A day of fluff {The End}

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And we've reached the 100th chapter of this book~ Yaaaaay! Thank you for everyone who has been reading until now! I'm really happy! Really, thank you ww

Just a small note that I will be ending this book after this chapter. Thank you very much if you've read up till this point. It's just that I have realized the more I wrote in here, the sloppier and the worse my chapters did actually get.

And I thought that if this continued on, I would end up writing crappy things which would be just a disgrace and would end up being a waste of time or disappointment for everyone of you guys and this book. So I decided to end it before it could come to that point. Anyways, let's make the last chapter of this book a nice one, alright~?

Did I get you?? wwwww Did I kind of make you think I'd stop writing? www I am sorry I joked around a bit ww

This book will end though that was the truth.

I will just make a new oneshot/series book because this is getting full and I did realize that the quality of my chapters sunk... So! New start, new beginning! Trying to write better this time so you guys can still enjoy reading my stories! I... hope that you will read it? ww Anyways, this time for real, hope you enjoy~


Waking up (Evesou)
The sun was shining lightly through the window as a mushroom-haired male stirred slightly before opening his eyes, blinking several times to completely wake up.

His eyes soon met a mop of blond hair as he smiled softly when he registered that it was his lover who was still asleep.

He gently brushed the younger male's bangs away to get a better look at his face.

Eve didn't want to wake the other male up yet so he decided to just lay still and take the time to analyze the blond male's facial expressions.

Sou looked peaceful unlike the times when he would just hide his face behind his hands so that the mushroom-haired male wouldn't be able to look at him anymore.

It was adorable but the older male did think it was a shame that Sou always had to hide his face.

But because he didn't want to embarrass his boyfriend any further, he always let him as he only laughed lightly before changing the topic so that his lover could feel relaxed again.

This is why the mushroom-haired male liked waking up before the younger male though. Because if he did, he could admire and look at the younger male all he wanted.

And every day, he was being reminded of how lucky he was to be able wake up next to Sou every morning. "Mn... Eve-san?", a soft voice called out to Eve as the older male gave him a soft smile in response before leaning in and pressing his lips onto the younger ones for a short second before pulling away again.

"Good Morning, Sou-kun.", the older male said as the blond male gave him a smile before snuggling closer to the older male, burying his face into Eve's chest. "Can we stay like this for a bit longer?", Sou asked quietly as Eve smiled and hummed in response.

And so, they laid in each other's arms, enjoying the comfort and warmth as they were grateful to have been able to wake up together this morning as well.

Daily morning routine (Kashitsuki)
The light scent of tea was filling the air as a brunet put his apron on before he started to chop the vegetables which he had washed a minute ago.

He was humming along to a soft tune as he was doing so, tapping his foot along to the rhythm.

Soon the door opened as another brunet stepped inside, smiling upon the sight of his lover making breakfast. "Good Morning, Amatsuki-kun.", the older male greeted him as the younger male perked up after hearing his name and turned around for a bit. "Good Morning, Kashitaro-san!

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