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Since it’s Autumn holiday in Denmark, I wanted to make an Autumn/Fall preference for yoooou guuuise


”Stop poking me.” You said, with more aggressiveness in your tone to make him stop, yet when you turned around to see Luke’s cheeky grin, his eyes daring as he watched you try to act off with and harsh attitude, yet as he stuck his tongue out at you, you couldn’t prevent the smile that was creeping on your lips. ”I’m not doing anything.” He smirked, turning around to collect the leaves again with the rake, watching you every third second as you watched him with crossed arms. ”Don’t judge me that hard.” He pouted, but you only laughed at him, lifting your leg to give his bum a light kick. ”Hey!” He yelled, looking back at you shocked. ”If I’m not allowed to poke your butt then you’re not allowed to kick mine.” He defended, throwing the rake in the grass. ”I can kick your butt anytime I want.” You smirked, crossing your arms. ”How about no.” He smiled, walking closer to you, looking down as he gave your forehead a kiss. ”You can smack my butt anytime.” He whispered, nodding his head. ”I know. You’re whipped.” ”Cocky today I see.” He mumbled, his eyes widening as he looked back at the pile of leaves he had made in the grass. ”I’m done by the way.” He announced, circling his arms so you could look at his masterpiece. ”Nice pile.” You smirked, admiring the big pile of red, brown yellow and orange leaves that was collected in a big pile. Luke wiggled his eyebrows at you before pulling you down by the waist, him landing on the pile first before you landed next to him, the both of you giggling as you looked up in the sky that was filled with clouds. “You know.” He smirked looking over at you. “If we made this big enough we could have sex in it.” His statement made your eyes go wide before they filled up with tears as you started to muffle your giggles but you couldn’t hold it in and soon the whole garden was filled with your laughter, your stomach starting to twitch in pain by the movement. ”What I was just trying to be seductive!” He defended, crossing his arms and huffing at you, ”I know, I know sweety, it’s just.. When you say it.. No sorry I just can’t take it serious.” You started to laugh again as you finished your sentence, making Luke grumble before he pushed you down in the leaves, swinging one leg over another as he leaned down just to brush your lips. ”I’m not kidding.” He whispered, the leaves starting to fly everywhere as the wind took its speed, making the pile smaller and smaller as Luke smiled down at you.


Calum stretched his arms as his eyes blinked a few times, getting used to the light as he took a look around in the bedroom. Grabbing his phone he noticed the time, being 3pm. He had slept more than what he had expected as a nap. Standing up from the bed he folded his clothes so it wasn’t crumbling before walking out and down the stairs, taking a look around the living room, yet there was no sight of you. ”Y/N?” He called out, but no answer. The feeling of wind going through the house made goose bumps appear on his body, making him notice the door to the garden standing open. Walking towards it, he noticed your small form sitting on a blanket with a book in your hands as you leaned with your back against a tree. He opened the door fully before taking some shoes on, walking down the porch and towards where you were. “Isn’t it cold?” He questioned as he took a seat beside you on the blanket, taking a look at your book. ”Not really. The scarf and sweater is enough for me to heat up.” You smiled as he leaned back against the tree, giving you a small smile. ”But why reading outside?” He asked, removing his gaze from you to look out in the garden. ”I really enjoy this kind of weather. It’s not too hot and it’s not too cold. It’s cuddly being in this outfit. And not to mention how pretty everything is in these brownish orange and red colors. And there are leaves everywhere.” ”I understand your point.” Calum nodded his head, taking a look at the smaller trees around the garden where most of the leaves had either turned from green to red, or was scattered around the dark green grass. He looked back at you, watching you as your eyes moved from left to right in fast motions, your mind reading the sentences in the book. He leaned his head on your shoulder, taking a look at the book again. ”What are you reading?” He asked, reading some of the words. ”Hunger Games. I know very original.” You laughed, giving his forehead a kiss. ”But like, haven’t you read those at least 3 times.” His comment made you laugh even more, putting your book paper on the page you were on, shutting the book and placing it in the grass beside you. ”I like reading them over and over. Just like you can play your bass more than 10 hours a day, and still not getting tired of it.” ”Well, that’s because I love it.” He shrugged, planting a kiss to your neck. ”And I love books.” You smiled, your neck starting to grow warm by the affection. ”Well, I don’t know about you, but this is cold as balls, I’ll go get a jacket.” He announced standing up from the grass. ”You want anything?” He asked, looking down at you. ”Warm chocolate would be nice.” You smiled, cocking your head. ”You got it.” He smiled before walking back into the house, turning his head to give you a slight wink.


