There's A Spider

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You don't know what panic is before you hear some of your bags by your door starting to shake violently at 2am like something can't get out of it. Though it got me inspired to right this because holy fuck I hate spiders, haahh


Luke was resting against the soft mattress of yours and his shared bed, his phone in his hand and his eyebrows furrowing while he stared at the screen in front of him. The day had been a rush for him to say at least, he had just gotten home from tour in the morning and didn't do much else than sleep for the whole day. All he was waiting for now was for you to come out of the bathroom after taking a shower. The sound of the lock switched and Luke looked up from his phone with a smile on your lips as he watched you come out from the bathroom in your nightgown with wet hair. You smiled down at him but your face expression changed dramatically when you noticed the black thick 8 legged friend resting on the wall right behind Luke next to your bed. "Oh my god.." You exclaimed making Luke look behind him and drop his phone and sprint away from the bed to hurry next to you. "I did not know it was there." He exclaimed and the both of you remained your focus on it in case it would run away, and you moved your eyes up to him pleading which made him look down at you. "No.." Luke said, and looked at you with wide eyes. "I am not removing that." He stated and crossed his arms. "Please Luke!" You pleaded and did the best puppy eyes you could and folded your hands together while staring up at him. "Why me?!" He exclaimed questioning and his arms flied up in the air in disbelief. "Because you're the guy! It's a part of the job of being a boyfriend! You know, the guys are the ones to remove the nasty spiders and carry their girlfriend away from the mice on the floor." Luke chewed on his bottom lip while you ranted on and he did a roll with his eyes. "I don't know where you've heard that fairytale story but alright. Next time it's your turn!" He said with a warning and pointed towards you. He headed out towards the bathroom and came back with some toilet paper. "I only do this because I love you.." He sighed as he headed unwilling towards the spider and as fast as he possibly could, he grabbed it around his hand and hurried towards the window and smacked it open. Instead of just shaking the paper he threw it all out of the window before shutting it fast.


"Calum?!" "Calum get your fucking butt in here right now!" You exclaimed, standing on the top of toilet and holding onto the wall to the shower next to you to stabilize yourself. "What's with the rush?" Calum asked confused and came into view, standing against the doorframe of the bathroom. You hold your breath and stared at him wide eyed before pointing on the wall centimeters away from him and he did a squeal just as soon as he saw the spider resting on the wall and ran towards you by the toilet. "Welcome to fucking Australia." He said speechless and helped you down from the toilet and kept his eyes on the nasty shit. "For how long has it been here?" "Just as soon as I came out from the shower." You mumbled, your hair still wet and having a towel wrapped around your chest. "You're gonna remove it right?" You asked and looked up at him. "Hell no have you seen that thing Y/N, it bigger than Ashton's fist!" He responded and crossed his arms. "Then what?" You asked confused and Calum thought for a second. "Rock, paper, scissor?" He suggested and it made your eyes go wide and stared at him speechless. "Are you kidding me? You want us to play rock, paper and scissor?!" You exclaimed with wide eyes, and Calum nodded his head. "It's the only thing that's completely fair! You know I hate those as much as you do!" You chewed on your bottom lip and crossed your arms, feeling like this wasn't fair at all. Calum usually wouldn't have a problem with this but this spider was definitely out of the ordinary. "Okay." You sighed and reached your hand up and fisted it in front of Calum's. "Rock, Paper, Scissor." You said in unison and when you picked rock and Calum picked scissor, a yes came from your lips and a satisfied smirk came to your face. "Best out of three?" He asked hopefully and you shook your head with wiggling eyebrows. "Fine.." Calum groaned and was ready to prepare himself for the nightmare but his eyebrows increased when he looked back at the spot where the spider had been, to see that it wasn't there any longer. "Wait, where did it go?" He asked almost in fear and it made you change your face expression as well and looked on the now empty wall. "Goddammit Calum!"


Switching from hotel to hotel was something that had become very normal in your daily routines when you were joining tour with Michael and this night was just like one of the other ones. Michael opened the door to the hotel room and instantly almost threw his suitcase on the floor before grabbing the remote and turning on the TV in front of the bed. Meanwhile you headed towards the bathroom to get a glass of water since the travelling to this hotel had been going on for hours without any pit stops. Michael had made him so comfortable in the bed that he didn't even noticed the small animal right next to him that was probably ten times more scared of him even though he had no knowledge it was there. "Holy fucking shit!" He exclaimed all of the sudden and almost threw himself out of the now not so comfortable bed. What he hadn't noticed when he placed himself on it was the massive black brownish spider that was resting right next to what would be your pillow. "Y/N come out here, you need to fucking remove something fast." He exclaimed in fear and you headed out of the bathroom confused to what in the world he was talking about. As you came out of the bathroom you lifted and eyebrow and looked around confused. "What?" You asked confused and Michael could barely look at the spider, but he just pointed towards it. "You need to remove it!" He said once again and when you spotted the spider on the bed, a small grunt came from your lips. "Are you kidding me? You're afraid of that little thing?" You laughed in disbelief before grabbing a tissue from your purse and headed towards it. "I swear it was looking evil at me before, I'm not joking." Michael stated rather seriously and you kept on laughing while grabbing the little guy with your tissue before heading towards the window and let it out. "Comparing to the fact that there should be much bigger spiders in Australia, you're quite a coward." Michael started to scoff by your comment and crossed his arms like you had said something unfair. "Please, I could have chased it out just by staring at it." He said like a little boy and plumbed down on the bed with crossed arms. "You sure would." You grinned and shock your head at him by his childish behavior.


"Y/N, could you bring along some water for me as well?" Ashton asked from the bathroom next to the kitchen, a toothbrush in his mouth that made his words more slurred and less understanding. When you didn't respond to the question, Ashton furrowed his eyebrows and spit out the leftovers of toothpaste in his mouth before cleaning his brush and placing it next to yours in the cups. He was whistling while he headed out of the bathroom and shut the lights, but stopped mid track when he saw your form staring out in the air like something had frozen you to the ground. "Babe.. What's going on?" He asked confused with a smile and headed over to stand in front of you. Your eyes adverted fast up to Ash before you grabbed his shoulders and turned him 180 degrees so his eyes landed on the 8 legged creature resting nicely on your kitchen wall next to the sink. "Holy corndog." He exclaimed with wide eyes, one of his hands coming up to roam through his mat hair. "We need to get it out." Ash said and you nodded your head while biting your lip as you watched him head towards the cupboards to get a cup and catch it. That was one of the good things about being with Ash. He wasn't completely afraid of the spiders but he wouldn't deny that those things also scared the crap out of him. When he had taken one of the pink cups from the cupboard he shut it and headed quietly towards the spider, silence overwhelming the living room as you were holding your breath and staring at him wide eyed. Ash smacked the cup against the wall but unfortunately the spider was too fast for him, making him hit against nothing and the spider started to crawl away from his fast in fear. You and Ashton eyed the spider step for step and after Ashton's failure you guys had shocked it so much that it crawled up to your roof and inside against one of the small racks that linked to your bedroom. "There was quiet for a few seconds before Ashton placed the cup back on the counter in front of him and looked back at you. "I guess this means that we'll sleep on the couch tonight?" He asked and you nodded your head furiously before heading back towards the living room to find blankets and pillows.

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