Happiness (Soramafu & Urasaka)

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Pairing: Soraru x Mafumafu (Main pairing), Urata x Sakata (Side pairing)
Genre: Slighty Psychological

High School AU
I got inspired to write this because of a song and I decided that I wanted to write sth cause of this UwU Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy~ I will come back to the other series again after this oneshot I'm sorry www


"Hey, let's go on a double date!", a redhead suggested as his other friends only looked at him in disbelief. "Are you serious? Don't you have to study for your exam cause you failed it? We have no time for something as stupid as dates, Sakata!", a brunet shouted annoyed as he hit the younger male with his math book.

"Ehhh? Why not?", Sakata whined which only earned him another smack on the head.

"Urata-san is so mean! Mafudon! Soraru-san! Help me!", he shouted, looking at the albino and raven-haired male who didn't really pay any attention to him. "Ah, sorry, Sakatan. Me and Soraru-san have to work on our part-time job today.", Mafumafu apologized as he gave the red-haired male an apologetic smile.

"Ehh? Again?", the red-haired male asked as he looked at them in disbelief.

"You guys have been working on that job for almost every week!", Sakata complained. "Well unlike you, they actually do something with their lives.", Urata said which caused the younger male to gasp before the two of them started their usual bickering again.

Soraru, who had been looking on his phone this entire time, sighed before he stood up with his bag slung over his shoulder.

"Mafu, we have to go now before we come too late.", Soraru told him as the albino nodded and quickly stood up, putting his bag over his shoulder as well. "We will be going then. See you two tomorrow.", Mafumafu told them with a smile. Soraru only muttered a quick goodbye as well before the two of them left, leaving Urata and Sakata behind.

There was a short silence before the redhead spoke up. "They're always so busy... We can't even hang out that much anymore...", the red-haired male said as he looked down and Urata could basically see the dog ears of the younger male drooping.

Seeing that made the older male sigh as he flicked the younger male's forehead.

"Owie! What was that for, Urata-san?", Sakata asked as he held the spot where the brunet had just flicked him.

"Stop whining! How about this? I don't wanna do this but it can't be helped... I will help you with your studies and you focus! And if we finish early, we can play games or hang out or whatever, alright?", Urata suggested and as soon as he did, Sakata had already thrown himself into the older male's arms. "Thank you, Urata-san! You're the best!", Sakata exclaimed.

"Ok, I get it! Now get off me!", Urata demanded which was ignored by the younger male.

In the end, he just sighed as he let the red-haired male hug him, smiling slightly as he knew that the younger male wouldn't be able to see him.

And even with all the complaining about studying, Urata knew that as long as the two of them could be together, they would be happy.


"Welcome back, Soraru-sama and Mafumafu-sama. Please follow me to your room. As always, your payment will be handed over to you by the end of the day.", a woman said as she walked ahead with both the albino and the raven-haired male following her down the white hallways.

They walked past the glass walls which showed what people were doing inside as neither of them felt any interest in that though and just followed the woman, ignoring the people talking to each other. They soon arrived at the first door as the woman stopped motioning for Soraru to go inside.

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