He Helps You Fall Asleep

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I wrote this today in my NG Class. It was the last one in my Senior year and my teacher literally didn't give a single fuck. Might as well use the time for some productive! I am a person who suffers with insomnia so this preference is something I can relate to so much...


Tossing and turning around the bed, a frustrated sigh escaped your lips. What was the time again 3am, 4am? You had no idea and knew you would instantly feel pain just by the thought of having less than four hours until you would have to wake up for classes. Luke was resting beside you on his stomach, his mouth half open and small snores leaving his lips. You crossed your arms and looked up at the ceiling, shutting your eyes harshly but that was not going to help at all. "Y/N. Sleep." He commanded with a weak raspy voice, his eyes still shut against the pillow. "I can't." You mumbled and moved to rest on your side. He fluttered his eyes open and adjusted to the darkness. Sitting up against the headboard of the bed he looked down at you with a sympathetic smile and ran a hand through his hair. "Did I wake you up?" You asked with hint of guilt in your voice. "Nah," he simply shrugged his shoulders. "You've been tossing around since we went for bed. I've been in and out of sleep." You frowned slightly. "I'm sorry." You murmured and caressed the skin up his arm. "What's keeping you up?" He asked and pressed his elbow against the mattress, resting his chin on top of his palm. "I don't know. Too many energy drinks at work." It almost came out as a question and Luke nodded his head understanding. A small smile appeared on his lips, "Try rest on your belly." You furrowed your eyebrows by his request but turned around so you were resting on your stomach, your cheek resting on Luke's free arm. He caressed his hand down your back and grabbed the hem on his t-shirt that you were wearing, lifting it up. You quivered an eyebrow by his act, watching his dimple showing by the smile turning wider on his face. "Remember when we were in high school and I used to caress your back in history?" You hummed softly, shutting your eyes when his fingers tickle over the skin on the smaller part of your back. "You always fell asleep in the end and I would have to wake you up before Mr. Tom would notice." You smiled gladly by the memory, your cheeks blushing. Luke grinned by the memory, moving his fingers up and down your spine, over your shoulder blades and down to your panties. He made patterns, drew a few hearts and wrote his name. And even if you didn't want to believe it helped within the minutes you were out like a light, finally going into the slumber you had been waiting for, for hours.


Your eyes focused tiredly on the large TV in front of you, the source of light from the screen being the only thing illuminating the whole bedroom. Numerous of kids TV shows from Cartoon Network had passed by, and by every show you swore you would fall asleep after the episode. But you didn't. Something was keeping you up, and no matter how many times you squeezed your eyes shut to try it failed miserably. Calum was sleeping beside you, out like a light while he rested on his side. His cheek was pressed against his pillow while his curly locks were falling in front of his eyes. You looked down at him with a small hint of jealous, wishing you could be him. Why was it so easy for him to sleep? He never suffered with insomnia. He could sleep literally everywhere, earned the ability from touring in different countries and continents. Your attention went back to the screen in front of you, pulling the covers up to your chin. You knew it wasn't a proper thing to do, watching televisions to the early mornings were only distractions from actually trying to sleep. But with your impatient behavior and desperation for sleep you did the total opposite. "You're still awake?" Calum's voiced cracked and you looked down at him with wide eyes. He sat up in the bed and looked at the TV screen. "Watching Johnny Bravo?" He added and looked at you confused, squeezing his eyes by the bright light. You nodded your head and watched him stand up from the bed before walking into your bathroom. You waited a minute until he came back, scratching his eyes and cuddled back into your duvet. "You can't sleep?" He asked, clearly being the opposite of you. You sighed softy in respond and turned off the TV. Might as well focus on him now that he was awake. "I wish I could though." You mumbled and cuddled into his chest. Calum nodded his head understanding and wrapped an arm around your neck, tangling his hand in your hair. "Tell me about your day." He requested tiredly and closed his eyes. You looked up at him confused and a small smile creeped in the corners of his mouth. "Just do it Y/N." You furrowed your eyebrows by his request but decided to give it a shot. Talking about everything that happened the second from when you woke up, went to classes, worked at the small café afterwards. Coming home to him, seeing him play the bass, cook dinner and watch some tele before he went to bed. You couldn't see the intension of Calum's request at first but the more you spoke, the more tired you got and before you knew it you both were all asleep, cuddled up in each other's arms.


