Boyband VS Girlband | AU | Part 9

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Over Topic: Making Band posters for the camp competition


Chairs were scattered around the, what was before canteen of yours and Camp Star’s, now gathered together so everyone could sit in the room, all the chairs pointing towards a few tables with papers, Glitter, scissors and other creative relative things as such. The room started to fill with people, everyone having to sit at their groups. You and the girls walked into the room as one of the last ones, getting the seats furthest away from the front. “Nice to see that everyone could make it.” Mrs. Walden said, tearing everyone’s attention from what they were focusing on before to now glare at her. “As usual, we have to make a poster for each band. I hope everyone who wants to attend have written their name on the list over there.” She pointed to her left where the not so blank white paper were hanging next to where you placed your dishes after eating, bands covering the list with their band names. ”We’ve done that right?” Magenda questioned, looking around at the three of you. ”Yeah, I did it this morning.” You whispered back, receiving a thumbs up. ”So, let’s get into this! Let us be creative!” Mrs. Walden took a step back from the table as she spoke her last words, taking a seat towards the other counselors, drinking coffee and looking at you guys working. ”So I’m thinking black and red, would that work?” You suggested and the other girls nodded their head fast. ”Let’s do this then.” You smiled and you and the girls walked towards the table that was already invaded by band members, camp students grabbing colored papers, scissors and stuff. ”I’ll grab a scissor then you can find some glue and papers.” You instructed and the girls did as so, you walking towards where the scissors were. A push to your hip made you look up from your search, seeing Luke with a smirk on his lips as he looked down at you, chewing his bottom lip. ”What’s up Rockstar.” You mumbled, grabbing an orange scissor, looking up at him with a skeptical smile. ”Nothing.” He smiled, swinging back and forth on his heels. ”Okay.” You answered as if it was in a question, looking up at him with a smirk before heading back towards the girls again. Luke eyed you as you did, keeping on chewing on his bottom lip but stopped as a smack from a palm appeared on his broad shoulder his eyes instantly removing his gaze from you and towards what was Calum and Michael glaring at him with arms crossed. ”Snap out of it Luke.” Calum shook his head by Luke’s actions but all the blond haired boy could do was to shrug. ”What is going on with you and her?” Michael questioned, looking over at you and the girls. ”Nothing.” Luke answered fast, starting to walk away from the boys. ”Something’s up with him and Y/N. But I can’t get into him and let him split out the context of it.” Calum mumbled through gritted teeth, Michael cocking an eyebrow. ”Maybe something happened while they lived together.” He shrugged making Calum nod his head. ”And I’m dying to know what and why.”


”I don’t know what’s worst currently.” Willow started out, making you cock your head away from trying to get the glue sticking to your fingers off, looking up at her in a question, ”What?” You inquired, tapping your fingers together a few times more before smashing the glue against some extra paper. ”The fact that this is getting so ugly. Or the fact that Calum has tried to get your attention for the last 20 minutes, yet you’ve rejected him like a fucking cold stone.” Your eyes went wide by the mention of Calum, turning your head around fast and seeing Calum already staring at you, finally relieved of getting eye contact, a wink send towards your direction before he looked down again. ”What the hell was that?” Willow asked in confuse, glaring between you and Calum. You looked over at Hero and Emma, probably discussing something about which font of letters you would be using for your poster, before looking back at Willow. ”Can you keep a secret? You know, just between the two of us?” You said quieter now, leaning forward on the table and Willow did as you, looking at you with a cocked eyebrow. ”I can conclude it involves Calum Hood I see.” You nodded your head, looking around to make sure that nobody was close enough to hear. He’s been trying to ask me out since we stopped fake dating.” Willow’s eyes went wide like tea cups by your revilement, crossing her arms as a shocked expression came to her face. ”You mean that he likes you?” You shrugged your shoulders as you looked back fast at him, before looking back at Willow. ”Yeah, I guess so.” ”Do you like him?” She asked, and a confused expression landed on your face. ”No.” You said as in disbelief, starting to fake giggle. ”No, not at all.” You leaned back away from the table, Willow doing the same. ”I’ve known you for a long time Y/N, and for some reason, I don’t believe you.” Your eyes went wide, mouth falling open but no words came out. ”You really think I like Calum? He’s such a jerk; I would rather stick a fork down my throat and die.” ”You don’t seem like you would. And definitely not last night.” Your eyes went wide again, looking at her questionably, ”What do you mean about last night.” You asked, a smirk coming to her lips. ”Let’s just say, he seemed to be a really good kisser because you looked definitely pleased by it afterwards, but I promise, I won’t tell anyone.” When Willow finished speaking and send you a wink the other girls took a seat beside you guys with their finished work, ready to show it off. ”So, what are you guys talking about?” Hero asked, smiling at you. ”Nothing.” You mumbled, looking back at Calum, again him staring at you with a smirk, sending you an air blow kiss. ”Nothing at all.” You mumbled, looking back at Hero with a small smile, a sudden blush starting to form on your skin.


