Seven Days with you Part 2 (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Soraru x Grim Reaper! Mafumafu
Fantasy AU
I know I said I was working on the No Game no Life AU ww I'm working on it www Just... I noticed that I already finished part 2 so here you go!

Day 1
"Soraru-san, where are we going?", Mafumafu asked confused as Soraru looked at his phone for a few more seconds before he continued walking. "We are going to someone who is kind of like a friend to me. He is nice enough so we can sleep one night at his place before going to the next place. I want to make a rough plan of where to go anyway.", Soraru explained as Mafumafu nodded.

They soon arrived at a house where Soraru knocked two times before the door opened revealing a light-haired male. The taller male was surprised as he looked at the ravenette confused.

"Soraru-san? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?", he asked as Soraru nodded. "Yeah, but some things happened so I'm out for a while.

Would you mind if I sleep over for this night, Luz?", Soraru asked as the light-haired male nodded before stepping aside to let the older male in. "This is a pleasant surprise though.", Luz said as he walked to the kitchen to make Soraru and himself some tea.

"Yeah, we haven't seen each other for a few months now I guess.", Soraru said as Luz came back with the tea handing some to Soraru. "Yes... And I am sorry for not visiting that often. I—".

"No, I get it. You were really busy. I can't expect you to come and visit so often when you have your own life as well. And it's not like I was completely alone anyway so it's fine.", Soraru assured the younger male who still looked guilty.

"Hey, don't look like that. I am here now, aren't I? And you are letting me stay over for tonight so I should be thankful.", Soraru said as he ruffled the other's hair. Luz only sat there as he let his hair be ruffled. "Now that you're out of the hospital, you can finally sing again, right? I can't wait to hear to you singing a song!", Luz exclaimed cheerfully as Soraru's expression darkened a bit and Mafumafu looked at the ravenette confused.

"...Sure. If my throat gets better by the end of this week, I will sing something for you.", Soraru told the other and Mafumafu knew that was going to be impossible because by that time, the ravenette would have passed away already. Luz didn't know that though as he only nodded happily.

"You must be tired then! We can sleep on my bed together!", Luz exclaimed and Mafumafu felt his heart clench a bit when he heard that. For some reason, he didn't like that idea at all.

Soraru didn't really seem to like that as well as he only sighed. "Luz, we talked about this before already. I won't sleep on a bed with you. Are you like this to everyone?", Soraru asked as Luz tilted his head.

"I mean, we are friends so it should be fine, right? I can sleep on the couch as well if—". "No, you are going to sleep in your bed and I will sleep on the couch. No arguments.", Soraru said and the tone in his voice made Luz know that the ravenette meant it as he just sighed.

"Fine... would you mind singing me a lullaby then? Or does your throat still hurt too much because you just got discharged?", Luz asked and Soraru was about to decline singing him something before Luz spoke up again.

"Because if so, I can wait until next week like you told me to! As long as I get to hear you sing again!", Luz exclaimed happily and Soraru stayed silent for a while before nodding. "Get in your bed. I will sing you one song.", Soraru said as Luz's face brightened up immediately.

He nodded as he walked to his bed and laid down and Soraru pulled a chair close to him. "So? Any song you want me to sing? Or should I choose something?", Soraru asked and Luz thought about it before smiling.

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