"What? Champagne, you lost your job to your brother and I am co-head of the department back at my place of work. Daniels will gladly fill in for me as he likes being in charge all the time. So I'm sure he's beyond excited that I haven't been showing up to work lately.  Anyway my point is, we'll only be gone for a few days and will be back in no time; nothing will have changed," he said coughing the engine.

"Yeah well I guess you are right. We did not even have witnesses to the civil wedding we just had. I'm a bit bummed"

"You can't be serious Champagne. I mean, who would you have asked to be our witnesses? Is it your damned brother? Or is it your parents? You have trust issues with Alexis and I have trust issues with mine too"

"I do not have trust issues with Alexis! I just said that my father got her the job so in terms of professional input, she will be on my father's side seventy five percent of the time. Wow Blake, five minutes into marriage and we are already arguing," I said brushing loose strands of my hair off my face.

"We were not arguing. It was just two people having a difference in opinion-"

"Yeah with raised voices," I muttered as I tapped Luther's name on the screen to call him.

"Hello Luther..... Yeah?..... Okay.... Totally..... I will..... Give me ten," I said before ending the call.

"Drop me off at the hotel Elegance near Elm Street," I turned to Blake.

"I thought we were going to have lunch to celebrate our marriage and be husband and wife"

"We will. It's just that I haven't seen Luther in so long and I need to talk to him too. Don't worry, he won't know a thing about us," I said winking.

"Just always be careful around him okay?"

"When am I never?" I asked as i alighted from the vehicle and headed to the hotel's entrance.



I sat patiently waiting for Aramina as I heard the doorbell chime and she walked in. She looked elegant in her red dress that had an illusion of a ball gown with a little flair near the bottom. Well, I certainty was not used to her dressing like this.

"What's the occasion?" I asked after greeting her and offering her a seat opposite mine.

"What?" She seemed scared for a bit.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just wanted to try something new," she said clasping her hands together. I could not help but notice the magnificent diamond ring that covered her finger not forgetting the other that sealed it in at the top. I raised my brow and quickly masked it by gulping the cup of water already at the table. So my brother had finally made the move? Well father was not going to like this one bit.

"Tell me, what's up?" She innocently asked moving her hands quickly from the table before I could notice the rings but too bad; Oh baby girl I had noticed them the minute you walked in. I decided to keep my comments to myself not to compromise my position.

"I just wanted to apologize for not showing up to work for the past few days. I have had a terrible time since I came from Los Angeles. Joanne is brain dead and I signed the organ donation forms"

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