Glares were send in between the you and Michael as he was leaning back in his seat, looking at the boys as they were cutting and pasting their band poster, Luke drawing on the thick black paper as Calum and Ashton were cutting out letters and instrument printed pictures. You on the other hand were pretty occupied with you and the girls’ project, wanting it to be finished as fast as possible so you could back to practice – truth was that you guys hadn’t even found the right song and the big competition was so close at this point. You guys were literally fucked and that was the reason why you were in a hurry. So while sitting and making the final creations on your band poster, Michael kept on staring at you, which, not only made you uncomfortable, but also slightly irritated. It was not until you just kept on staring at him, the tension between the two of you getting thicker even though there was a long distance between you guys, that he stopped looking at you and looked back at what he was working on. ”Guys, I’m serious, we need to win, I can’t let them win.” Ashton motioned towards you and the girls, mumbling a few other words through gritted teeth. ”We could..” Luke started out, tapping his pencil against his chin, yet loosing what he was trying to say. ”Yeah, I don’t know man.” He shrugged, throwing the pencil on the paper. Michael leaned forward on his elbows so they could rest on the table, his mind trying to find something special. Michael looked back towards you, seeing you smile down at the papers in front of you in joy and that was when something hit him. That smile. It reminded him of back a few weeks ago where you guys had been sneaking out together. The mention of your bands collabing together. But how would that work? To be honest it wasn’t like that Michael hated you. He still loved the idea of you guys performing together as a big act. But what about you? There was no doubt that all you were showing was hate towards him at this point. And not to mention the boys, if he told them about the small idea you guys had have, they would instantly think he would be crazy. But what he imagined in his head right now was so perfect that it was almost splitting out from his lips. What was the worst thing that could happen if he went talking to you, he thought in his head. Beside might getting the balls chopped off, it did seem that scary. ”Michael what are you thinking about?” Calum broke Michael’s thoughts making the boy look up fast as in confusion. ”Nothing.” He tried to shrug it off but it was now stuck in his mind. It would happen and he knew that inside your anger you would love to do it too.


To say that is was now awkward between you and Ashton would be an understatement. The poor curly haired lad could barely look at you without having his cheeks turn into the reddish tomato color. There was no doubt that at this point, he felt so weak. And especially in the competition. He had been so cocky throughout the whole camp but now, so close to the end, but now since the boys had been such jerks and pulling out the mistake and telling you guys about his crush. It was never supposed to slip out! He had mistaken telling Michael and Luke at some point that the girl who had taken his virginity was also one of his biggest crushes. Yet he never believed that it would slip out and now when it had, with no rival between the two of you anymore, he felt like a complete loser. The only reason why he had been playing so cocky, hard to get and acting like an enemy towards you was only because he was afraid of rejection and showing his feelings. He could barely stand next to you without dying in embarrassment and that was a harsh task since he was standing next to you right now, being commanded by the boys to go up and grab some glue while you were up getting some paper to make letters. Ashton reached out to grab the glue but as he did, his bare arm brushed yours which made him instantly remove his hand as in if he had burned it, taking a big step away from you and grabbing another glue. ”What the fuck Ash?” You mumbled, looking at him weirdly, trying to find out what was wrong with him. It wasn’t like you were mad about him liking you, actually you admired it and felt it flattering. It was cute considering the fact that he fancied you, and to be honest you would lie if you said you didn’t fancy him as well. But as long as the competition was on, you had to turn that side away and not think about it. ”Are you okay?” You asked, leaning against the table making Ashton look at you dumb-folded like he was a small thirteen year old boy confessing to his older babysitter that he was crushing on her, ”Yeah, I’m eh- I’m fine.” He managed to smile before turning around fast and walking towards the other boys. Rolling your eyes by his actions you walked back towards the girls with the paper, placing it on the table. ”How’s it going between you and Ash?” Kimi asked as you sat down, your eyes instantly widening, ”I have a feeling it was better before the confessions. It’s like I miss having to hate him every day and being enemies.” ”Is it that bad?” Adelaide asked, stopping her actions. ”Unfortunately.” You mumbled, looking down at your project with a sigh. ”Maybe you should go talk to him.” Hallie suggested, making you tear your eyes away from the table to look at her, ”Maybe I should.” You mumbled looking back at Ashton to see him already look at you but as you got eye contact he removed his gaze immediately.

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