The sky was covered with clouds, the wind leaving cold goose bumps as you and Michael were walking around hand in hand on the field of pumpkins, your eyes scanning every pumpkin in a search for the right one. “Over there!” You yelled, taking Michael by surprise before speeding towards a rather big pumpkin, taking the knife the cashier had given you for this kind of activity, starting to cut off the roots, “Y/N you can’t even carry that!” Michael exclaimed with a laugh, looking down at you watching you in a struggle. “But I want this.” You pouted, looking up at him as your hair was flying everywhere with the direction of the wind, goose bumps forming on the back of your neck as the coldness connected. “Fine.” He grumbled before reaching down against the will of his tight jeans, huffing out a breath before he lifted the pumpkin in his arms, giving you a glare for you to start walking again. But it didn’t took more than a few minutes before you noticed another pumpkin, smaller this time, yet just as determined to get it “Y/N you already have one.” He almost yelled out of breath, stopping up to take a deep exhale. “But this one is cute!” You exclaimed, bowing down to cut off the roots of the pumpkin, removing the now loose roots to grab the round orange in your arms, lifting it up from the ground. “We’ll have one each then.” You smiled, walking towards him, a small chuckle leaving your lips as you watched his head going read in a struggle. “Heavy?” You questioned as you walked back towards the outside cashier, Michael letting out a scoff as if you had said something ridiculous. “I can take it if you want then you could carry mine-” “Please Y/N how weak do you think I am.” He sucked in another breath as he spoke, giving you a slight wink as you gave him a glare in concern but a smile crept on your face as he showed his macho side, walking a little bit faster to get to the cashier first. “Going after the big pumpkins I see.” The woman behind the desk smiled as she scanned in the pumpkins, speaking a number afterwards. “What I don’t do for you.” Michael mumbled as he searched for his wallet, shaking his head at you. ”Come on, it’s going to be fun.” You pushed his shoulder with yours as he paid the lady, taking the smaller pumpkin in his arms afterwards. You gave him a gobsmocked glare as he stuck his tongue out at you. ”Fine. I’ll show you how a real woman does it.” You lifted your nose in the air as you wrapped your arms around the pumpkin, pulling it into your chest and lifted it. ”See.” You smirked as you guys started to walk back over to his car. ”I don’t even wanna know how much mess you’re going to make when you drop it.”


The garden rake was making crunching sounds as you dragged it against the leaves covered ground, Ashton holding your free hand through his that was covered with the navy blue sweater he was wearing, his curls flipping as you walked towards the biggest tree in your garden. “I doubt that I’ll get the chance to reach some of them.” He said as he motioned towards the spiny capsules hanging loosely on the branches. “That’s the reason why we brought the rake.” You laughed lifting it up to give it a show off. “Fine.” Ash laughed as he grabbed the rake out of your hands, standing on his toes as the both of you were now right under the tree, lifting it above his head before he took a grab on a branch, starting to pull it down. When he did 3-4 capsules felt down to the ground making you smile before you stamped on one of them, opening it and showing off the chestnut. “Yay.” You cheered before doing the same to the others, putting each chestnut down into the bag Ashton had carried and placed on the ground. “It’s funny how loose they are.” He mumbled as he pulled some more down, you collecting more and more. “It’s because we’re getting closer and closer to November.” You mumbled. “Some of them fall down by themselves as you can see.” You said referring around where chestnuts were hiding in the leaves. Ashton looked down by your words but just as he did, one of the capsules loosened from one of the branches, falling down from the tree and landing right on top of Ashton’s head. “Ow for fuck sake.” He cursed, making a laugh leave your lips even though you didn’t look up from the bag you were hovering over. ”Y/N, I’m not kidding I think I’m bleeding now.” He moaned making look up from what you were occupied with, knitting your eyebrows as you gave him a glare. “Drama queen.” You said, sticking your tongue out as you let go of the bag, raising your back so you could take a look at his forehead. “This looks deadly.” You warned with a smirk making him raise one eyebrow. “You have a tine tiny scratch from it. There’s barely any blood.” You informed letting your thumb run over the small mark. “Feels like it’s worse.” He grinned before he grabbed the back from the ground. “I wanna make you with these.” He laughed as you started to walk back towards your house, Ashton intertwining your fingers. “I wanna make a giraffe.” “How do we even put them together?” He asked looking down at you curiously. “With matchsticks. Don’t you have chestnuts in Australia?” You laughed, giving his shoulder a push with your own. “Of course we do! We just never you know, make figures out of them.” He shrugged, kissing the crown of your hairline before opened the door for you, letting you in first before he walked in as well.

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