"I am not flustered, I'm nauseous"

"Oh then I'm heading the right direction," he smirked making me go closer, inches away from his face. He straightened his posture bearing his eyes to my grey ones.

"You and I, oh wait, there's no you and I, let me make myself perfectly clear, I will never ever ever be with you, never. Okay?" The way he was looking at my lips then back to my eyes was exciting. Seriously, what drugs was I on? I mentally slapped myself.

"Playing hard to get? I love a good chase," he said eyeing my body swiftly. Honestly I did not think he was that type of guy but what annoyed me most was that I was loving every minute of it.

"Are we going to leave or are you just going to stand there drooling over something you can't have?" I eyed him while shifting my weight to my left leg. He paused for a moment to have a staring contest with me before opening the passenger door for me. I smiled sarcastically at him before opening the door to the back seat as I sat myself comfortably. I thought I heard him chuckle a bit before joining me in the car.

Ten minutes passed and I jokingly tapped on his head asking why we weren't moving.

"Funnily enough, I am supposed to take you to reunite with your brother but here's the thing, I have no idea where he lives," he said tapping on the steering wheel.

"You are not being funny," I said and he stayed still which made me think he was serious. "Don't you know where he works?" I watched as he shook his head and I shrugged in my seat.

"Are you kidding me?" I felt a wave of disappointment flood through my entire core. What a waste of my perfect grooming, I thought to myself as I admired the yellow strapless sundress with matching flats. When I finally met with Rafael, I wanted him to see how much his effort of taking care of me as a kid paid off. Besides, who wouldn't want to look good meeting with a family member they had not seen for twenty two years?

I leaned my hand against the window as I rubbed my temples. Meeting with my father yesterday was the best thing I ever did. I remember Damon dropping me off at a certain hotel he said to meet him at. I could not express the joy I felt when my arms embraced my father. We chatted the whole day as I explained my struggles and how I came to know Damon. He was beyond ecstatic right after he got through the phase of thinking that I was a ghost.

I remember him sharing the story of how they looked for me and how my brothers changed their identities in order to try and move on from the incident. He explained how they searched everywhere for me until they found a burnt body in the water which matched my height and gender. The body was too disfigured to identify so they just buried me and moved to different cities. I could tell that life had been kind to him after losing his daughter years ago. He then told me to look for Rafael in the identity of Blake and not to mention that we had met. I found it odd but said nothing about it. Right after dinner, he took me home and as promised, Damon fetched me in the morning.

"I have an idea. I might not know where he lives but what I know is that wherever he is Aramina follows," he said pulling out his phone.

"Who is Aramina?"

"My sister"

"Your sister? How does she live with a big headed prick like you?" I pierced.

"Easy, she doesn't, quite literally I might add," he tapped at his phone for a few seconds before adding, "I found her. Let's go meet your brother."

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