Chapter 1: Always and Forever

Start from the beginning

Elena held her head up and glared at him and said. "I got seduced i killed him i found out i was pregnant lucky fucking me. My life is just going so great right now." She was having a hard time comprehending it herself.

''We need your help with Marcel, or I kill Haley and Elena" Sophie knew that if Klaus didn't care Elijah sure would.

"Then they can both die" Klaus wasn't sure what was going on but by the look of it. Sophie was not telling them the entire truth.

"No Niklaus" Elijah knew that if this was true then this would mean something for the family.

"Help us with Marcel and they can both live to see another day" Sophie didn't want to hurt them but she would if she had too.

Klaus glared at her Sophie was really going to need to play her cards right if she wanted to survive. "You do know we are working on getting my little brother resurrected do you know what he will do to you"

"Elena doesn't care so why should I she contemplated abortion" Sophie knew that would get a reaction from all of them.

"You can go rot in hell" Elena spat. She wanted to leave so bad, but she wasn't going anywhere. She had contemplated getting an abortion but then she realized that this may be her one and only chance to have a family of her own. "I am stuck in this place otherwise i would already be gone. You witches always want something can't I just leave for goodness' sake."

"Your here cause Davina is your little sister, and we need your help getting to her" Sophie knew that Davina would do pretty much anything to help her older sister who was going to have a baby.

"Davina seriously no way not helping go rot in hell where you belong" Elena said. She wanted nothing to do with her little sister the people she cared about had the uncanny thing about getting hurt to help her. And she would not drag Davina into it.

"I wonder how Marcel is going to feel he hated Kol with a passion will he choose between his revenge of his little witch" Sophie knew Marcel would have a field day when he figured this out.

"I don't care ok i don't that girl may be my sister, but we don't talk we don't communicate she knows of a sister but doesn't know who and that's the way it needs to stay you're not putting any more of my family in danger you kidnapped me and if you don't let me go as soon as your unlinked from Hayley you won't see another day" Elena threatened and she was not kidding she was ready to rip her heart from her chest and feed it to the wolfs.

"So do you want to deal with us or her cause i trust you she'll be much worse" Elijah could tell that Elena was in a mood and she was this close to snapping.

"My sisters body and help me defeat Marcel and i won't hurt them" Sophie promised she just wanted this reign of terror to stop.


They had returned the body and the girls were now uncloaking everything in the house. And getting dust everywhere which made Elena sneeze. She could tell that no one had lived their in a long time.

Elijah walked in and looked at the girls. He knew that this was a lot for them."Are you two ok?"

"If you got something to say, just say it Elijah" Elena knew him well enough to know when something was wrong. He had something on his mind, and he was just beating around the bush.

"What about what she said was true" Elijah knew that some of what Sophie had said had to have some truth to it.

"I was going to have an abortion I'm 19 but then I realized that I won't ever be able to have kids so by some miracle i got pregnant and i decided to keep it I didn't want my kid in this family cause all y'all do is cause pain" Elena knew it sounded selfish and it was, but she was sticking with the truth. She knew that her baby being in this family her being a part of this family was going to cause a lot of pain for her.

"I will protect you two you have my word" Elijah knew that Elena didn't trust him, and he understood that she had a right not to.

Haley looked at Elena expecting her to say something. She knew that Elena had a past with all of the originals and that was something that she did not. So, she didn't know what she could trust and what she couldn't like Elena did. "Elena?"

Elena turned towards Elijah; she had heard it all before that he was going to protect her but it never really ended out that way. "I've heard that before you left me to die so go rot in hell" Elena smirked and vamped upstairs. Klaus had told her she could pick any room she wanted. She looked at the rooms and choose one in the corner she walked in and there was a bookshelf inside. All the books looked ancient.

Klaus knocked at her door making her turn around. He was surprised that the room that she had chosen happened to be Kol's old room. "This was Kol's room he was quite the reader tomorrow i want to show you something"

"Ok whatever" Elena shrugged. She hated that she had to stay here but she got that it was for her baby's safety. She always wanted to be a mom and she was now getting that chance. She wished that she could take it back killing him, but she knew that she couldn't. She had done it and that was that. She had actually liked him when she had been with him, but she put her brother above her feelings, and this was where she was now.

"Elena you're under our protection your safe" Klaus knew that she didn't trust any of them and he would not blame her for that. He had to earn her trust no matter how hard of a task that would be.

"And that makes me feel so much better. I'm only here because you are her uncles plain and simple that's it." Elena was lying but she knew that he couldn't tell. She only stayed to protect Hayley; she would not let her go through this alone. And she knew that her baby needed her family no matter how much she despised the idea. Her baby was going to need a father and she hoped that Klaus had not been lying about them trying to truly bring him back. She did wish that she knew the real him before she had killed him maybe she would have liked him. Maybe things could have been differnt right now.

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