Baby Series | Breastfeeding

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I've missed so much writing on this story daaaamn! 


"WE'VE SEEN IT ON FACEBOOK, IT'S 100% OFFICIAL NOW!" A mix of Ashton, Calum and Michael yelled in unison as they barked into the entrance of Luke and yours apartment and your eyes widened by the sudden sound of them. "I think I forgot to say that I invited them?" Luke said hesitating and looked at you with his mouth pressing back. "You did." You admitted and Luke grabbed a blanket on the other side of the couch to cover you more up so you weren't that bare in front of the boys and he removed his other arm from your shoulder to stand up and head towards the boys who now were in the middle of taking off their winter coats and shoes. "Man!" Calum said and swung an arm around Luke but his face expression changed dramatically when Luke placed his pointing finger in front of Calum's lips and shushed. "Oh my, is he sleeping?" Ashton asked worried, starting to feel guilty for making such noise when coming in. "No he's not, if he did I would have been so mad at you." Luke admitted and they all became quiet as they walked into the living room to see you sit in the couch with the blanket around you to cover your chest. "Oh, she's breastfeeding!" Michael said excited with a quiet voice to not disturb you. "Yeah, so we gotta be a little bit quiet so William can get peace to eat." Luke explained as they all took a seat down on the other couch, Luke sitting on the one you were sitting at. They made sure to greet you with kisses on the cheek before and Luke did the same when he took a seat next to you. "And yes, it's official now." Luke added, refereeing to the thing the boys had been talking about when they came inside, because you and Luke had recently put the relationship official on your Facebook profiles. The boys started to splutter with excitement but couldn't express it fully when Luke shushed on them again with wide eyes. It made you laugh out loud softly, shaking your head by their excitement and Luke rolled his eyes by them, kissing you on the cheek which made them shake around in the couch even more in happiness for you guys.


Calum's eyes squeezed tired in confusion as he tried to find the source of noise keeping on filling his ears, and he was in constant battle between being awake and being a sleep. The noise was getting louder and louder by every second and in the end he couldn't stand it anymore and he opened his eyes to see you with bloodshot eyes, trying desperately to do everything to make Alex stop crying but nothing seemed to work. "What's going on?" He asked confused and sat up on the bed immediately, looking behind him to see the time striking 2 am. "He won't stop crying and I feel like I've been trying to do everything." You said with a small hiccup and it made Calum run a hand through his hair before he moved closer to you and wrapped his arm around you. "Have you tried feeding him?" He asked through the cries and you nodded your head. "He wouldn't latch onto my nipple so I concluded it wasn't that. I checked his diaper too, nothing was wrong." You said with big disappointment and Calum furrowed his eyebrows. "Try the breastfeeding again. I'll help you out." He suggested and you looked at him for a few seconds before lifting your top and trying once again but he wouldn't latch. "We just gotta help him more." Calum said and moved your book carefully so Alex would get closer to it and to both yours and Calum's surprise, he latched onto it and silence filled the whole room. "Jesus Christ." You exclaimed with a quiet voice and rested your head against Calum's. "Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked and rubbed his hand up and down your arm. "You looked like someone who needed sleep. I couldn't get myself to wake you up." You admitted and looked up at him with tired eyes. "Listen if something's going on with Alexander and I apparently can't hear his cries, wake me up. I'm always here by your side to help you okay?" He said and you nodded your head agreeing and it made Calum press his lips to your forehead before you both stared down at him in peace.


"Oh my god how much can she eat?" Michael asked excited, moving his face closer to yours and pressing his cheek against yours. "I have no idea but it will get interrupted if you keep wiggling around." You warned and looked at him with wide eyes and he just laughed at you and pressed a kiss to your cheek. "I'm just very excited, sorry." He whispered and kissed your shoulder and leaned his chin on it. Michael was determined for you to breastfeed Celeste while resting between his legs on the couch with your back pressed against his chest. But Michael wanted to watch it from different angles which meant that he would shake the both of you and it was difficult for Celeste to latch her mouth to your nipple. "She's just a Clifford I can tell." He stated and looked down at Celeste with pure love in his eyes. "You don't say. She drooling and I feel like my nipple is about to fall off." You admitted and Michael giggled by you. "She's is just like her dad. I love it." He said and caressed your arm, he could feel you were starting to get tired because this had been lasting forever. "It can be a pain sometime you know. After this I have to feed my other Clifford in the house." You said and Michael shook his head at you. "I'll make dinner tonight, don't worry." He said and moved his lips up against the side of your head, placing a kiss right below your ear. "We just have to wait until Celeste is done because I know you'll rip off my head if I move one more time." He stated and you nodded your head agreeing, "But I don't think it'll be soon." He added when he looked down at her going at it and he giggled afterwards by her eating skills, totally copied from his personality.


It was in one fast movement that Ashton had raised himself from the bed by the small faint sound of whimpers coming from the left side of your bed. He hadn't been sleeping very well the last couples of days, trying just like you did to function and get the right sleeping rhythm with twins constantly waking up each two hours to be feed. He looked at you starting to whine as well in the bed, not opening your eyes but he knew you were awake when you moved around and stroke your arms in the air. Ashton turned on the lamp beside him and looked at his phone for a second to see the time, and as he expected the time wasn't more than 4am, just two hours ago you and he had been awake, breastfeeding Zack. Earlier it had been a chaos because having twins next to each other sleeping meant that one would wake the other and the other way around. "It's Cloe." Ashton said with a sigh and moved down to grab the little girl in his hand and she started to wiggle by the sudden movement. He shushed down at her and placed a small kiss to her forehead before he placed her in your embrace. He grabbed your pillow and hit it before placing it comfortable behind your back so you could sit with your back raised and his eyes focused back on Zack to make sure that he wouldn't wake up again. Lifting up Ashton's t shirt that you were wearing you grabbed the blanket next to you and secured it around Cloe so she was comfortable while you fed her. To make sure that you wouldn't have any interruptions, Ashton sat quiet and looked down at Zack to make sure he wouldn't wake up, letting his pointing finger caress his forehead. He did look back a few times and a warm smile would appear on his lips when he saw you calm resting against your pillow with clothes eyes and feeding your small daughter all bundled up in a pink blanket that matched her pajamas.

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