totally occupied with something different. ”Michael I’m serious we need to get those corndogs!” You said with more stern tone in your voice, finally catching his attention and as he did so, his eyebrow raised as he looked over at you, before turning his gaze back towards the signs with numbers and airlines ”Y/N, it is 6AM and you’re trying to tell me that you want corndogs?” He mumbled under his breath but as he did so, you stopped in track, looking daring at him. ”What?” He asked in a groan, the before happy mood he had worn earlier this morning totally gone now, and replaced with a grumpy temper. ”I want it, and I want it now.” You stated, showing no joke in your tone as you watched him with wide eyes. Michael glared you up and down trying to see if there was any hint of sarcasm but as he could see you wouldn’t bug, his eyes rolled to the back of his head before letting out a smaller sigh. ”Fine. Where do we buy those corndogs?” He barely got the chance to finish before you had almost ripped his whole arm off, dragging him towards where the smell had caught your attention. ”Pregnant women nowadays.” He grumbled as he gave you the corndog after paying it but he couldn’t help hiding the smile that was creeping on his lips as he saw your satisfied expression. ”Don’t blame me, blame your child.” You shrugged, already being in a happier mood now, lifting up your suitcase and ready to return it to the airport crew.


Your eyes were adverting between the ceiling above you and Ashton sleeping next to you, small breaths coming from his parted lips. Your stomach was grumbling in an aggressive manor, keeping you awake from having a normal peaceful slumber. It had been going on since your head had rested on your pillow and that was more than 3 hours ago now. At this point you weren’t torn anymore about just trying to shrug it off; you removed the duvet from your body before resting your legs on the floor, stretching your arms and standing up from the bed. Ashton received a small glare in secure of not waking him up before you tip toed down towards the kitchen, heading direction towards the fridge. Your eyes scanned the content of food product until your eyes landed on a not so familiar white package with a cow plastered on its front. Grabbing it fast you ripped the package open making sure not to spill any of the extra water in it before walking towards one of the cardboards, ripping it open and, grabbing a fork and starting to dig in the dairy product. But your mission on keeping quiet for Ashton’s delight didn’t work out well. Sooner than you expected, he was leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen, his eyes were half closed, half shot, his hair all over the place in a mess on his head, only standing in his boxers briefs, a hand running through his hair to try to collect the noodle mess on his head. “What are you doing?” He questioned, approaching you and knitting his eyebrows as he noticed the feta cheese package in your hand. “Eating cheese.” You mumbled with mouth full of it, “But you don’t like cheese?” You stopped in action by the mention, your eyes adverting down to take a glare at the cheese before looking back up at him. “I have no idea honestly why in the world I’m eating this. It woke me up. My body craved for it.” “You mean they craved for it.” Ash let out a soft giggle, looking more awake now as he placed a hand to your belly. “It’s disgusting.” You said as you swallowed, yet a few pieces more landed in your mouth. “If that’s what they want.” He smiled, taking your fork and taking a piece from your package, “And I’ll be happy to join you as well.”

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