Shaving Cream

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A/N: I got ratherly inspired by the Mr. Luke Robert Hemmings and his utterly inappropriate strong selfie game that is the cause of my dead in the honor of us many Luke girls. : Beard lyf, headed to rehearsal. It's sounding and feeling live


"Are you ready to do this?" Michael whispered while looking at you, and you nodded your head silently and licked your lips. This was the only shot you had and you had to make it fast to make the mission go the way you wanted. "We'll do like we practiced earlier. Ashton will grab him and use his muscle strength to hold him down." Michael looked over at Ashton who nodded his head agreeing. "You'll sit on top of his chest while I smear the shaving cream all over his face. When the skin is filled with cream you'll use the razor to remove it all okay." You all nodded your head agreeing and leaned your backs against the wall, waiting for Luke to come out of the bathroom at the hotel bedroom. Luke had been going for a month now without shaving his beard and at this point you couldn't stand it any longer. He didn't want to remove it himself so you took the situation in your own hands with the help from the other boys who totally agreed on getting away with Luke's goat beard. You heard the lock to the door open and you made yourself ready with the razor but barely got the time to react before Luke walked out of the bathroom, only with a white towel around his waist and saw him getting tackled to the ground. "What in the serious fuck is going on?" Luke cursed shocked, trying to pry Ashton's arms of him but he couldn't when you sat on top of him. "Removing something that shouldn't have been here in the first place." Michael shouted in laughter and smeared the shaving cream in Luke's face and even though he was wiggling hysterically there was no backing down. "Please don't do this!" He exclaimed at you with wide eyes but you just winked at him and ran the razor down his chin, a satisfied smile coming to your face. "You're taking away my manhood!" "A beard doesn't define your manhood Luke, I mean look at Calum." Michael exclaimed teasingly and Luke grumbled groggily and kept his face still now, knowing that there was no backing down of this so why not just keeping still until it was over. "Say goodbye to your beard, baby." You smiled teasingly and cleaned the razor in toilet paper before you moved it down his chin again, Luke rolling his eyes by the behavior from the three of you.


"Cal, I'm home!" You stopped in track in confuse by the sudden rejection of nobody answering to your yell. You placed your keys on top of the counter in the kitchen along with your leather jacket before you looked into the kitchen confused. Calum had of course left a massive mess of leftover pizzas, toys and blankets from when he and your son have had a chill Friday. Calum always had days off at Fridays which meant your son wouldn't have to go to kindergarten and hang out with his dad instead. You heard faint giggles coming from upstairs so you hurried up the stairs and stopped by the bathroom door where the sounds came from inside. Opening the door quietly you smiled in joy by the sight in front of you. Your son was standing on a chair next to Cal, the both of them having shaving cream all over their faces, Calum using a real razor while your son used one of his toy ones. "What's going on here?" You asked and opened the door fully, both their eyes adverting towards you and your son broke into a smile. "Hi mommy! Daddy is teaching me how to shave!" He said excited and looked back at the mirror in concentration. "You sure are lucky, huh?" You asked and moved some of the shaving cream away from his ear. "But dad, when will I get real stubble like you?" He asked and looked up with his same identical dark brown eyes like his father's. "Well normally it starts around the age of 15-16." Calum responded and ruffled his hair. "So you've got a few years to catch up with." "Unless you're like your dad and won't grow a stubble before you're 20+." You commented from behind and Calum looked at you with daring eyes. "Bud, do you remember what I told you to do if mommy was gonna get naughty?" Your son looked over at you with the same identical expression like his dad and he ran his finger down his chin to collect some of the cream that was and waited for Calum's queue with a smirk. "Get her!" Calum shouted and you hurried out of the room in surprise, having the two of you hunting you to cover you up with shaving cream.


"Aren't you afraid of hurting yourself?" Michael asked while looking into the mirror reflection, half of his face covered in shaving cream while the other half was clean, his before dark stubble totally gone now. "What do you mean?" You asked and looked up from working the razor up and down the skin of your right leg, and Michael turned around as well to look at you fully. "I mean, you're so close to your knees and ankles with the razor. Aren't you afraid to cut yourself?" You chuckled by his question and shook your head. "You should be the one to be afraid. You're the one shaving in your face where scars are so easy to appear. When you've been doing this for so many years you learn how to not cut yourself. Of course it happens at times but it's just a small scratch with a little amount of blood. Doesn't even hurt." You explained and Michael nodded his head understanding, taking a seat next to you on the seating area of the bathtub and looked down to see you work. "Is it exciting?" You asked without looking at him and he nodded his head agreeing. "It looks so cool, actually. Can I try?" You moved your hair away from your face to look up at him and lifted an eyebrow. "Seriously?" Michael nodded his head with a small shy smile and you giggled slightly by his suggestion and moved the razer down in the water to clean it up. "Do you know how to do it?" You asked and gave him the razor. "Yeah we once shared Ashton's legs in a bet. He bleed at least four times so that's the reason why I'm nervous when you do it." Your eyes widened by his words and looked down at him while he moved the razor up and down your leg. "I'll tell you the story another time. Well this was easy." He added when he ran the razor up your leg and you giggled by his reaction. "You should make yourself done as well so I can kiss you." You chuckled and moved some of the shaving cream away from his face, placing some of it on his nose and kissed his free cheek afterwards.


"And then I told Calum, we can't just fucking go clubbing in our deadpool costumes, how am I gonna talk to girls if I my balls are more shown than my face!" Michael ranted on while laughing, his face red from his words and you shook your head at him in disbelief. "What a first world problem, huh?" You commented and leaned your head against the couch, your feet resting on top of the coffee table in front of you in the dressing room at the arena you and the boys visited today. A jolt ran through both yours and Michael's bodies when the sound of the door smacking open appeared, Ashton coming in and his eyes wide as he looked at you daring. "Hey honey, what's going on?" You asked confused to his sudden state and sat up straight in the couch. He hurried towards the coffee table and dropped the grocery bag he had brought with him. "What's this?" You asked confused and looked down in the bag, seeing bottles of shaving cream along with razors. "I don't care about this bet anymore. We're heading over to shave and we're doing it now." Ashton exclaimed while he ran his hair through his thick beard, and Michael let out a laugh in response. "You guys have a shaving bet?" "Well duh! He thought he could stay longer with a beard than I could without shaving my legs. The only twist would be that none of us would have sex while we would have this bet. It's the only reason Ashton is looking like someone living in the mountains at the moment." Michael clapped his hands together in laughter and looked over at Ashton. "You've been lasting for a month. You really don't wanna lose." "Nope I don't and that's the reasons why I'm deciding this. None of us are gonna win so it's gonna be fair play. Now come on, let's go out and shave this beard has been tickling my nose for weeks now!" "That's my own decision Ash, I'm gonna win this bet!" Ashton looked at you with daring eyes before he lifted you into his arms and grabbed the grocery. "Okay fine Y/N, you win this bet but please let's go shave now. I won't manage to survive breathing on stage if we don't get this beard away."

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