Seven Days with you (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Soraru x Grim Reaper! Mafumafu
Fantasy AU

Ok, This isn't a fairytale au or the collab but I really want to publish this since I have written this in February and haven't gotten a chance to publish it yet so I'll do it now~ I hope you'll like it~

"So... you really don't want to do it?", the head of the Shinigami Realm asked a brunette who only nodded in response.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to do it as he is my best friend from the human world.

I'd hate to betray his trust.", he said as the other only sighed and nodded.

"You have been one of my best Shinigami's and were loyal for such a long time until now, Kashitaro. So if you really don't want to, I will just ask someone else then.

Just understand that this is an exception.", he said as the said brunette nodded as he kneeled down and put his hand on his chest.

"Thank you very much.", Kashitaro thanked him before he stood up and exited the room. The head of the Shinigami's only sighed before he called another Shinigami. A few moments later, he could hear someone knock as he told him to step inside. The door opened to reveal an albino walking in.

"Did you call me?", he asked as the old man nodded. "Yes. You see, there is someone who is close to his death so could you take care of him and watch over him until then?", he asked as the young Shinigami nodded.

"Y-yes. I don't have a human assigned to right now anyway, so I can do it.", he nodded as the man smiled fondly.

"That's good. Go to him right away then, Mafumafu.", he said as the albino nodded. "Where is the human and what is his name?", he asked as the man looked at the file before he answered. "It's a japanese boy this time.

Unfortunately for him, he is going to die next week. His name is Soraru.", the head of the Shinigami Realm answered as Mafumafu nodded. "I will be on my way then.", Mafumafu said and bowed before he exited the room.

Mafumafu headed to his room but because he didn't pay any attention to his surroundings, he bumped into someone as he muttered an apology. "It's fine. I'm sorry for not paying enough attention as well.", the male apologized and Mafumafu looked up to see that it was Kashitaro.

His friend, Amatsuki, always talked about him and how he wished he could meet him. It was a bit difficult for Amatsuki though as he was an angel and had to do his own duties as well.

And Kashitaro was busy as well so they couldn't really talk that often. "Ah, hello Kashitaro-san!", the younger male greeted as he bowed. "How are you?", the brunette asked.

"I'm doing fine. And if you are wondering how Amatsuki-kun is right now, he is probably searching for you because he had some free time.", Mafumafu explained as the older Shinigami only chuckled in slight amusement.

"Well, I'll go to him then. Are you free now? Do you want to come with me and search for him?", Kashitaro asked as the albino shook his head.

"I have to go and do some work right now. A human was assigned to me so I will return in a week.", Mafumafu explained as Kashitaro froze when he heard that. "That human... is he perhaps called Soraru?", Kashitaro asked as Mafumafu tilted his head confused.

"Yes? How did you know?", Mafumafu asked curiously as Kashitaro only shook his head. "No important reason. I will go now so good luck with your task.", Kashitaro told him as the younger male only nodded smiling.

"I will do my best! See you then!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he walked away. Kashitaro only watched how he walked away as his smile disappeared and a frown appeared instead.

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