The Years I thought about you Part 2 (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Vampire!Soraru x Mage!Mafumafu
Fantasy AU
Collabed with: Gaming_Crystal3099

It took a longer time for the new Mafumafu to be born. It happened 300 years later, and Soraru believed he had broken the curse after 100 hundred years of not seeing Mafumafu. He still lived in his house, despite it being the 21st century.

Mafumafu was 27 years old now. He had his favorite job in the world, which was singing. He never thought he'd make it this far in his life. However, he felt incomplete despite his happy life.

This feeling is what led him to a forest far away from his home. He decided to go on a walk in the forest a few miles away from the hotel he was staying at for tour. He followed his gut feeling and made his way through the forest, knowing that he was searching for something, but not knowing what.

Over the three hundred years, Soraru found out about the internet which gave him more entertainment. He now owned some electronic things and once in a while he would sing some songs. Most of his time was still spent in his garden though, where he was now as well.

Every once in a while he had to think of the albino, feeling the guilt coming back every time he did. After all, he was kind of at fault for not being able to save the other.

Today he was in his garden as well, as he was tending his flowers. Over the long time, he decided to make bigger space for his garden so he planted a lot of flowers. He decided to plant only white flowers as in his way to apologize to the albino. And now, he was watering some white roses, happy to see that they were growing healthily.

Mafumafu walked around and saw something in the distance. He walked over to it, somehow knowing it'd lead him to the thing he was looking for. As he gets closer he sees many flowers, but they were all white.

"Ooh~! Flowers!", Mafumafu says, picking one of the white flowers.

Soraru walked closer to Mafumafu without knowing that he was there and he was about to water the other flowers as well until he noticed the albino and he was so shocked this time that he let his watering can fall down.

Mafumafu's head whipped towards the sound of something falling and saw a really handsome male with blue hair. Mafumafu blushes and realizes he must be on private property.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize this was private property!", Mafumafu apologizes, his heart thumping loudly in his ears.

Soraru then snapped out of his thoughts as he picked the watering can up and shook his head. "It's fine. You didn't do it on purpose after all.", Soraru assured.

"These flowers are lovely, by the way. Did you plant them all on your own?" Mafumafu asks the male.

Soraru looked at the flowers as he nodding. "Yeah, I did. They are really beautiful, aren't they?", Soraru said smiling softly.

"Ah, my name is Mafumafu by the way!" MafuMafu introduces and bows at the male.

Soraru looked back at the albino before nodding. "My name is Soraru.", he introduced himself as well. This was just like all the times before when Soraru met the albino. Only that this time, he wanted to change fate. He thought about Mafumafu's words and the curse a lot in all these hundreds of years and someday he came to the conclusion what he could maybe do to end this cruel curse of Mafumafu.

"I don't know if you have time now but would you maybe like to have some tea with me sometime?", Soraru asked the albino.

"Oh! I'm free right now! Unfortunately, I'm leaving tomorrow morning on a plane back home, but we can exchange phone numbers afterwords to talk! If you want to that is..." Mafumafu tells him sheepishly.

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