You looked up at your ceiling with furrowed eyebrows. How many squares were there again? 30, 40? You had literally just counted the number minutes ago but with the thoughts keeping running around in your head it was hard to keep it up. Maybe you should just do it all over again, comparing to the fact that even if you had done it three times now it didn't seem to tire you down. The empty spot next to you were used for the benefit, instead of just resting on your side you were laying square across the bed. Michael hadn't gone to bed yet. It was one of the few issues he suffered with, jet lag being one of the major problems to have a normal week for him. The TV from the living room was faint with the closed door and if you listened carefully you would hear the lights strums of a guitar. It was a tempting choice to walk out of bed and approach him but you knew you needed sleep. School was tough at the moment and within three hours you would have to get up to make yourself ready. Michael couldn't care less with his sleep, all he had to do tomorrow was studio recordings which were during noon. You bit your lip in thought but in the end decided that there were no way you could fall asleep like this. Wrapping one of his t shirts around your body you carefully walked into the living room to see him sit at the couch. His eyes were focused on the screen while his fingers were casually playing melodies on his acoustic guitar. By the sound of your footsteps he looked over his shoulder. "Y/N it's 4am why are you awake?" he stood up from the couch still with the guitar in his hand. "I couldn't sleep. I haven't been able to for days." You admitted and he approached you. "Do you have any ideas?" You asked and leaned against the doorframe to your bedroom. Michael bit his lip in thought and looked down at his guitar. "I could sing for you." He suggested and you nodded your head with a smile and walked back into the bedroom, jumping onto the bed. You cuddled yourself up in your duvet and watched as he took a seat down on his side of the bed, leaned his back against the headboard and strummed his guitar. "I don't really know what to sing though, a small lullaby?" He asked with a small grin and you moved the duvet up to your chin. "I don't care. Please just sing." You mumbled and closed our eyes, smiling softly when Michael's voice filled your ears, making every single muscle in your body rest along with your head finally going into a well-deserved slumber.


Numerous of sighs escaped past your lips while you stared up at the dark ceiling, Ashton's sweaty chest almost sticking to your cheek. Small snores were leaving his lips and you wondered so many times how he even made it possible. The bunk was at least at the point of being 40 degrees, the windows almost damping by the high temperature. Summer was here and with the air condition not working, it meant that the bunk area of the bus was grilled. Ashton didn't seem to mind, most probably because he was used to it along with the other boys. But you were at the point of dying, only wearing a bandeaux and a thong to try stabilizing the heat. And with the crowded space in the bunk and Ashton determined to rest on the right side, you were smashed between him and the window. So it wasn't just the heat overwhelming you but also your insanely sweating boyfriend making the bunk ten times smaller than it already was. You removed your head from his chest to look down at him, seeing his mouth half open and his eyelashes resting on his cheekbones. "What are you staring at?" His raspy voice questioned, and a jolt ran through your body. You thought he was asleep but clearly not. When you didn't answer but only widened eyes he smiled and opened his to look up at you. "Hey sleepyhead." He greeted softly but with pure sarcasm in his tone. "Sorry." You mumbled already, feeling guilty for being the reason to why he probably couldn't sleep neither. "Can't sleep?" He asked and you shook your head. "The heat is killing me." He nodded his head agreeing and opened the curtain to the bunk. "It's quite horrible when you aren't used to it." He looked over his shoulder before jumping down, grabbing the sweaty duvet from your bunk and headed down to the back area. You watched him confused when you jumped out yourself, seeing him turn on a fan and make a small poodle of pillows on the couch. "Come on. You might as well complain about the cold after the fan has cooled you down." Smiling softly by his cute gesture you grabbed his hand and rested down on the duvet. He wrapped his and around yours and pulled you into his chest, also feeling slightly relieved to not rest in the crowded bunk any longer. With the free space, the fan blowing air on your almost nude skin and Ashton resting next to you, your eyelids finally allowed you to go into the slumber you had fought for. Ashton smiled down at you in satisfaction, pressed his warm lips against your forehead and pulled you closer, ready to go back to sleep again.

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