He's Your Teacher | Part 4

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“You sure this is a good idea?” You questioned as you tried to keep up with Luke’s feet, his hand intertwined with yours, yet he was almost a meter in front of you, almost dragging you towards the diner. “Why wouldn’t it be?” He asked, slowing his pace to look back at you with a smile.  You thought for some seconds, watching him as he looked at you questionably. “I don’t know.” You admitted making a smirk appear on his lips, “Good.” He answered before pulling you closer, opening the door to the diner and letting you in first. Normally a place like this would be creepy in deserted places but this was actually a really cozy one. It looked like a regular diner but yet the furniture looked more new and expensive, the light dimmed but not in a creepy way and to your shock, it wasn’t a full on transvestite who controlled it.

“We can sit over there?” He suggested, pulling you towards a booth a little bit further away, taking a seat in front of each other. “You’ve been here before?” You questioned, looking through the menu card. “Maybe once or twice with my friends.” He answered his eyebrow knitting in thought as he scanned the menu.  You nodded your head by his words, looking down at the menu. The bell above the front door appeared, indicating that someone had approached the diner, the sound of heavy feet dragging themselves towards the counter. ‘The sound of chit chats and a common laugh was faint as the group of what you could point out as boys would be was the only thing making noise in the diner expect for the working coffee machine.

Luke raised his head by the sound of the familiar voices, his eyes flicking between you and some boys leaning against the counter at the cashier, his eyes going wide as he looked for an escape. “You okay?” You questioned watching him as he looked panicked. “Buck.” He said before diving fast down to lay on the seat, you looking at him wide eyed but did the same anyways.

“Luke you don’t think we can notice you?” The person’s Aussie accent was thick as he spoke, making your eyebrows knit as Luke lifted himself from the seat embarrassed, his cheeks flushing pink. You sat up yourself, watching as 3 boys approached you, a curly haired one walking in front, probably being the one who spoke before. “A date I see.” He commented, standing in front of the table now, a dark-haired boy and a blond haired boy following suit after. Luke chewed on his bottom lip as his eyes flicked to yours, letting his leg touch yours in a comforting way. “I guess you can call it that Ash.” Luke spoke towards the boy making a grin appear on the boy’s lips. “I’m Ashton, this is Calum and Michael. We’re in the same band as Luke.” He represented, “Band?” You questioned confused looking over at Luke. “You’re in a band?” Luke shifted in his seat, he had never thought about mentioning it because he never believed that something like this would happen. “He’s our lead singer.” Calum explained. “You can sing?” Luke got bombarded with your questions, the pink flush never leaving his cheeks. “Enough about Luke, tell me beautiful, what’s your name?” Michael asked, looking down at you with a smile. “This is Y/N.” Luke answered for you, making the boy look fast at Luke before looking back at you.

“Y/N? I’ve read that name before isn’t it that girl who’s going on your nerves in your math class.” Michael commented making your eyes going wide, Luke’s as well as he send the boy a death glare, wanting him to shut up. The boy with the brown curls hit the blond one in the back of the head. “You don’t ask questions like that.” The dark haired boy’s eyes flicked between the two of you, multiplying things together. “You’re that girl right?” He asked, looking down at you slightly whilst cocking a smile. Your mouth felt open but no words came out as you just looked at Luke for help. “That doesn’t matter.” Luke defended growing tired of his friends’ curious stares. “How did you meet then?” Calum pushed on, crossing his arms and sending Luke a smirk.

“Boys we’ll have this conversation another day.” Luke’s voice was harsh as he spoke but it didn’t affect the boys. “Whatever you say Lukey.” Michael smiled and the boys headed back towards the counter, taking seats at one of the bar stools. Luke send them a glare before turning his eyes back to yours, seeing you already stare at him. “They’re just dorks, just ignore them.” He mumbled, grabbing your hand to give it a kiss to its palm.

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