Boyband VS Girlband | AU | Part 6

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Sun streamed in through the cabin window, hitting you straight in the face making your eyes squeeze tight by the sudden light, turning your head away so the light disappeared. It was now Luke’s turn to mumble out a groan, the light now hitting his face making him start to blink a few times. “Thanks for that.” He grumbled making a small giggle leaving your lips, a chuckle coming from him as well. “We should get up.” He mumbled making you let out a sigh. You removed yourself from his body and got ready to dress up, a small growl leaving Luke’s lips. “You were the one saying that we should get up.” You chuckled, watching him as he ran a hand through his hair, grabbing his guitar from the resting on against the wall. “I didn’t mean now necessary.” You shrugged your shoulders and put on some leggings and a hoodie, walking towards the mirror. “Are we allowed to attend the competition?” Your question lingered in the air as Luke stopped playing, looking up at you. “I hope so. If not there’s no way I’m coming next year.” A small giggle left your lips by his statement, walking over to the nightstand next to him to grab your phone. If wasn’t like there were any messages or Wi-Fi, the connecting out here worked like shit, mainly just so everyone could enjoy each other instead of social medias. “Y/N, LUKE, GET THE FUCK OUT.” You raised your head from your phone by the sound of your names, Luke stopping his guitar playing as he knitted his eyebrows, the both of you looking at each other in confusion. Some more yelling appeared and before you knew it, Ashton, Michael, Calum, Magenda, Leah and Amia barked into your cabin in one swift movement, the cabin now seeming quite filled. “What’s going on?” Luke questioned by the sudden interrupt. “You haven’t heard?” Michael asked with a smile padding him on the shoulder. Both you and Luke shared a glare again in confusion, still not knowing what was going on. “Mrs. Walden just announced in the speakers that you’re not going to stay in the isolation cabin anymore! She said you had good behavior so she would save you guys from living with each other anymore.” Leah cheered making your eyes going wide, Luke’s doing the same. “So we’re moving back?” You asked, wanting to be 100% sure. “Hell yeah you’re moving back to us.” Magenda cheered, the girls surrounding you in a hug. A part of you were actually happy to move back to the girls and actually experience the camp again with activities but another part of your body craved to still live with Luke, your relationship had taken a whole new direction and there was no doubt that you would miss the mornings you had shared. And there was no doubt in mind that Luke was thinking the same thing as you shared another eye contact.


Calum’s tongue traced your bottom lip, his chest pressing further into yours as his palms were pressing into the madras, hands on either side of your head. A small groan felt past his lips as you opened your mouth letting your tongue enter yours. “Calum you fucking shit pull that tongue out of Y/N’s mouth!” Hero’s voice startled the both of you as the door was smacked open, the girls and boys appearing in the now small cabin making you and Cal move away from each other now standing up. “I could say the exact same thing about Y/N.” Luke grumbled, everyone giving each other intense glares. “Girls you really thought we were that dumb?” Ashton smirked, crossing his arms. “What do you mean?” Willow questioned as like he said something ridiculous, cocking her head as she looked at him. “Trying to make Calum fall in love with Y/N? Please, you could do something much better than that.” All the girls’ eyes were now wide including yours, all of you looking at each other. “How the hell did you found out?” Emma cursed immediately, looking at Ashton. “First of all, you’re not that cunning. Second of all, we heard you guys from outside our cabin, and Calum saw you guys hiding behind a tree. And mainly it takes a lot more to fool us.” Ashton was confident as he spoke and after his last word being said, silence felt over the room. “So you guys have been fake dating for a good while now?” Hero asked, breaking the silence. “Yep.” Calum answered, looking over at you. The yep came out more fake than what he wanted it to be, yet it was the first word that came to his mind. He wouldn’t accept it in his head that he had actually fallen for you. If he told the boys he knew they would laugh and if he told you, he would seem weak and you would be cocky, showing that what you wanted to accomplish actually approved. He couldn’t let that happen, he needed to show off a cocky attitude as well. But what Calum didn’t know was that you actually had truly feelings towards him as well. There was something about the way he played the bass, his jaw clenching when he concentrated and the blond strikes in his hair. He was your weak spot to say at least but none of you showed the real shit towards each other because of fear of disappointment towards the rest of the groups. “Seems like we’re done here.” Emma smiled, walking towards the door. “Remember we’re always full of ideas.” Hero added the other girls following behind. “And we’re here to ruin them.” Michael commented. You and Calum shared a last glare before you went out of the room. “Mate you almost got something good there, sorry to ruin it.” Michael commented making Luke crack up laughing, Ashton shaking his head at them as Mikey gave Calum’s shoulder a path.

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