I thought about dying because (Soramafu)

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Pairing: Soraru x Mafumafu
Genre: Angst

I haven't proofread this yet but I still decided to put this out before going to sleep~ Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this! Good night~

"Seeing that Mafumafu was growing even more popular every day, Soraru realized that he wasn't needed anymore."

"So-ra-ru-san~", an albino exclaimed as he threw himself onto a ravenette. "What is it, Mafu?", Soraru asked annoyed as the younger male only giggled at the older's attitude. "Let's go to a cafe to discuss the next AtR song today!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male thought about it before sighing and nodding.

"I guess we can do that. Let me pack my things and then we can go.", Soraru said, giving in to his friend's wishes. Mafumafu only cheered before he jumped up and down waiting for the ravenette to finish. "Let's go.", Soraru merely said as he swung his bag over his shoulder as Mafumafu did so as well before he followed the older male.

Once they arrived at the cafe, they sat down in the back corner where they could talk to each other in peace. "So I think that we should make this song go more into this kind of direction.", Mafumafu started as he explained Soraru about the image he had in mind for the song.

"Hm... yeah, let's go with that.", Soraru agreed after listening to it making the albino's face brighten up in delight when the ravenette agreed to him. "Great! I'll work on the song and send you the audio after I'm done then!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male only hummed in response. The younger male started talking cheerfully about how the song could be while Soraru only listened to him.

Whenever he was with Mafumafu, he couldn't help but think that the albino was truly talented. Not only did he have a unique voice which would draw many people in but he could also compose his own songs, pouring all of his emotions into them.

With his unique voice, composing skills, adorable appearance and incredible character, it was no surprise for Mafumafu to be the number one Utaite in japan.

In Soraru's eyes, Mafumafu was the most incredible and perfect human being in this rotten world. Even if Mafumafu had a terrible past which all of his fans knew about. Even if Mafumafu had his insecurities about people disliking his music or himself.

Soraru still thought of Mafumafu as the most beautiful thing in the world.

And he decided to be there for Mafumafu as long as he was needed.


A soft music starting ringing throughout the room as Soraru slightly stirred before waking up confused to see that someone was calling him right now. He picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID to see that it was Mafumafu. Confused and worried, he picked his phone up.

"Mafu? Is something wrong?", Soraru asked trying to wake up completely. "S-soraru-san... Sorry for calling you now b-but—", Mafumafu stopped talking as he hiccuped trying to calm his sobbing down to talk again.

"I— C-can you— *hic*". "It's ok, Mafu. I'll be there soon.", Soraru said as Mafumafu only hummed before Soraru quickly hung up before getting out of his bed and quickly putting on some shoes before heading out, not even bothering to change his clothes.

He rushed towards the albino's apartment which was fortunately really close to his apartment.

As soon as he arrived, he took the spare keys out that he got from Mafumafu some time ago, not even bothering to knock as he opened the door and stepped inside.

He took his shoes off as he walked straight into the albino's bedroom where the younger male was sitting on his bed, hugging his knees.

Mafumafu looked up as soon as he heard the door opening and Soraru walked over to him quickly, so the albino didn't have to run over to him, as he opened his arms.

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