No matter what you are Part 5 (Soramafu & Naruluz)

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Pairings: Soraru x Mafumafu, Nqrse x Luz

Monster AU
We are slowly reaching one hundred chapters in this book ww Soon it will reach that point huh ww Soon it's time... Well anyways, this is the last part of these short series~ Thank you very much for reading this in advance if you do read it!


Being in a contract with an incubus like Nqrse was exhausting. This is something Luz had learned after the first few days after they had made a contract.

The pink-haired male would always pull him along to go somewhere and stuck even closer to him than before.

He would ask the older male to accompany him to the city so often and gave him some blood in exchange.

Luz always tried to decline as he only needed a bit of blood to survive as he was half human as well. But Nqrse always insisted on giving him his blood, looking worried and always saying that the older male would die if he didn't get enough blood.

Honestly, Luz wanted to go back to just transferring the blood through his veins really. It's

not because he liked getting it transferred like that don't get him wrong. He hated it every time Kuro would come over to his room with the blood bags and needles in hands.

But he decided that he had to endure it as he didn't want to make a contract and wasn't allowed to drink people's blood. Not like he would want to anyway. After all, his mother had taught him to never force people to do anything they didn't want to.

In the end, the light-haired vampire didn't even understand himself for accepting the younger male's offer. After drinking Nqrse's blood for the first time, the light-haired male immediately regretted accepting his offer.

Because he hated himself for loving the taste of the pink-haired male's blood, remembering the painful sweetness which made him crave for more. And the worst part out of all of it...


"Alright... the contract is complete.", Luz informed the younger male who hummed in response. "Okay~ Do you wanna have some blood now?", Nqrse asked as the light-haired male looked at him surprised.

"Eh? Are you sure?", the older male asked him, looking at him unsure while the pink-haired male only chuckled as he nodded in response.

"Of course~! Why else would I have asked you?", Nqrse asked before he brushed his hair aside and shifted his uniform for a bit so that the older male could do it easier.

The light-haired vampire hesitated for a second before he nodded a bit. "A-alright... Thank you... Tell me if it hurts too much.", Luz told him as he approached the younger male, getting closer until he stood right on front of the pink-haired male.

"Got it!", Nqrse said as the light-haired male looked at the younger male unsure for one more second before slowly lowering his head, sinking his teeth into the pink-haired male's neck who flinched but didn't push him away.

In fact, the younger male only pulled him closer which surprised the taller male.

When Luz felt the blood rushing down his throat, he could feel his heart pounding faster as he suddenly felt the hunger which he had suppressed for all these years, come all at once.

He greedily drank the blood that was given to him, not stopping and not noticing how he lost all of his self control. Only when he felt the other male gasping for air as he called out the older male's name weakly.

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