Cliché First Meetings AU

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Sooo, this was requested by some anon from Tumblr. Normally I'm not into this disgustingly cute cliché crap but I couldn't resist doing this because... It's cute and I like cute. Though I was kind of lost with Michael's it might not be as cliché as the others but I don't care. It's cute. Michael is cute. You're cute.



The slippy streets of London never seemed to prevent anyone from walking their ways, umbrellas in a million different colors lightening up the otherwise dull city. The raining had stopped from now, only having dark clouds hovering over your head while you held a newspaper to prevent the small rain drops. With the other hand holding your phone to your ear you waited in desperate need of your boss to pick up her phone. You were at least five minutes late for work and the coffee shop was still two blocks away from you. But without anyone answering their phone an irritated groan left past your lips and you scrolled through your contact list in hope of finding someone to call. It was risky as of having so many people around you but you trusted the streets and once in a while looked up to make sure that you weren't bumping into someone. But even if you claimed yourself that you did, you never realized how slippy the streets were until you actually slipped in your heels. A squeal left your lips surprised when the ground beneath you disappeared, your eyes squeezing shut preparing for the pain that was going to happen. Though before you could connect with the ground someone caught you easily and your eyes opened wide in shock. You were met by a pair of ocean blue eyes staring down at you with a smile, his arms wrapped around you and your nose almost touching. "Watch out. The streets are slippy." He hummed in a grin and you giggled in response to his sentence. He lifted you up completely and let go of you before running a hand through his hair. "Thank you." You smiled gratefully and he flashed the dimple in his cheek. "So I should probably get going." You mumbled after a minute of staring, pointing your finger over your shoulder. "Not before you tell me your name." He grinned and grabbed your wrist before you could go. "It's Y/N." You informed and felt a buzz going through your veins by his touch. "Hi Y/N. I'm Luke." His hand went from your wrist and grabbed your hand, shocking it politely before lifting it up to his lips and kissed it. "Pleasure to meet you."


Walking around with your finger gazing over the many book covers you hummed lightly to yourself and enjoyed the peaceful sounds of the library. You seemed to be one of the only persons here, some sitting by the free computers while others were scanning the many shelves of history and stories that never seemed to end. You already had five books in your grip and you almost regretted not taking one of the free baskets when you walked inside. It always ended up like this when you would visit the library. You would go after one book but being so attracted by everything you couldn't control your excitement. All the covers, the exciting titles and the long pages were enough to make you wild in your knees, wanting to take almost every single book with you home. When you finally felt that you couldn't carry anymore you decided to give up on the book you were already holding and turned your direction towards the checkouts. But the second you turned to the right on the corridor you crashed into someone's chest, your books flying in the air along with a huge stack of papers. Your mouth widened in shock when you both collapsed to the floor, the papers falling on top of both of you. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't really see you." The boy chirped in and tried to collect his papers, the smile on his face telling that he clearly wasn't mad. "Oh no I'm sorry too. I wasn't really looking where I was heading and all of the sudden you were right in front of me." You mumbled while collecting your books, deciding to help him along as his papers were literally everywhere. "I see you went crazy at the copy machine." You commented and he simply laughed in agreement. Reaching out for the same paper your hands touched lightly and you couldn't stop smiling as he looked up at you. "I didn't really get your name." Your hands still touched until you removed yours from the paper so he could put it back in the pile. "My name is Y/N." You grinned and embraced the books in your chest. "What a nice name. I'm Calum." He smiled generously before helping you up, making a huge amount of butterflies erupting in your stomach.


Holding your hands together in order to create some sort of heat, you held your knees tight and tried your best not to collapse in coldness. The snow was falling lightly in the cold English weather, the whole airport trying to remove it all in order to send airplanes in the air. You were in a whole crowd of people waiting to border the plane but because of lack of staff from the cleaning company you guys had to wait for longer than usual. It had been false alarm when you were directed to the gate, having to walk out on the runway and take the small stairs to the plane. But now with the wait ahead of you, you didn't know whether or not you were going to survive this. Deciding to let your winter coat stay in your suitcase that was already packed up in the plane seemed like a rather dumb idea now. It had seemed great at first but of course you didn't expect yourself to stand in only a t-shirt outside in the cold 6am weather. "Oh my god you must be freezing." Someone exclaimed from beside you, the voice sounding fresh and worried. You looked over your shoulder to see a male kneel down in front of you before he shrugged off his jacket. "Oh that isn't necessary." You tried but he ignored your words and wrapped you up, already reducing the shaking in your body. "You're wearing a t-shirt outside while it's minus degrees, of course it's necessary." He moved around to stand in front of you which allowed you to see his bleach blond hair, small snowflakes resting in between the strands. "What about you?" You asked with a quivered eyebrow but couldn't hide the smile on your face. He wasn't wearing anything but a long sleeved dark shirt, the sleeves giving him sweater paws. "I'm okay." He was holding his boarding pass between his fingers while waving and you couldn't help but notice his seating. "Oh my, you're in 7E. How funny I'm in 7F." He looked down at his boarding pass before looking up at you and a bright smile embraced face. "You're gonna get a hell of a flight to Sydney then," He paused in wait, "Y/N." You finished his sentence and he smiled bright. "Cool Y/N. I'm Michael. Pleasure to be seated next to you for the next ten hours."


Waiting for coffee was like waiting for something that never actually would occur. You had been standing in line for so long now you could barely keep your eyes open, the need for caffeine being such a necessity you knew you wouldn't survive your morning classes without it. You weren't even supposed to take a short visit to the coffee shop on your way to classes but with the lack of sleep from last night you couldn't resist the craving. But now the feeling of warm coffee streaming down your throat seemed so close yet so far away you could barely contain your temper. You could see how hard the employees were working to satisfy every customer in the store but now you had been waiting for almost ten minutes for your latte and things were getting impatient. You had been late for classes lately and you knew if it happened again your biology professor would freak. You were so caught up in your thoughts you barely registered your name being called, but after hearing it twice your eyes widened and you hurried towards the counter. "Thank you so much." You said with a smile, grabbed a napkin and accepted the coffee in a hurry. If you ran you were most probably gonna make it. Though the second you turned around you collapsed into someone's broad chest, his eyes widening the second you spilt on his otherwise black t-shirt. "Oh my god." You exclaimed shocked, almost afraid that he was burned but he shrugged it off with a smile. "I'm so sorry." You added and gave him your napkin, watching as he dried off his shirt with ease. "It's okay, mistakes happen at times." He flashed a smile showing his dimple but you couldn't control the blush on your cheeks. "Are you sure?" You asked and reached out or another napkin, trying to help him along to dry off his shirt, "I didn't burn you, did I?" He shook his head calm with a smile and giggled. "Don't worry. Nothing major happened." You removed the napkin with an awkward smile, a giggle escaping your lips as well. "I should probably go." You pointed behind him but before you could he grabbed your wrist lightly, "Not before you tell your name. I'm Ashton."

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